Horticulture 2 Foliage Plant ID week 2
Spathiphyllum ‘Peace Lily’ House plant Low light Requires nitrogen
Tradescantia zebrina Purple wandering jew Houseplant or annual (not hardy) Purple and green Fast growing Great hanging basket Easy to propagate
Syngonium podophyllum Nephthytis or Arrowhead plant Indoor houseplant Requires low light Leaves are shaped like arrowheads Green with variegation
Dieffenbacia maculata Dumbcane Indoor houseplant Variegated leaves Poisonous Instead of stem, Dieffenbacia has a cane that can be used to propagate.
Anthurium Indoor houseplant Has red or pink blooms that are similar to a peace lily. Requires medium light levels.
Schefflera actinophylla Schefflera Indoor tree Leaves are in a Whorled pattern. Does not flower. May be variegated.
Aglaonema Called “Chinese Evergreen” Foliage plant native to Asian swamps Narrow, ovate (oval) leaves
Sprengeri Fern Asparagus Fern arching branches with feathery, needle- like, stems Not a fern, but is related to asparagus Tiny white flowers then Red berries
Asparagus setaceus Plume Asparagus Fern Grown as a foliage plant Feathery, flat branches Not really a fern, makes Small black berries (fruit) Following tiny white flowers Has sharp spines that are Not visible but will hurt