Page 0 Campaign Marketing Communications Plan
Page 1 Goals Inform a wide range of alumni about Campaign priorities and funding needs Inspire and motivate alumni, parents, and friends to engage with Cornell and support the Campaign Support efforts to identify and cultivate the “next generation of donors” Celebrate Campaign milestones and promote progress in reaching our goals
Page 2 Audiences Alumni, Parents, and Friends (potential donors) Tracked prospects Untracked donors Non-donors Young alumni Volunteers AA&D staff
Page 3 Research Audit of previous Campaign materials Regional focus groups Preliminary message testing (Case for the Campaign drafts and discussion paper)
Page 4 Research/Key Findings Case should be emotional and inspirational, appeal to both “heart and head” Sense of urgency – why now? Look forward, not back Explain what this Campaign will do and its impact (measurable outcomes)
Page 5 Research/Key Findings Cornell’s distinctive qualities – diversity, “any person…any study,” physical setting, commitment to need-blind admission and undergraduate education Cornell is a leader in serving the world, importance of land-grant mission (“Cornell is the best place to solve world problems”) Cornell is “life changing” for alumni, promotes a “can-do” attitude where anything’s possible
Page 6 Message Any person…any study made relevant to the 21st century The Campaign will enable Cornell to be the leading research university committed to undergraduate, graduate, and professional education and service to the citizens of the world
Page 7 Message Educating tomorrow’s leaders (undergraduate, graduate, professional student aid and support) Faculty excellence (recruitment and retention) Collaborative culture (interdisciplinary programs and facilities) Strategic research investments - Life Sciences, Computing & Information Science, Sustainability, Humanities Campaign Priorities
Page 8 Strategy Develop and deliver messages and materials that are: Personalized Engaging Integrated Responsive Print-on-demand: customize communications for prospective donors
Page 9 Strategy Short-term (year one) Promote Campaign launch; begin creating widespread awareness of Campaign goals and priorities; emphasis on tracked prospects Longer-term Build momentum, extend message reach and penetration and saturate the market More carefully target messages and media to new prospects and other critical audience segments, respond to evolving Campaign needs and shifting priorities
Page 10 Methods/Tactics Plan and execute principal marketing communications materials and activities Campaign case statement College, unit, and priority case brochures Other collateral (annual giving, endowment, gift planning) Fact sheets Campaign website Campaign video/DVD Kick-off and Campaign events
Page 11 Methods/Tactics Leverage existing communications vehicles Communique magazine Cornell e-News (monthly electronic newsletter) Cornell Alumni Magazine Other AA&D, university, college, and unit vehicles
Page 12 Methods/Tactics Introduce new alumni outreach tools, maximize use of e-communication Alumni e-community giving.cornell (e- catalogue of funding needs) Cornell Campaign update (annual report) Strategic broadcast s
Page 13 Follow-up research Are we reaching alumni with Campaign messages? How can we better tailor the messages and media to impact niche audiences?
Page 14 How will University Communications support the Campaign marketing communications plan?