PAPER for the love of
WHAT IS IT? HOW DO I DO IT? WHERE CAN I USE IT? WHO CAN HELP ME? Digital Fabrication Need paper cut out graphic!! Use as watermark.
VIDEO: Tangible Learning in the 21 st Century Tangible Learning in the 21 st Century By Shaunna Smith 4:25 length
THINK OUTSIDE OF THE BOX As educators, we encourage our students to dream big and
S.T.E.M. Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics
MATERIALS What do I need? ComputerSoftwareHardwareConsumable Materials
PROCESS Digital Fabrication
THINK IT It all begins with an idea.
DIGITIZE IT Digital creation of ideas and concepts. Silhouette software Adobe Illustrator Canon Creative Park Robert Sabuda’s Simple Pop-ups You Can Make Aspex FabLab ModelMaker
PRINT & CUT IT Making the idea tangible.
BUILD IT 2D idea becomes 3D reality.
WEB 2.0 TOOLS other software options Aviary RavenAviary Raven (2D) Google SketchupGoogle Sketchup (3D)
VIDEO: Downloads You Can Touch: SketchUp and 3D Printing the Disney Concert Hall Downloads You Can Touch: SketchUp and 3D Printing the Disney Concert Hall By Sweet Onion Creations 2:23 length
SO WHAT? So how does this apply to me? Why should I care about digital fabrication?
VIDEO: The Classroom Fabrication Laboratory The Classroom Fabrication Laboratory By Willy Kjellstrom 4:25 length
SCIENCE educational examples Simple machines 3D sculpture 2D static cling anatomy overlays Pop-up cards and books
MATHEMATICS educational examples Tessellations Platonic solids Architecture Pop-up cards and books
SOCIAL EDUCATION educational examples Globe Dioramas Puzzles Architecture: place & time Pop-up cards and books
LANGUAGE ARTS educational examples Diorama Vocabulary development Sequence of events Pop-up cards and books
21 ST CENTURY CAREERS Digital fabrication & Architecture Art Rapid Prototyping
VIDEO: Architectural Model 'Design Your Dwelling’ Architectural Model 'Design Your Dwelling’ By Sweet Onion Creations 3:56 length
VIDEO: Organ Printing Organ Printing Featuring Dr. Gabor Forgacs 3:31 length
TRAINING considerations Professional development Pedagogy linked to content Follow-up training Collaboration
- Gorder "Technology integration is not about the availability of technology, but more the teacher's effective use of technology that makes a difference in REFORMING THE CLASSROOM”.
HARDWARE considerations QuicKutz Silhouette = $ QuicKutz Silhouette SD = $
SOFTWARE considerations QuicKutz Silhouette Design Portfolio = $69.99 Adobe Illustrator = $200 (single user) Aspex FabLab ModelMaker = $82 (single user) Aviary Raven = free, web-based Google SketchUp = free, download to computer
CONSUMABLE MATERIALS considerations Replacement mats = $30 (2 pack) Replacement blade = $10 Paper/Cardstock = vary Vinyl = $1 per sheet
FUNDING considerations School District STEM initiatives $250 educator tax write off
RESOURCES support & websites University of Virginia: Dr. Glen Bull University of Houston: Shaunna Smith & Dr. Bernard Robin
COLLABORATE NING The FabLabs NING A space for those tinkering with FabLabs.
- Rage Against the Machine, Guerilla Radio “It has to start somewhere. It has to start sometime. What better place than HERE? What better time than NOW?”