Birth Parents A review of pertinent web resources directed at Birth Parents
Overview 2 The following is a collection of web resources aimed at Birth Parents. While the resources outlined in this presentation are not comprehensive by any means, they are a representative sample of what can be found online. Birth parents are often the member of the adoption constellation which is least focused on, even though, without them, adoption would not be possible. The resources provided here are a beginning, but hopefully not the end, of the possibilities for birth parents.
Adoption Resources This website is sponsored by Adoption Resources in Massachusetts and provides a great deal of information for birth parents. Information is easy to access and gently answers many questions birth parents, primarily the birth mother, may have about making the decision to make an adoption plan, and what the process will look like if a plan is made. There is a lengthy section laying out the rights of birth parents which is easy to understande. In addition to a plethora of information for birth parents, there is also an extensive amount of information and resources provided to adoptive parents.
Adoption Services, Inc., an organization out of Wisconsin, sponsor The Birth Parent Forum. This forum provides a place, via the Internet, for birth parents to learn more about the process of terminating parental rights, the rights of the birth father, and about the different options surrounding openness in adoption. This website includes a discussion board for interaction between users. In addition, there are testimonials of birth parents stories as well as an option to get in touch with a birth mother. This is a great space dedicated solely to the needs of birth parents. Birth Parent Forum
Birth Mother Resources Birth Mother Resources is a website sponsored by This site includes information to birth mothers, primarily, regarding pregnancy issues, legal matters, safety concerns, and adoption options. There is a wealth of information regarding various aspects of adoption such as using a private facilitator versus a public agency. The website also offers information on adoption assistance programs which is broken down by individual state for birth parents to find specific local information.
Birth Parents Forum The Birth Parents Forum which is run through is website which provides a wide range of information for various individuals touched by adoption. The website does not appear to be based in research and is rather difficult to navigate. Potentially the most helpful aspect is the forum which is set up as a bulletin board for birth parents to discuss topics of their choice. There are also different topics which provide a listing of Google Ads broken down by specific topic.
Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Services The Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Services (ODJFS) provides a pamphlet for birthparents on how ODJFS services can be helpful for them in making their decision to make an adoption plan. There is information regarding the birth parents rights as well as how an adoption assessor would be utilized in helping a birth parent to make the decision that is right for them. Finally, the ODJFS brochure provides an overview of the types of adoption available in terms of both openness and kinship placements.
Private Adoption Services, Inc. This organization is based out of Cincinnati, Ohio and provides a host of services for birth parents. On their website, birth parents can learn more about the organization and how they can assist on the journey to making an adoption plan. Unfortunately, this is not a great web resource for individuals who are not geographically able to utilize the organization as there is minimal global information and more organization specific resources for birth parents.
Adoption Services Adoption Services provides a website with information for both adoptive families and birth parents. The birth parent section provides areas for pregnancy support and questions, governmental information regarding adoption, as well as information on parenting a child. Also, the website has a section which provides further resources state by state for birth mothers to be able to find more specific information. port_groups_ohio.htm
Adoption Circle The Adoption Circle is an adoption agency located out of Columbus, Ohio. On the website, birth parents can learn more about the organization as a whole, as well as what the organization does specifically for birth parents. There is a section of frequently asked questions and even a testimonial of a birth mother who decided to make an adoption plan through The Adoption Circle. Uniquely this website also provides a section of post placement services which are specifically for the birth parent. There is a list of resources provided on support groups and organizations which connect birth parents with other birth parents.
Caring for Kids, Inc. Caring for Kids, Inc. is a private adoption agency based out of Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. The organizations website provides a section of information dedicated to birth parents. However, the information provided is in the light of connecting birth parents directly with a birth parent counselor at the organization. The emphasis is on making sure birth parents understand they have choices in deciding if and how to make an adoption plan. Furthermore, there is a YouTube video which provides a birth mothers testimony of her decision to make an adoption plan. temid=54
Created by: Kaitlyn L. Klinc, MSSA Student Case Western Reserve University Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences Spring 2011