Your studies in The House of Life made you a wise person. You know the rites which the Gods like, and you can talk to them in the name of the Pharaoh. Every morning you wake up and feed the God so that he can’t complain about the humans and keep the order of the Universe. You own lands and livestock around the temple, you have a great fortune and many people work for you in the temple. You take part of the minority of the Privileged class which holds the political power in Egypt. For further information click on here:
Looking for information 1. LOOKING FOR INFO 1. The history of Ancient Egypt comprised a period of more than years. During this long time, there were several AGES. answer these questions: - which are the dates of the beginning and end of each stage? - Which was the LONGEST AGE? -What happened between each AGE?. CLUE OF THE GOD ANUBIS: Check page 19 of your text book. DRAW A TIMELINE SHOWING THE MAIN AGES OF THE HISTORY OF ANCIENT EGYPT PROCESS: QUESTIONS ABOUT THE PRIEST
2. THE POWER OF THE PHARAOH. Who ruled over Egypt and the Egyptians? Which powers did he have? On which territories did he rule? 3. THE GODS -Which religion did the Egyptians have? -Which are their main Gods and Goddesses? -How did the Egyptians represent the majority of their gods? - -In which place were the gods worshipped?
PROCESS STEP 1: Looking for information. QUESTIONS ABOUT THE PRIEST: 1.The GODS’ SERVERS Who were in charge of taking care of the gods? Which social group did they belong to? Who belonged to the same social group? Who was the High Priest in Ancient Egypt?
PROCESS STEP 1: Looking for information. 2. THE HOUSE OF THE GODS: How many parts did an Egyptian temple have? Where was the statue of the God located? Could all the Egyptians enter all the parts of the temple? html Enter an EGYPTIAN TEMPLE and have a VIRTUAL VISIT:
PROCESS 2. THE AFTERLIFE: Why did the Egyptians preserve the bodies of the dead people? Which technique they used to preserve it? What are the CANOPIC JARS? Where were the mummies placed? Which process had the dead to pass to go to the afterlife? THE JUDGEMENT OF OSIRIS: HUNEFER MUMMIFICATION PROCESS:
PROCESS 3. THE TUMBS: Why did the Egyptians preserve the bodies of the dead people? Which technique they used to preserve it? What are the CANOPIC JARS? Where were the mummies placed? MUMMIFICATION PROCESS: