27 January – 6 February 2011 Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha in Malaysia “True spirituality makes us master of the world, by making us master of our own mind and intelligence.” Nutan Swamiji
Nutan Swamiji being welcomed at SIRD (Society for Inner Resources Development) Nutan Swamiji arrived at SIRD at 1:30 AM on 27 th Jan 2011 “Whatever takes us from constriction to expansion is saadhana.” Nutan Swamiji
The first session in Malaysia was with the young adults on the 27 th January at the Shah’s Village hotel. This enlightening and inspiring talk on “Discover the Way to Excellence” was followed by a vibrant Q-A session. “Discipline is the way to freedom.” Nutan Swamiji
Nutan Swamiji conducted a half-day workshop (at the Holiday Villa, Kuala Lumpur) for 30 Senior Corporate Executives, belonging to different professions and ethnic groups. The session, held on Jan 29, was titled “Enlightened Leadership – Walking the Inner Path”. Many expressed that the exposure gave them new insights into how they can look at things more comprehensively. (contd..) “Being successful means to be successful with our own mind’” Nutan Swamiji
…..This session gave the participants a new perspective on Leadership, Success, Excellence and Happiness. Nutan Swamiji, with numerous anecdotes and examples, illustrated how they can transform their mind and vision so that they would be able to provide the best solution in any situation. (contd….) “Impersonality is the key to enlightened decision making.” Nutan Swamiji
….. Some of the organizations the participants represented include Ithaca College (New York State, USA), Taylors University, MIMOS (R&D organization of Malaysian Govt.), IJN Hospital, Sister of Islam, Malaysia, Digital Systems Malaysia, GlaxoSmithKline, Ministry of Information, MAMPU (Prime Minister’s Department) “Grow impersonality through comprehensive vision.” Nutan Swamiji
Taylor’s University Campus Auditorium was the venue for the talk on “Transforming Life through Spiritual Wisdom”. (30 th January 2011) “Brahmavidyaa is a rational universal science based on experimental discoveries about our own identity. ” Nutan Swamiji
Nutan Swamiji’s evening discourses on “ Bhagavadgeeta – Chapter 3” at SIRD (between 1 st and 6 th Feb. 2011) “Hinduism is a culture and civilization based on some great discoveries about our inner personality.” Nutan Swamiji
In Melacca, Divine Life Society, Nutan Swamiji spoke on “Transforming Life through Spiritual Wisdom”. “Spirituality is a Journey from our constricted ‘I’ to the Universal ‘I’.” Nutan Swamiji
In Melacca, Nutan Swamiji and the devotees (who accompanied Swamiji from SIRD) were hosted by Smt. Geeta & Dr. Venugopal. “Each difficulty is an opportunity to evolve further.” Nutan Swamiji
Appreciating the heritage structures in Melacca. Melacca was founded by King Parameshwara in 14 th century. “Every time we expand, we come closer to our real identity.” Nutan Swamiji
“Instead of clinging to likes and dislikes, cultivate readiness to accept.” Nutan Swamiji A boat ride over the Melacca river. Colourful murals, and monitor lizards resting on the trees, were a common sight during the ride.
Fliers used to announce Nutan Swamiji’s programmes in Kuala Lumpur & Petaling Jaya.
Venginissery, PO Paralam, Trichur Dt., , Kerala, India Phone: , Website: Narayanashrama Tapovanam