Topics Genomic libraries Id a specific clone or sequence within a library Transgenic plants Transgenic animals Timely topics
Genomic library contains all of the organism’s genome Probe design
Bacterial clones and finding desired clone Probe design
A Final about vectors : There are many types Small vectors Large vectors Expression vectors Viral vectors
Transgenic Mice
transgene Linear DNA Non-homologous recombination
Knockout Mice
Phenotype of the knockout mouse gives information on protein function Homozygous knockout G418 gancyclovir
Applications of DNA technology Agriculture Drug design Genetic testing Gene therapy
Genetic Modified Plants: “GM” Tobacco with luciferase gene from firefly Transgenic plant
Tumor Inducing Plasmid
Model for making genetically modified (GM) plants
GM crops Bt toxin genes (Bacillus thuringensis)
Bt Toxin Cry toxins and cry genes: damages gut of larvae
GM Plants Roundup ready plants: herbicide resistant Herbicide known as: Glyphosate
Glyphosate Enzyme inhibitor Prevents amino acid synthesis Prevents weed growth Environmental concerns
Antisense Technology 5´ C A U G 3´ mRNA 3´ G U A C 5´ Antisense RNA
Anti-Sense Technology & FLAVR SAVR TM Tomato Anti-sense DNA technology inhibits polygalacturonase (PG)
The Flavr-Savr Tomato Ripens on the vine Preserves firmness and flavor Uses anti-sense technology
Cloning of a whole organism: Reproductive Cloning
Somatic CellGerm Cell For ex. Mammary cellovum SHEEP CELLS 54 27
Somatic CellGerm Cell For ex. Mammary cellovum How to process begins: discarded
Now the germ cell contains 54 chromosomes! The germ is stimulated “electrically”. Cell division in some instances begins. Individual is identical to host “DNA” donor. Aging affects? “Was Dolly a sheep in lamb’s clothing?”
Somatic Gene Therapy
Successes SCIDS (Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Disease) Head and neck cancers
But also failures and controversy