T HE M ASTER S CHEDULE C OLLECTION November 12, 2013 presented by the Office of Educational Information Management
A GENDA Purpose of the collection Data elements for MSC Completing the collection Questions
S TATE F ISCAL S TABILIZATION F UNDS (SFSF) Data collected on MSC satisfies the data requirements of Indicator (b) SFSF information on the VDOE website: ion/index.shtml Specific information about Indicator (b) can be found in the Phase 2 application pages ion/va_sfsf-phase2_application.pdf
I NDICATOR (b)(1) Indicate which of the 12 elements described in section 640(e)(2)(D) of the America COMPETES Act are included in the State’s statewide longitudinal data system; Element 8 – A teacher identifier system with the ability to match teachers to students Element 9 – Student-level transcript information, including information on courses completed and grades earned
I NDICATOR (b)(2) Indicate whether the State provides student growth data on their current students and the students they taught in the previous year to at a minimum, teachers of reading/language arts and mathematics in grades in which the State administers assessments in those subjects in a manner that is timely and informs instructional programs Current Students – Fall collection Students they taught in the previous year – EOY collection Output from MSC will include teacher-level rosters with student growth data included
I NDICATOR (b)(3) Indicate whether the state provides teachers of reading/language arts and mathematics in grades in which the state administers assessments in those subjects with reports of individual teacher impact on student achievement on those assessments. Students they taught in the previous year – EOY collection Output from MSC will include teacher-level rosters with student growth data included
IPAL R EQUIREMENTS Required so that Virginia will be in compliance with: No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (Public Law ) Title II of the Higher Education Act (HEA) FTE data derived from IPAL is reported to the USED
SEDF R EQUIREMENTS SEDF data are used to determine the Standards of Quality (SOQ) add-on funding for career and technical education SEDF data are also used to verify that divisions are satisfying OSHA requirements for class enrollment
A R ECORD Header Record needed with every other record or group of records submitted Includes: Record Type Data Collection Name File Submission Beginning School Year Division Number Section Type Example: AMSC_IPAL AB
B R ECORD IPAL Records about personnel; only submitted in the fall (used by IPAL only) Includes: Record Type Local Provider ID License prefix and number OR Social Security Number First, Middle and Last Name Birth Date Ethnic flag and Race Code; Gender (optional) Full-Time Equivalent (important to Licensure) Title I Position? High Quality Professional Development given? Experience (optional)
C R ECORD Course records (shared between MSC, IPAL and SEDF) one record for each section taught Include fall, spring, year-long and summer school courses Includes: Record Type Section ID Serving Division and School SCED Subject Area, SCED Course Identifier, SCED Course Level, SCED Available Credit or Grade Span, SCED Sequence VA Course Code Local Course Code Local Course Title Semester Minutes per Course (total number of minutes for the year)
D R ECORD Teacher records (shared between MSC, IPAL and SEDF) one record for each teacher (content or special education teacher) or other personnel (example: Reading Specialist) that is connected to each section reported in the C records Includes: Section ID Serving Division and Serving School Teacher License Prefix and Number Local Provider ID Teacher Role Code Defined Class Type HQ Flag (fall only) Flexibility Criteria Flag (fall only)
E R ECORD Other Provider records To be used to report any individual or entity without a VA License Will be needed if the D Record does not have information in it Includes: Record Type Local Provider ID Provider Name Provider Description
V IRTUAL V IRGINIA /MOP I SSUES Virtual VA should be reported with an E Record This a change from earlier this year! Use a Provider Description of “3” MOPs Determine if your affiliation with the provider does qualify you as an MOP (your MOP would be able to tell you this if you are unclear) If so, then you would report with license information If not, continue using the E Record with a provider description of “3”
F R ECORD Student Records (used by MSC and SEDF) Includes: Record Type Section ID Local Provider ID Student Testing Identifier Local Student ID Final Grade (on the EOY only) Virtual Course Identifier Dual Enrollment Flag Work-based Learning Code Governor’s Academy Code Responsible Division (for regional centers only)
G R ECORD Administrator and License Personnel that are not teachers; reported in the fall only (used by IPAL only) Includes: Record Type Local Provider ID Serving Division and Serving School License Prefix and Number Teacher Role Code VA Assignment Code Experience (optional)
H R ECORD This Record has been retired for the school year
I R ECORD Connection Record (Used for SEDF) This record connects two (or more) courses/sections that are taught by the same teacher during the same class period Includes: Record Type Serving Division Serving School Section ID (highest level taught) Connected Section ID (lower level taught) You will have more than one record if you have more than two classes to be linked
J R ECORD Cooperative Education Record (used by SEDF only) Links cooperative teachers to the number of cooperative students that they are instructing Includes: Record Type Serving Division Serving School Local Provider ID Number of Students in Co-Op Program Number of Minutes of Co-Op Period (minutes per period)
For MSC, data can be submitted in parts “Parts” must be complete sets “A” records are always required Certain combinations of B through J records can be submitted together All parts must be successful in order for the collection to be complete and your verification reports to become available
O UTPUT Student growth percentile (SGP) data will be made available to school divisions upon a successful data completion and fully verified MSC Getting the teacher rosters with growth data in a timely manner is dependent on completing the MSC Used in research purposes and reporting Example: Technology requested information on virtual learning going on in the schools IPAL data is used to report to USED
OUTPUT SEDF reports come from the MSC Collection All reports for SEDF are still available via the SEDF SSWS application All reports will be verified via this application If changes need to be made, the MSC would need to be resubmitted Because SEDF is now part of MSC, SOQ funding will be linked to submitting MSC Data verification is more important than ever!
D EADLINES Fall MSC Window opens: mid-October Successful submission: December 5, 2013 Window closes: January 31, 2014 Supt certification due: January 31, 2014 All sections of MSC-IPAL are collected End-of-Year MSC Window opens: mid-June Window closes: September, 2014 Verifications due: September, 2014 Section B and G are not collected May possibly be moved up from September 30 th from previous years
Q UESTIONS ? Contact Information: Allison Young Phone: (804) Or