Hawkes Software You have two options here: ∙ Purchase the boxed software at the bookstore ∙ Download this software from the Hawkes website Downloading it is the recommended procedure. Good news: The second option is the cheapest since the downloaded software is free. But you still have to purchase a 30-character access code (see next slide).
Hawkes Software Bad news: With both options, in order to run the software, you will need to purchase a 30-character code from Hawkes With the first option, your code will be supplied by Hawkes using information inside the box With the download option, you can purchase this code online with Hawkes using a credit card This 30-character ID is your encrypted name As a result, you cannot use someone else’s code
Obtaining Your 30-Character Hawkes Code You will need to purchase your 30- character code from Hawkes at The next two slides illustrate how to purchase your code
Click here
Click here if you purchased the Hawkes box at the bookstore Click here if you downloaded the software
If You Clicked on “Get Your Access Code” Select University of North Texas – Denton as the School. Then click on Continue.
If You Clicked on “Purchase Your Access Code” Select Statistics
Purchasing Your Hawkes Code After clicking on the Next button, you will be prompted for your name, address, and credit card information Be sure to enter your name as it appears on my class roll No nick-names or newly married names
Save Your Access Code You will need your access code frequently! Save your access code on a flash drive or on your computer’s hard drive.
Downloading the Hawkes Software The address is The next four slides will show you how to download the software Remember: This download is free but the software will not run until you purchase your 30-character code Details of how to purchase your code are contained in the course syllabus
Click on “Download the Software”
Select this option Click on the PC or Mac Install PC install Mac install
Downloading the Hawkes Software Click on “Run” During the install, you will be asked for a course ID. It is UNTBSTAT.
Downloading the Hawkes Software Click on “Run”
Running the Hawkes Software Using any of the three Hawkes options described previously, you should see this icon on your desktop after the installation Double click it to run the Hawkes software You will then be prompted for your 30-character code as shown on the next slide
Subsequently, click on this and locate the access code file on your flash drive or computer hard drive. If this is the first time, enter your 30-character code. When prompted, save it on your flash drive or computer hard drive. The default file name is access.cod.
Completing the Hawkes Modules Double click the Hawkes desktop icon Enter your 30-character Hawkes code Select the module you wish to complete as illustrated on the next slide You can do this module as many times as necessary There is no penalty for repeat attempts to certify – just get it completed by the due date
Select Chapter, Lesson NOTE: The Hawkes Chapters do not match the chapters in our textbook since Hawkes is used by many universities with many different textbooks.
Select any of these buttons. To successfully complete a module, you must eventually click on the Certify button.
A Sample Question You get to make this number of mistakes Total number of questions in this module Click on this to submit your answer
Successfully Completing a Module If you complete a module in the allotted number of strikes, the Hawkes software will certify this module as having been successfully completed You receive full credit for all modules completed on time Modules completed after the due date receive half credit To check the status of your module completion and Excel quizzes, click on the Progress Report button, shown on the next slide
Click on this to see your Progress Report First, enter your access code
The Progress Report This column indicates that modules 1.2, 3.1, and 3.3 were completed on time (T)