Data and Policy Consultant – DPI – Healthy Schools Hope E. White, Ph.D Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) Results: North Carolina
What is the YRBS? The Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) is a survey of youth health risk and health protective behaviors such as smoking, drinking, drug use, diet, and physical and sexual activity which is conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) every two years.
What is the YRBS? NC conducted at middle and high school levels 1993 first year administered in NC All self reported data All schools and classes are randomly selected Participation is voluntary at each level Parental consent is required
Unintentional injury and violence Mental health Substance use Sexual behavior Weight, physical activity, and dietary behavior Survey covers risk and protective behavior:
CDC YRBS coordinators Students and parents DPI – Healthy Schools Target 60% Participation in YRBS - CRITICAL
National Map of Participation
YRBS Results Compare trends at state and nation Evaluate interventions Why conduct YRBS? Policies HAC/Healthy 2020
Activity Do you recall?
Unintentional Injury and Violence High School
41% of students admitted to ing and texting while driving - Nationally
What do you think the percentage is for NC? (not a prize question)
60%25% 50% 34% 34% of students admitted to ing/texting while driving ing and Texting while driving…
Mental Health
Tobacco Alcohol Other drugs Substance Use
Other Drugs
Sexual Activity 47% has had sex - Nationally
What do you think the percentage is for NC? (not a prize question)
10%30% 47% 20% 47% of students has had sex Has had sex…
Sex first time before 13 Had sex with 4 or more people during their life Currently sexually active NC 15% NC 21% Use alcohol or drugs before last sexual encounter NC 7% NC 32% Nation 41% Nation 15% Nation 34% Nation 6% Sexual Activity
NC 39% Nation 41% Sexual Activity Did not use a condom
Weight, physical activity, and dietary behavior
Slightly or very overweight Did not eat breakfast on all 7 days Were not physically active for 60 minutes per day during past 7 days NC 65% NC 42% NC 29% NC 74% Nation 41% Nation 62% Nation 73% Nation 31% Played video or computer games or used computer 3 or more hours Weight, physical activity, and dietary behavior
Do you recall? In NC % attempted suicide and needed medical attention was higher, lower, or same than nation HigherLowerSame In NC % consume marijuana in past 30 days was higher, lower, or same than nation HigherLowerSame In NC % not physically active for 60 minutes during 7 days was higher, lower, or same than nation HigherLowerSame Activity
Middle School Highlights Bullying Suicide
Middle School Highlights Risk BehaviorsDiet and Physical Activity
Personal safety and violence Less likely to carry weapon on school property Less likely to ride in a car with someone drunk Increase in seat belt use Less physical fighting Positive Trend Changes
Decrease in smoking before 13 Positive Trend Changes Decrease in drinking before 13 Decrease in sex Decrease in inhalants Drugs, Alcohol, and Sex
Increase in marijuana use Bullying on school property Eating less to loss weight Hours playing video games Negative Trend Changes
Activity Having heard the current YRBS trends discuss within your some of the highlights of the data and how the data could be use to impact or enhance policies within your LEA. Also discuss examples of success stories recognized by the CDC including one of our own!!!
For More Information: Hope E. White, Ph.D Resources