COMMUNICATION TECHNIQUES Zanete Garanti Lecturer University of Mediterranean Karpasia
About the teacher Zanete Garanti Email: Office: AKUN main building, room 202 Telephone: 227-3367/8 (113) Mobile phone: 0533 850 5809
About the course This course is designed to help you with a practical communication skills. In this course you will learn to: communicate effectively, communicate via letters, emails, social media, give a presentation, prepare your CV and cover letter, have an interview.
Assesment Type Note Weight Makeup Midterm: Examination – Multiple choice and true - false % 30 Project: In class assignments (portfolio) No make-up Final: Examination – Communication practice % 40
1. Why communication matters? Communicating as a professional, Unique challenges of business communication, Communication process, Technology in business communication, Ethical and legal communication.
Importance of communication Communication is the process of transferring information and meaning between senders and receivers, using one or more written, oral, visual, or electronic media. The essence of communication is sharing- providing data, information, insights, and inspiration in an exchange that benefits both you and the people with whom you are communicating.
Do you agree? Communication is important to your everyday life. Communication is important to your career. Communication is important to your company. Communication is important to your success.
Effective communication Provide practical information, Give facts rather than vague impressions, Present information in a concise, effective manner, Clarify expectations and responsibilities, Offer compelling, persuasive arguments and recommendations. = Effective messages are practical, factual, concise, clear, and persuasive.
Formal and informal communication In formal communication network ideas and information flow along the lines of command (the hierarchical levels) in the company’s organization structure. Informal communication network encompasses all communication that occurs outside the formal network. It occurs naturally or when formal network doesn’t provide information that you wan
Information flows in formal communication networks
Challenges of formal communication The globalization of business. Increase in workforce diversity. Increasing value of business information: Competitive insights, Customer needs, Regulations and guidelines. Heavy dependence on technology. Organizational structures and leadership style. Reliance on teamwork.
Communication barriers Noise and distraction Competing messages Filters Channel breakdowns Lack of planning Cultural, social, psychological barriers Emotions Poor listening Information overload …
Basic communication process
Social communication process
Role of technology in communication process Keep technology in perspective- it is a tool, not a replacement of interpersonal communication. Information overload. Information technology productivity paradox.
Ethical and legal communication Ethics are the accepted principles of conduct that govern behavior within a society. Ethical communication includes all relevant information, is true in every sense, and is not deceptive in any way. Unethical communication can distort truth or manipulate audiences in variety of ways: Plagiarizing, Omitting essential information, Selective misquoting, Misrepresenting numbers, Distorting visuals, Failing to respect privacy or information security needs.
Ethical dilemma, lapse, code, audits Ethical dilemma is a choice between alternatives that all might be ethical and valid. Ethical lapse is making a choice you know to be unethical. Ethical code is written ethics policy to help employees determine what is acceptable. Ethics audits is conducted to monitor ethical progress and to point out any weaknesses.
Legal communication Business and everyday communication is also bound by a variety of laws and regulations, including: Promotional communication, Contracts, Employment communication, Intellectual property, Financial reporting, Defamation, Transparency requirements.
Practical applications homework 6 keys of powerful communication: Basic communication model: Rich Valdez on communication skills:
Test and apply your knowledge Now you should be able to answer these questions: What benefits does effective communication give you and your organization? What are the five attributes of effective business communication? What are the six traits of professionalism? What steps have to occur before an audience member perceives the presence of an incoming message? What are the most common barriers in any communication environment? How is communication affected by information overload? What is ethical dilemma? What is ethical lapse? Why do you think communication is vital to the success of every business organization? Explain briefly. Is it possible for companies to be to dependent on communication technologies. Give examples and explain briefly.
TASK Analyse the Facebook page of your favorite company. Does it communicate with people regulary? What kind of messages it delivers?
Thank you for your kind attention!