P ROJECT L ITTLE E AGLES Leslie Phillips-Spahr Abbie Bell Allyron Ohnstad Robin Hutchins Lejuana Tyler Brittany Anderson Kendall Mair Omar Carrillo Daniel Roca Mark Smith
T HE F ACTS In the Spring of 2008 there were 6,594 students enrolled in class at NWACC. Of those 6,594 students 394 students did not complete the semester! There were 6,199 students that received an A, B, C, D of an F. These students include those who missed the drop date and quit coming to class. We are a group of students that has recognized the need for an on-site daycare at NWACC. It is our mission to make this project a reality
O UR G OALS Childcare will no longer be a problem for students who are parents. Enrollment, student retention and student success will increase. This facility will be unutilized by not only students but faculty and staff as well. Childcare will provide more of an opportunity for students interested in service learning projects and students enrolled in early childhood development classes.
T ECH Internet Cell phones Digital Cameras Calculators Computers (personal, school and laptops) Computer software
W E H AVE A P LAN Organize meetings with community contacts Schedule and attend weekly group meetings Each group member is responsible for a very vital part of the project Constant communication through and cell phones
C ONTACTS Barbra Radamaker :Our wonderful and inspiring Professor Mike Hartman :Coordinator of Career Pathways at NWACC Meredith Brunen :Coordinator of Early Childhood Development Ashley Leais :Director of Play Care Ricky Tompkins: Executive Director Grants and Institutional Research
W E HAVE SKILLS Valuable Communication skills Research skills Project Development and Success skill The processes involved in developing, applying for and getting Grants!
T HE TIME LINE September 26 th –Meet with Ashley Leais to discuss business models and the details of running a daycare. October 1 st - submit a business model and request for grant information to the Walton Foundation and the Alice Walton foundation. October 1 st - present our initial proposal to our class! October 1 st – October 31 st Continue gathering information and looking for grants! December 8 th – Presentation to class and visitorts
G OALS To gain valuable insight and experience into what it takes to apply for and receive a grant. To receive grants that will allow us to fund a daycare on campus!!
W HO WE ARE A group of students that has recognized the need for onsite daycare at NWACC. We are totally committed to making this project a reality. We have no intentions of taking “NO” for an answer!