Disability Rights California Stigma and Discrimination Reduction (SDR) Project Presented by: Margaret Johnson, Esq. Advocacy Director & SDR Project Director.


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Presentation transcript:

Disability Rights California Stigma and Discrimination Reduction (SDR) Project Presented by: Margaret Johnson, Esq. Advocacy Director & SDR Project Director Disability Rights California

What This Presentation Will Cover -About Disability Rights California -Overview of our stigma and discrimination reduction (SDR) project -Discussion & input into our project -Further information 2

About Disability Rights California (DRC) 3

About DRC -California’s Protection & Advocacy System -Mission Statement: Advocate, educate, investigate and litigate to advance and protect the rights of Californians with disabilities. 4

DRC Services General DRC services include: -I & R -Self-help materials -Training -Public policy & legislative advocacy -State hospital patients’ rights advocates 5

DRC Services -Clients’ rights advocates for clients of regional centers -Legal counsel & advice -Representation of individuals with disabilities in priority areas -Systemic litigation 6

Overview of DRC SDR Project 7

Top 4 Things To Know About DRC’s SDR Project -Project goals -Fact sheets on stigma & discrimination reduction -Training and education for stakeholders and “influencers” -Policy papers with recommended changes to decrease stigma and discrimination 8

SDR Project Background -A three year prevention and early intervention (PEI) stigma & discrimination reduction grant that began August Funded through the county/California Mental Health Services Authority (CalMHSA) and Prop. 63 -One of the many PEI projects funded by CalMHSA 9

DRC SDR Project Goals Reduce stigma & discrimination by -Increasing awareness of laws, policies & practices that address discrimination & support mental health services in non-traditional settings through provision of culturally-relevant and age appropriate training & materials for people with disabilities, their families, providers, and the general population. 10

DRC SDR Project Goals -Identifying laws that contribute to stigma and discrimination & writing policy papers that recommend needed policy changes to reduce or eliminate stigma & discrimination. 11

DRC Collaborators 1.Subcontractors: -Mental Health Advocacy Services in Los Angeles -Mental Health Consumer Concerns in Contra Costa County 2.DRC SDR Advisory Group 12

Project Products 1.Fact sheets 2.Training Modules 3.SDR Filter 4.Policy Papers 13

Completed Fact Sheets -Client Driven Mental Health Services -Definitions of Stigma and Discrimination -Mental Health Facility Diversion & Aftercare that Focuses on Recovery -Integration Mandate of the ADA and Olmstead Decision 14

Completed Fact Sheets -A Stereotype that Harms People with Mental Health Challenges -People First Language in Mental Health -Interpreters & Translators in Mental Health Settings -Tips Towards Plain Language 15

Completed Fact Sheets -See this link for more completed fact sheets – more are posted monthly - MHSAfactsheets.htmlhttp:// MHSAfactsheets.html 16

Training Audiences -Mental Health Providers -Employers -Housing Providers -Public Defenders -Student Mental Health Services -Mental Health Service Delivery in Faith Based Communities 17

SDR Filter 1.Tool to review legislation, regulations & policies 2.What it looks for: -Identifies those that increase stigma & discrimination against people with disabilities -Identifies those that reduce stigma & discrimination against people with disabilities 18

DRC SDR Filter 3.Who will use it: -Policy makers -Legislators -Advocates -General Public 19

Policy Papers -First responders -Hospital diversion and after care -NIMBYism -Incompetent to stand trial -Mental health services for school age children 20

First Responder Policy Paper -Identify & recommend best practices & training -Goal is for law enforcement agencies and community mental health services providers to use the information to develop programs to better meet the needs of persons in crisis 21

Hospital Diversion & Aftercare Policy Paper -Identify best practices on pathways to home & community services & identify model crisis programs -Analyze cost and quality of model crisis alternatives -Make policy recommendations consistent with the recovery vision in order to improve hospital diversion & aftercare 22

How We are Getting Project Input -DRC staff & Advisory Group who represent stakeholder groups, including peers & family members -Outreach to stakeholder groups and groups who know the issues, such as YOU! 23

Discussion & Input 24

Discussion & Input -What stigma & discrimination issues do you think are important for us to look at? -What input do you have about our project goals? -Do you have ideas for other fact sheets? -Ideas for other trainings audiences? -Ideas for how we can distribute materials? -Other ideas? 25

Further Information 26

Further Information -Disability Rights California website: -Disability Rights California SDR Project: A.html A.html -Disability Rights California SDR Advisory Group information: Aadvisorygroup.html Aadvisorygroup.html 27

Further Information - Disability Rights California fact sheets: Afactsheets.html Afactsheets.html - Disability Rights California subcontractor websites: Mental Health Advocacy Services: la.org/SpecialEducation/ERMHSInfo.htm Mental Health Consumer Concerns: la.org/SpecialEducation/ERMHSInfo.htm 28

Further Information -DRC fact sheets in multiple languages including, Spanish, Korean, Chinese, Vietnamese, Cambodian, Russian, Armenian & Arabic: SAfactsheets.html SAfactsheets.html -DRC Spanish website for the project: /CalMHSA.htm /CalMHSA.htm 29

The California Mental Health Services Authority (CalMHSA) is an organization of county governments working to improve mental health outcomes for individuals, families and communities. Prevention and Early Intervention programs implemented by CalMHSA are funded by counties through the voter-approved Mental Health Services Act (Prop 63). Prop. 63 provides the funding and framework needed to expand mental health services to previously underserved populations and all of California’s diverse communities. CalMHSA