Genetically Modified Foods
Introduction What is it Genetic modification is the altering of a species genome to produce a desired result. This can be achieved in two ways: Selective breeding - Only breed organisms with desired traits. Long drawn process Genetic Engineering - Direct manipulation of genes. Extraction of desired gene from any organism and insertion into desired organism When did it begin Ancient times Questions - what is your position on GMO? In support of?
Benefits Take less time to mature More weather, pest and disease resistant - Reduced pesticide use Can be engineered to have more nutrients
Costs loss of biodiversity - GM plants outcompete natural plants Creation of superweeds - Cross pollination of GM weeds with similar wild species - Herbicide tolerance passed to other plants EX Herbicide resistant GM Oilseed Rape - crossed with similar plant species and gave them herbicide tolerance. ? it better to engineer plants to be inherently more immune to pests or to use natural crops and have to use pesticides.
Examples Round up Ready Some round up ready crops include Corn Canola Soybeans Roundup - Toxicity Class 3 according to EPA Any examples that you know of? Are they positive or negative? ybeans.asp
Examples Canola Bred from a poisonous plant called Rapeseed GM to be herbicide resistant Canola is one of Canada’s most valued crops ? Do you feel comfortable consuming Canola Oil?
Examples – Golden Rice rice with increased iron and vitamins that may alleviate chronic malnutrition in Asian countries, and a variety of plants able to survive weather extremes. Golden Rice - Rice fortified with Vit A to prevent blindness in Africa and Asia Social Issues Research center
BT Maize Corn engineered to produce a toxin that kills certain boring insects ? What kind of effect might this have on us and our ecosystems
GMO in Africa ? See any advantages GMO might offer Africa or developing countries ? Pros Draught resistant crops Able to produce own food Cons - Reduced market size - europe does not purchase GMF GM crops might impact flaura and fauna
Controversy South Africa + Zambia – Drought – starvation – but would accept GM food from donors. Health Concerns Other countries only accept milled GM grain – environmental concerns? ? Is it right for the government to let people starve rather than to accept GM food aid food2.htm food2.htm
Genetic Modified food Policy
Food Labelling No GM labels in Canada or US - How do you feel about not knowing whether the food you eat is genetically modified.?
Conclusion Has your position on GM food changed?