Ministry of Industry GHS Update in Indonesia GHS Stocktaking Workshop for Southeast, East and Central Asia Beijing, September th 2010
Indonesia has 20 people of GHS certified trainers or GHS national resource persons that have been trained in AOTS Japan since Most of them are from “Responsible Care” companies and well prepared to help companies. Some companies especially export oriented manufacturers have been implementing Safety Data Sheet and Labels based on GHS. GHS Stocktaking Workshop for Southeast, East and Central Asia Beijing, September th Current Situation – GHS Update (1)
New Regulation of the Minister of Industry concerning GHS for Chemical Classifications and Labeling have been publish in 24 September 2009 (No. 87/M-IND/PER/9/2009) and Transition period for a new MSDS format in accordance with the GHS will set by the 24 th of September 2010 for Single Substances and in 31 th December 2013 for mixtures. Federation of the Indonesian Chemical Industry (FIKI) is assigned as the “Help-Desk” for GHS implementation. Currently FIKI and the Komite Nasional Responsible Care ® Indonesia (KN-RCI conducting the GHS Practical Workshop to help the industries, importers /distributors in implementing label and SDS based on GHS. 3 Current Situation – GHS Update (2) GHS Stocktaking Workshop for Southeast, East and Central Asia Beijing, September th 2010
The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) appreciate with the results of the 1 st Phase GHS Project in Indonesia in and congratulate the progress made so far toward GHS implementation. UNITAR in collaboration with the EU again will support Indonesia and other ASEAN countries to engage in the 2 nd Phase GHS Capacity Building Project in 2010 – The Project activities will consider some of the following possibilities: Update and further develop the National GHS Implementation Strategy and identity linkages with implementation of other international chemical agreements Training including stakeholder workshop on GHS classification and hazard communication (labels and Safety Data Sheet) Supporting activities for stakeholders and outreach activities More focus on Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) New GHS Capacity Building Project 4 GHS Stocktaking Workshop for Southeast, East and Central Asia Beijing, September th 2010
5 Action Plan to prepare an action plan for capacity building UNITAR project Ministry of Industry in cooperation with FIKI to provide a training safety data sheet and labelling for particularly on those industries export to europe to seek information international regulations related to inhibiting chemical substances and articles GHS Stocktaking Workshop for Southeast, East and Central Asia Beijing, September th 2010
Legal Constitution Law for GHS and The Global Application 6 Minister of Industry Regulation of Republic of Indonesia No: 87/M- Ind/PER/9/2009. About the Global Harmonization System of classification and labeling of chemicals Minister of Labor Regulation of Republic of Indonesia No: 187/MEN/1999. About the control of hazardous chemicals in the workplace Minister of Trade Regulation of Republic of Indonesia No: 44/M- DAG/PER/9/2009. About the procurement, distribution and monitoring of hazardous materials Minister of Health Regulation of Republic of Indonesia No: 472/Menkes/Per/V/1996. About the security of hazardous materials for health SNI : Threshold value of chemical substances in workplace air GHS considered for admission into REACH SAICM, IFCS, IOMC, UNITAR, UNCED, WSSD support GHS can be applied
GHS Overview 7 GHS is a common and logical approach to defining and classifying chemical hazards and communicate information via the label and Safety Data Sheet. The GHS is expected to improve protection of human health and the environment: a comprehensive international system to communicate a hazard, providing a framework that is easily recognizable for countries that do not yet have the system, reducing the need for chemical testing and research and facilitate international trade of dangerous chemicals has been tested and is known in general. Classification of chemical hazard rate is needed in purchasing, production, storage, delivery and it can protect and secure human and environment. The classification applies to all single compound and Mixtures except use for drugs, cosmetics, food, food additives and pesticide residues in food. Implementation of GHS are still facing obstacles due to not fully harmonized classification system, similar criteria and labeling both in International as well as domestic, while the purple book from the International guideline UNSCE- GHS also still continue to have revisions and now on 3 th revision.
PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES 8 PURPOSE OF ACTIVITY: FIKI duty as a Help-Desk for GHS implementation in Indonesia. Carry out duties in the Ministry of Industry, socializing and training as proposed by UNITAR GHS Socializing and helping carry out the implementation of GHS by the industry that uses or produces chemicals included on its handling by distributor and importer / exporter. OBJECTIVES OF ACTIVITY Establishment of a guidebook to Indonesia GHS Implementation of the Regulation of the Minister of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia No: 87/M-Ind / PER/9/2009 Achieve the harmonization of government regulations that support the GHS
OUTPUT INDICATOR 9 Updating Indonesian GHS handbook and uniformity of understanding in regulatory policy rules. Achieved same commitment and understanding of the stakeholders and GHS policy implementers (NADFC, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Labour, Ministry of Trade, Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Environment and Police) in central and regional chemical industrial base. GHS socialization to industry wich use chemicals particularly single substance which is located in industrial areas throughout Indonesia. GHS socialization to company wich currently still using WHO-FAO standard. GHS socialization to SMEs whose products are mostly exported. GHS implemented by chemical industry associations under FIKI (including non-member FIKI association)
PROCEDURES FOR IMPLEMENTATION Appoint a legal entity to the agreement with UNITAR (there needs to be clarity on how to obtain funding and how responsibility, including Tax). 2. Establishing an interdep team as executor task. 3. Create a webmail form of help-desk for GHS and technical expertise for handling. 4. Create a guide materials for dissemination GHS. 5. Promotion to attract users GHS stake holders. 6. Socialization in provincial capitals
EVALUATE THE RESULT OF OUTPUT 11 Comparing between planning vs. actual work plan, both in terms of activities and funding. GHS executive team activity reports. Questionnaire based survey.
WORK PROGRAM 12 Making detailed guidelines for implementation of the GHS Team Preparation guidance matter, promotional matter and help-desk Get information on the intended target to determine the strategy and implementation costs required. Recruiting part-time administrative executive. Creating a budget and financing schemes Create a work plan schedule
PLACE FOR IMPLEMENTATION ACTIVITIES 13 Sosialization, promotion and pilot project of using for chemical industries will be held on Industrial wich mostly produce chemical substance such as Kawasan Industri Cilegon, Pupuk Kujang, Petrokimia Gresik and Pupuk Kalimantan Timur. GHS application training for stakeholders both as implementers and SMEs policy. For establish updating The Purple Book Ministry of Industry edition, preparation of ingredients and preparation meeting GHS team, etc. will be held in FIKI office or at the Ministry of Industry in Jakarta.
IMPLEMENTATION AND RESPONSIBLE ACTIVITY 14 Implementation activities: GHS implementation of appropriate activities mandated by UNITAR, require some form of organization with the task force structure as attached. Responsible activity: For accountability to UNITAR by the Ministry of Industry cq. Directorate of Upstream Chemical Industry, whereas implementation UNITAR grants for operational activities by FIKI Pattern of cooperation: Procedure needs to make a clear distinction between the duties and responsibilities of each party, UNITAR, the Ministry of Industry, FIKI and other Ministry and Agencies wich related to this activity.
SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES 15 Time implementation: Socialization activities, promotion and training for GHS and related activities with grants from UNITAR conducted after the signing of an agreement between UNITAR, Ministry of Industry and FIKI.
16 Awarness Interest Evaluation Trial Adoption Early stage. Socialization and Understanding GHS. Second stage. Became interested about the GHS, then it should be given basic training to advanced level of competence in accordance with industry Third stage. After learning more about the GHS, then it is expected to have awareness of the importance of GHS Fourth stage. The industry is expected to have started using GHS, it is necessary to have training on how to making application for the use of SDS and labeling of chemicals properly GHS Project Implementation Process Chart Fifth stage. Industri will correctly implement GHS and continuously
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