TESOL Andrew DeMato & Javier Segura Andrew DeMato & Javier Segura
School Goals Elementary Jr. High High School Elementary Jr. High High School
Before You Begin Planning Students Know their level Know what they like Know how they learn Organize Scaffolding Carry out the Lesson Plan TESOL method Students Know their level Know what they like Know how they learn Organize Scaffolding Carry out the Lesson Plan TESOL method
Your Students Do you know what they like? How do they learn? What are the strengths or weaknesses of the Japanese student? Do you know what they like? How do they learn? What are the strengths or weaknesses of the Japanese student?
Multiple Intelligences The Theory 7 in total (some will argue 9) Visual/Spatial Linguistic Logical-Mathematical Bodily-Kinesthetic Musical Interpersonal Intrapersonal The Theory 7 in total (some will argue 9) Visual/Spatial Linguistic Logical-Mathematical Bodily-Kinesthetic Musical Interpersonal Intrapersonal
Visual/Spatial Learners Ability to to think through pictures (visual learning) See the Big picture while missing the fine details Organize information in a unique way Learn best by Creating art Using their imagination Seeing relationships Charts, pictures, videos Ability to to think through pictures (visual learning) See the Big picture while missing the fine details Organize information in a unique way Learn best by Creating art Using their imagination Seeing relationships Charts, pictures, videos
Linguistic Learners Ability to understand words, both spoken and written Learn best by Reading, writing, and listening Ability to understand words, both spoken and written Learn best by Reading, writing, and listening
Logical-Mathematical Learners Ability to understand numbers and logical concepts well and possession of reasoning skills Learn by Problem solving Classifying and categorizing Connecting long chains of reason Investigation and scientific processes Ability to understand numbers and logical concepts well and possession of reasoning skills Learn by Problem solving Classifying and categorizing Connecting long chains of reason Investigation and scientific processes
Bodily-Kinesthetic Learners Ability to control body movements and handle objects skillfully. Express themselves through movement Have good sense of balance Interact with the space around them Learn by Hands on experimentation Acting Miming Ability to control body movements and handle objects skillfully. Express themselves through movement Have good sense of balance Interact with the space around them Learn by Hands on experimentation Acting Miming
Musical Learners Ability to produce and appreciate music. Think in Sounds Rhythm Patterns Learn best Through chants Rhythm Melodies Ability to produce and appreciate music. Think in Sounds Rhythm Patterns Learn best Through chants Rhythm Melodies
Interpersonal Learners Ability to relate and understand others. Learn best by Interacting with others Ability to relate and understand others. Learn best by Interacting with others
Intrapersonal Learners Ability to self-reflect and be aware of one’s inner state of being. Learn by Understanding their Feelings Strengths and weaknesses Ability to self-reflect and be aware of one’s inner state of being. Learn by Understanding their Feelings Strengths and weaknesses
S.W.B.A.T. By the end of the lesson Students Will Be Able To…
Scaffolding Base new knowledge on prior knowledge Have lessons build to bigger units/goals. Base new knowledge on prior knowledge Have lessons build to bigger units/goals.
Theory in Practice Model Lesson/unit
TESOL Methods Grammar Translation Communicative Language Teaching Audiolingualism Outreach Learning (LAMP) Community Language Learning (CLL) Total Physical Approach (TPR) Natural Approach Silent Way Suggestopedia Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach (CALLA) (Content Based Teaching) Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) Lexical Approach Grammar Translation Communicative Language Teaching Audiolingualism Outreach Learning (LAMP) Community Language Learning (CLL) Total Physical Approach (TPR) Natural Approach Silent Way Suggestopedia Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach (CALLA) (Content Based Teaching) Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) Lexical Approach
Methods Audio/Lingual Grammar Translation T.P.R. Communicative Audio/Lingual Grammar Translation T.P.R. Communicative
Audio/Lingual Method Popular in the 1950’s No explicit grammar instruction Backward build up drill Substitute drill Transformation drill The idea is for the students to practice the particular construct until they can use it spontaneously. Popular in the 1950’s No explicit grammar instruction Backward build up drill Substitute drill Transformation drill The idea is for the students to practice the particular construct until they can use it spontaneously.
Grammar Translation Method L2 learning is based in terms of L1 Teacher Centered Reading and writing focused Grammar is deductive Good for studying dead languages L2 learning is based in terms of L1 Teacher Centered Reading and writing focused Grammar is deductive Good for studying dead languages
T.P.R. Use pictures, gestures facial expressions to communicate Ss must process & figure out new language-believed to be like L1 acquisition But… Intro in L1 Low “affective filter” is necessary Ss must process & figure out new language-believed to be like L1 acquisition Use pictures, gestures facial expressions to communicate Ss must process & figure out new language-believed to be like L1 acquisition But… Intro in L1 Low “affective filter” is necessary Ss must process & figure out new language-believed to be like L1 acquisition
Communicative Based in “Real Life” communication value Many Information gaps and real life situations Student centered Based in “Real Life” communication value Many Information gaps and real life situations Student centered