Current Scenario of Cotton cultivation & its impacts. Dr.R.A.Sherasiya Director of Agriculture Gujarat State, Gandhinagar Venue: CEE,Ahmedabad Date: 6/10/2007
General Information Agriculture Total Geographical Area : 196 lakh hectares Net Area Sown: lakh hectares Total Cropped Area: lakh hectares Agro Climatic Zones: 8 Area under Irrigation in Gujarat Total irrigated area: lakh hectares ( % against net area sown lakh hectares. ( ) After completion of major and medium Projects – 64 lakh hectares (64.97% against Net Area Sown lakh hectares ) Gujarat Agriculture at a Glance cont.. Source SCR
Land Utilisation in Gujarat Area in lakh ha. Net Area Sown: lakh hectares, Total Cropped Area: lakh hectares Net Area Sown
Cropping pattern.. Area ( In Lakh Hact) CROP / YEAR Actual Estimated Food grains Oilseeds Cotton Yr
Past scenario Of Cotton in Gujarat state
Recent scenario Of Cotton in Gujarat state IN , INTRODUCTION OF BT. COTTON
Over view of Cotton in Gujarat Considerable area since long Response of new varieties on Area shown Desi Indo American (50s) Hybrid (70) Decline in Area in 80s Constant Increase in yield till 90s Hybrid performed well during 90s (356 kg lint/ha in ) Reduced yield in , , (Boll worm menace) Sudden hike in area & Yield form (Introduction of Bt)
N Pre-B.T Major Cotton growing districts ( Major Cotton growing districts (Area >25000 ha.) Post -B.T Kutchh Mahesana Jamnagar sabarkantha Rajkot Amreli Surendranagar A’bad Bhavnagar Bharuch Vadodara Kutchh Mahesana Jamnagar sabarkantha Rajkot Amreli Surendranagar A’bad Bhavnagar Bharuch Vadodara Narmada Gandhinagar Juangadh Patan 11 Districts 17 Districts B.K. Kheda
Why cotton in Gujarat ? Suitable Soil type & climate Trade, processing & Industrial Support since long Business instincts & Higher adoptability of farmers Crop sustain long dry spell & variable monsoon pattern Better suitable for rain-fed farming (only 33 % irrigation) Better income in adverse condition Lucrative Price Research & Extension support Species suitability for variable climate ( Arid / Semi arid / Mild tropic)
Prospect of Cotton depends on.. Tread / Industrial support Price policy & export Sustainable yield Insect / pest infestation Cost of cultivation Irrigation facility Research, Extension & Market support WTO policy Lint quality New technology like Transgenic cotton in field of Biotic and A-biotic Stress.
World trade (In M.bale of 170 kg) YearCotton ProductionConsumptionExport Production is unstable Consumption & export has increasing trend Source : fas.usda
Cotton market prices (Rs.Per quintal) Sr.No.YearSupport price Rs. Market prices Rs Unstable price May adversely affect cotton cultivation
Cost of cultivation of Cotton Year Increases seed cost but reduce pesticides cost Increases Yield & Increases Net Return
Different count group cotton required HB, Barb s-120s8. HB Barb2.0081s-100s7. HH, HB, Barb2.3361s-80s6. Hirs,HH s-60s5. Hirs,HH s-40s4. Hirs, HH,ah s-30s3. HH,Herb, ah s-20s2. Herb, Arb, aa18.561s-10s1. Present species % cotton required Count group Sl. No. Requirement of lint Current bt. Hybrid have potential to meet % requirement of lint
Dependable crop since long Increasing world Consumption & export Better price support Increasing net return Catch major quality segment of lint Increasing Irrigation facilities (SSNL / Farm pond / Water conservation / Micro-irrigation) Increasing Research / Extension support PROSPECT OF COTTON IN GUJARAT
Introduction in STORY OF BT. Cotton Sr. No. Year Varieties in market Gene BG-I BG-I BG-I BG-I & BG-II BG-I, BG-II& Fusion BG-I, BG-II& Fusion
Adoption of technology Bt. cotton packets sold in Gujarat Sr. no YearNo. of packets sold (Expectation)
Impact of Bt. Cotton on Production in Gujarat
1.Insecticide use decline; Miscellaneous insects of minor importance such as bugs would create problems. 2.Reduced pyrethroids: Pink bollworm & Spodoptera likely to re- emerge. H. armigera & whitefly backseat 3.Susceptibility to sucking pests –because of susceptible exotic donor parent !! (Coker 312) 4.Reduction in efforts for conventional breeding approaches for OTHER pest management. 5.Shift in focus; away from research on other pest management methods Indirect consequences of Bt Cotton
SWOT analysis of Bt crop Huge investment Increasing area Effective against ball worm Target specific Reduce use of insecticides Lack of location specific Package of Practices Lack of Coordination among various agencies Competition & Lots of variety Lack of proper awareness in public Higher seed prices > 20 Lakh area under cotton Innovative & adoptive farmers Increases area under irrigation > 20 cotton growing dist. Can reduce cost of cultivation Development of Resistance in pest Resurgence of minor pest Spurious seed S TRENGTH W EAKNESS O PPORTUNITY T HREATS SUSTAIN OVER COME CAPTUREMITIGATE
BY Effective.. Research Extension Law enforcement policy Coordination SUSTAIN OVER COME CAPTURE MITIGATE
Bt. Cotton in Gujarat Area of Bt.Hybrid Kharif-07 (13.96 Lakh Ha.) Area of Bt.Hybrid Khari-06 ( 4.03 Lakh ha.) Impact of Bt Lakh Ha.