Curriculum Components on Patient Safety University of Florida College of Nursing
Hallmarks of Quality and Patient Safety in Baccalaureate Nursing Education Critical Thinking Recognize quality and patient safety as complex issues that involve all health care providers and systems. Apply research-based/evidence-based knowledge from nursing and the sciences as the basis for practice. Employ data to investigate quality and safety issues and develop action plans for improvement.
Health Care Systems and Policy Provide nursing care that contributes to safe and high quality patient outcomes.
Ethics Take action to prevent or limit unsafe or unethical health and nursing care practices by others. Advocate for health care that is sensitive to the needs of patients, with particular emphasis on the needs of vulnerable populations. Negotiate and advocate for high quality and safe patient care as a member of the interdisciplinary health care team.
Patient Safety & Quality Sample Web Sites Utilized for Patient Safety Information
3000 Coursework Samples NUR 3026C: Essentials of Professional Nursing NUR 3225L: Clinical Nursing: Adult Health Care Application NUR 3555L: Clinical Nursing: Child Health Care Application
Essentials of Professional Nursing Course Description This course provides theoretical knowledge and emphasizes psychomotor skills necessary to provide nursing interventions. Focus is on the provision of safe and effective nursing care to diverse populations.
COURSE OBJECTIVESUpon completion of this course, the student will be able to: Apply principles of safety when providing care.
Clinical Nursing: Adult Health Care Application Course Description This course provides the student with clinical experiences in the care of adult and elderly clients in the context of their family, community and environmental systems. Emphasis is on the application of the nursing process, beginning with the care of one adult or elderly client and progressing to the management for two to three clients. …. A focus is also on the effective use of communication techniques, collaborative work with health care team and understanding diversity.
COURSE OBJECTIVESUpon completion of this course the student will be able to: Use the nursing process as a collaborative member of the health care management team to implement a safe holistic plan of health care with 2-3 adult and elderly clients and their families Provide health care to adult and elderly clients and their families that is in line with legal and ethical standards. Collaborate with interdisciplinary health care team members, community resources and families to deliver quality health care to adults and elderly clients. Demonstrate personal responsibility for accountable nursing practice & professional growth
Samples of Patient Safety Information Presented/ Practiced
University of Florida College of Nursing NUR 3026C Week 8 Performance Exam Injections: Students will check off individually and have 10 minutes to perform ONE of the injection procedures (either SQ or IM listed below) selected at random by the faculty. ALL students prior to each check off section: Verifies correct patient identification Introduction to the patient Washes hands (may verbalize) Inquires about history of allergies Insulin SQ Injection Administration with mixed insulin: verifies order prior to administration demonstrates sheath use (if syringe has sheath) verbalizes the 5 rights chooses correct site for administration (faculty choice) chooses correct syringe Dons clean gloves correctly prepares vial correctly cleanses site (circular motion from center) adds correct amount of air to both vials (NPH vial first) correctly administers injection withdraws correct amount of regular insulin first correctly disposes sharps and contaminated material withdraws correct amount of NPH insulin second verbalizes the need to wash hands (does not contaminate NPH vial) correctly documents injection admin. on MAR demonstrates safe recap Needs to retake YES NO *Drawing up incorrect dose = automatic check off failure *Injecting incorrect site = automatic check off failure *Recapping used needle = automatic check off failure Supervised by___________________________________ Date:_____________
NUR 3026C & NUR 3218L Lab & Clinical Skills Record Student Name: _______________________________________________ WKSKILL Basic Skills (NUR 3026C) LAB DEMO and/or PRACTICE CLINICAL APPLICATION DATEINITIALSDATEINITIALS 1Hand washing 1Applying PPE (standard precautions)
NUR 3206 BLUEPRINT for Exam #1 Summer 2008 TOPICQUESTIONS Week #1 content General information on hospitalized patients Admission & discharge considerations Risk for infection Standard precautions & transmission based PPE Handwashing Medical asepsis Oxygen saturation 14 questions Week #2 content Promoting safety & mobility Patient falls & prevention Occupational injuries of nurses Safe patient handling Positioning of patients Use & care of restraints Seizure precautions 19 questions
Clinical Nursing: Child Health Care Application Course Description This course provides the student with a variety of clinical experiences in the care of children and families within the community and health care system. Emphasis is placed on the application of the nursing process utilizing critical thinking methods, research and a holistic plan of care for children and families from diverse cultures and environments. The focus is on the implementation of interventions and communication techniques appropriate to the physical growth and developmental stage of the child
COURSE OBJECTIVES Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to: Apply critical thinking to question assumptions, set priorities, problem solve options and evaluate outcomes in the health care management of children and their families. Provide responsible nursing care to children according to the legal and ethical guidelines of professional nursing. Apply nursing care management strategies to promote responsible care to children and families.
4000 Coursework Samples NUR 4635L: Clinical Nursing Community Health Care Application NUR 4945L: Clinical Nursing: Practicum
Clinical Nursing: Community Health Care Application Course Description This course provides the student with clinical experience with individuals, families and aggregates within a community. Emphasis is on use of theory and research as a basis for development of critical thinking in the application of the nursing process and case management strategies for individuals, families, and aggregates.
COURSE OBJECTIVES Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to: Utilize effective communication techniques in collaborative relationships with clients, community, resources, peers/colleagues, and other professionals to deliver quality health care to clients from diverse cultures in community systems. Utilize the legal and ethical guidelines of professional nursing to promote safe, accountable, and responsible professional nursing care in the context of the community health nursing role.
Clinical Nursing: Practicum Course Description The purpose of this course is to provide the student with opportunities to integrate leadership and management behaviors in the application of the nursing process with selected client populations. Emphasis is on developing increasing responsibility for the provision of comprehensive nursing care to culturally diverse client groups. The course focuses on meeting clients' health care needs and on a transition from student to professional member of a collaborative health care team.
COURSE OBJECTIVES Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to: Utilize legal and ethical guidelines to provide safe, accountable, and responsible professional nursing care. Apply leadership and management principles to ensure efficiency, quality, and continuity in health care delivery.
Jumping Into NCLEX! (National Council Licensure Exam) Presented during the simulated lab presentations fall/ spring semester of the junior year.
A client has an impairment of cranial nerve II. Specific to this impairment, the nurse would plan to do which of the following to ensure client safety? A.Provide a clear path for ambulation without obstacles B.Test the temperature of the shower water C.Speak loudly to the client D.Check the temperature of the food on the dietary tray
A nurse has just obtained a unit of blood from the blood bank to transfuse to a client. While preparing the blood for transfusion, the nurse plans to look for which of the following members of the health care team to assist in checking the unit of blood? A.Blood bank technician B.Registered Nurse (RN) C.Medical student D.Phlebotomist