powerpoint presentation designed by claro ruiz vicente Adult Sabbath School Lessons Jul Aug Sept 2008 Adult Sabbath School Lessons Jul Aug Sept 2008
Gary Krause Principal Contributor Gary Krause Principal Contributor
God’s Great Missionaries Contents 1. For Such a Time As This: The Apostle Paul 2. “All Things to All Men”: Paul Preaches to the World 3. John the Baptist: Preparing the Way for Jesus 4. The Son of God Among Us 5. Matthew 10: Jesus and His Disciples 6. The Compassionate Savior 7. The Apostle John 8. From Folly to Faith: The Apostle Peter 9. A Pillar of Mission: The Apostle Peter 10. Woman of Mission 11. Mission in a Pagan Land: Daniel and Company 12. Gifted for Service: Philip 13. “Here Am I! Send Me”: The Prophet Isaiah 1. For Such a Time As This: The Apostle Paul 2. “All Things to All Men”: Paul Preaches to the World 3. John the Baptist: Preparing the Way for Jesus 4. The Son of God Among Us 5. Matthew 10: Jesus and His Disciples 6. The Compassionate Savior 7. The Apostle John 8. From Folly to Faith: The Apostle Peter 9. A Pillar of Mission: The Apostle Peter 10. Woman of Mission 11. Mission in a Pagan Land: Daniel and Company 12. Gifted for Service: Philip 13. “Here Am I! Send Me”: The Prophet Isaiah
God’s Great Missionaries Our Goal {5} It would be a mistake this quarter to study these biblical agents as interesting historical figures and leave it at that. Rather, we need to catch the inspiration of their lives and focus on our mission to this dying world.
God’s Great Missionaries Lesson 2, July 12 God’s Great Missionaries Lesson 2, July 12
Paul Preaches to the World Key Text 1 C ORINTHIANS 9:22 NKJV “ I have become all things to all men, that I might by all means save some.”
Paul Preaches to the World Initial Words {20} Before we can effectively communicate with other people, we need to understand their culture and ways of thinking. We look at the various ways in which the apostle Paul, a firm and uncompromising believer in truth, tailored the message of Jesus for specific audiences.
Paul Preaches to the World Quick Look 1. All Things to All People (1 Corinthians 9:22) 2. Witness to the Philosophers (Acts 17:22, 23) 3. Method of Church Planting (1 Thessalonians 1:7, 8)
Paul Preaches to the World 1. All Things to All People 1 C ORINTHIANS 9:22 NLT “ Yes, I try to find common ground with every- one, doing everything I can to save some.”
1. All Things to All People Persecutor to Missionary {21} Acts is full of surprising events: Saul, the Persecutor, becomes Paul, the missionary; the gospel of salvation becomes good news for all, not just for the Jews; now Paul ministers to a church established indirectly as a result of his persecution.
1. All Things to All People No Compromise {23} What does Paul mean when he says that he has “become all things to all [people]”? The apostle is not advocating compromise. He is not talking about changing the gospel, the doctrines, the ethics, or any of the truth of God’s Word. He is talking about making these things as attractive and understandable as possible for different cultures.
Paul Preaches to the World 2. Witness to the Philosophers A CTS 17:22b, 23 NKJV “ ‘ Men of Athens, I perceived that in all things you are very religious: for as I was passing through and considering the objects of your worship, I even found an altar with this inscription: TO THE UNKNOWN GOD.’ ”
2. Witness to the Philosophers In Athens {25} Paul shapes his message to his pagan audience by connecting with their culture. He refers to a statue they had built to the unknown god and identifies Him as the Creator God. At no stage does Paul refer to the Scriptures. Though Paul did not use the Scriptures, his message to them was very scriptural.
2. Witness to the Philosophers On Mars’ Hill {27} Paul not only knew Pagan literature, he quoted parts of it from memory. He quotes a Cretan poet who wrote, “ ‘In Him we live and move and have our being’ ” (Acts 17:28 NIV). The pagan Cleanthes, whose love poem to the god Zeus contains the line “ ‘We are his offspring’ ” (vs 28 NIV).
2. Witness to the Philosophers On Mars’ Hill {27} Before we can lead people to where we want them to be we must first meet them where they are. This means focusing on their needs, their interests—and shaping our message in a way that connects with them. This does not mean watering down the message. It is talking to people in terms and in language they can understand.
Paul Preaches to the World 3. Method of Church Planting 1 T HESSALONIANS 1:7, 8 NKJV “ You became examples to all in Macedonia and Achaia who believed. For from you the word of the Lord had sounded forth … in every places.”
3. Method of Church Planting Providing a Center {29} Paul chose to start new congregations in strategic cities throughout the region. He thus established strategic lighthouses throughout the area, planning that the new groups of believers would take the good news to the areas surrounding these centers.
3. Method of Church Planting Providing a Center {29} Paul established a Christian church in Thessalonica, the largest city in Macedonia. A strongly established group of believers in this city would provide a center from which other church plants could grow throughout that area. This church was a model for others.
3. Method of Church Planting Providing a Center {29} The Christian ekklesia was called to specific functions—not just to worship together but to reach out to their communities with the good news that they themselves had received. The church did not exist solely to feed its own members.
Paul Preaches to the World Final Words {31} “ They [God’s workmen] are not to be one-idea men, stereotyped in their manner of working, unable to see that their advocacy of truth must vary with the class of people among whom they work and the circumstances they have to meet.” Gospel Workers 119