WHY SHOULD YOU BE ATTENDING THIS COURSE ? As a medical professional, you would have been exposed to patients and have tried their best to help them You may be doing a lot of good saving lives especially in emergency situations by giving life support and administering powerful drugs that can physiologically alter the patient’s pathology and force it to function better Dr Suriyakhatun Osman 2
WHY SHOULD YOU BE ATTENDING THIS COURSE ? In helping patients you may have noticed that for the most part, in chronic diseases, symptoms are palliated and not cured You may have come across iatrogenic diseases caused by drugs In the end, you might wish there was some way you could bridge the gap in what you could do to help the patient Dr Suriyakhatun Osman 3
COMPARING MODERN MEDICINE WITH HOMEOPATHY ItemConventionalHomeopathy Philosophy Allopathy, a term developed by Samuel Hahnemann, describes therapeutics that uses opposites to remove symptoms of disease (Goldman, 2004). Symptoms are treated with remedies that stop the symptoms altogether. For example, taking Tylenol to relieve a fever or a headache, where the acetaminophen acts as an agent fighting against the fever or the headache. Homeopathy uses the Law of Similars when treating symptoms, and believes there is only one disease, the disturbance of the vital force (Goldman, 2004). The Law of Similars is the belief that like cures like (“Basics of Homeopathy”, n.d.). For example, a fever would be treated with a remedy that would induce a fever in a healthy person. The principle behind this belief is that the remedy would “stimulate the vital force into action in order for a cure to occur” (Goldman, 2004 ). Dr Suriyakhatun Osman 4
COMPARING MODERN MEDICINE WITH HOMEOPATHY Dose Allopathy usually uses physiologically active doses of medicine to treat disease and illness,, the more severe the illness or disease, the higher dosage of medicine is used to treat it Homeopathy uses minimum dosing Homeopathy uses minimum doses to treat symptoms of illnesses and disease to stimulate healing. Number of drugs that it is sometimes necessary to use multiple drugs to combat the illness or disease and one drug for each symptom One single drug covers many symptoms. This may not be the case in some forms of homeopathy for example homotoxicology of Dr Reckeweg. Dr Suriyakhatun Osman 5
COMPARING MODERN MEDICINE WITH HOMEOPATHY Mechanism of Action Concentrates on combating the illness or disease by trying to kill the agent causing the symptoms or suppressing the symptoms all together, practitioners often prescribe multiple remedies to suppress the symptoms and to kill the agent In Homeopathic theory, to trigger the vital force into healing the condition, only one remedy at a time is sufficient. What is treated Treat the illness, disease, or symptoms. For example, for high blood pressure, the patient is prescribed a type of blood pressure medication Treat the person with the Illness Homeopathy individualizes the remedy based on the individual needs of the person that needs treatment (Goldman, 2004). Dr Suriyakhatun Osman 6
COMPARING MODERN MEDICINE WITH HOMEOPATHY Summary Allopathy treats illness and disease by fighting against the disease or symptom with multiple drugs, maximum dosing, and general prescribing. Because Allopathy believes there are multiple diseases and illnesses, it continues to believe that multiple remedies are necessary for curing multiple diseases and illnesses. Homeopathy treats a person with one remedy at a time, minimum dosing, and individualized remedy to help the person heal himself. Dr Suriyakhatun Osman 7
HOW YOU CAN INTEGRATE YOUR HOMEOPATHIC KNOWLEDGE INTO GENERAL PRACTICE Introduce homeopathic medicine to those suffering from allergic diseases and asthma where it will mitigate the symptoms and may finally cure Use homeopathic trauma medicine for falls and bruises as well as shock and CVAs while waiting for surgical/drug intervention Alleviate the effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy in cancer patients while supporting the body with homeopathic medicine that increase the body’s healing powers Use homeopathic medicine for emotional problems like anxiety, grief and panic attacks Dr Suriyakhatun Osman 8
HOW YOU CAN INTEGRATE YOUR HOMEOPATHIC KNOWLEDGE INTO GENERAL PRACTICE Use homeopathic medicine when it is not safe to use conventional drugs for example in babies or in adults who are allergic to many drugs Use homeopathic medicine when the conventional medicine has failed to resolve the problem eg recurrent boils that have been treated many times with antibiotics Exposure to certain agents cause allergies in patients and these can be treated by giving them the isopathic version of the allergen. Homeopathic medicine can help mitigate withdrawal reactions in addicts, including cigarette smokers Dr Suriyakhatun Osman 9
MORE INFORMATION AND CONTACT DETAILS Dr Suriyakhatun Osman is a member of the Faculty of Homeopathy (UK) and a member of the British Homeopathic Association. She has been entrusted to facilitate medical professionals to pass the LFHom exam which is the basic requirement to take the MFHom exam and qualify as a medical homeopath This is the only such course in Malaysia She can be reached at Or facebook page suriya.osman