China’s One Child Policy
What is China’s One-Child Policy An attempt to decrease and stabilize the Chinese population.
How many people live in China?
What does the typical Chinese family look like? Core Family
Why should China adopt this policy? Decrease poverty and starvation levels Increase the standard of living Help the economy
30 Years Ago... The fertility rate was 2.9 children per woman.
Today... The fertility rate is 1.7
How is the policy implemented? “Late, long, few” 1970s
How is the policy implemented? Urban—1 Child Rural—2 Children if 1 st born is female
How is the policy implemented? Everyone is responsible for practicing family planning and contraceptive methods.
Controversy? Large # of elderly, decreasing # of young workers, and inadequate social welfare system. ▫Who’s going to help the old people?
Controversy? Human rights violations—female infanticide Discrimination against women Right to reproduce? Gender imbalance
Assignment Create a family portrait.