Funding Opportunities for Faculty in Germany Herzlich Willkommen!
Who Are We? ►German national agency for international academic cooperation and exchange ►Independent association of universities ►Providing scholarships, information, counseling ►$300 million annual budget, 50,000+ scholarships awarded annually ►Regional Office for Canada and the US
Destination Germany ►180,000 international students – the third most popular destination worldwide! ►A country in the heart of Europe, one or two hours – and as little as $30 dollars – away from Paris, London, Rome, Prague and Warsaw ►The leading economy of the European Union
German Higher Education ►Research Universities: undergraduate, professional and doctoral programs ►Universities of Applied Sciences (Fachhochschulen): practice-oriented Bachelor’s and Master’s programs ►How to find the best institutions in any field: “CHE Rankings”, new results published in German at h ttp://
Recent Developments: Bologna Process ►Creation of a European Higher Education Area by 2010 ►Introduction of Bachelor’s, Master’s, PhD (typically years) ►Several hundred international degree programs taught in English ►New opportunities to enter Germany as a student – or for German students to start grad school in Canada
DAAD Visiting Professorship Program ►Opportunities for professors or others to teach in Germany ► Must have invitation from German institution ►Courses in English or German – and all fields eligible ►Deadlines: July 15 or January 15
DAAD-Cornell Summer Seminar ►Bring scholars from the US & Canada together to discuss topics in German Studies ►Funding for tuition, travel, room, and board for seminar available to qualified candidates ►Deadline: March 1
Conference Funding: German Studies ►For seminars, conferences, workshops & lectures ►Historical, political, economic, social & cultural aspects of contemporary Germany ►50% of funding must come from other sources ►Deadlines: June 15 or October 15
Group Study Visits ►10-15 students and one professor visit Germany for 7-12 days ►Trips organized to fit curriculum of particular course and should include some visit to academic institutions ►Funding helps defray costs of room and board
Re-Invitation Program ►For former DAAD one-year scholarship holders ►Well-defined research project ►One to three months at a university or research institute in Germany
Grad Students: Study Scholarships ►Support for one or two years of study in Germany ►Can be used to earn a master’s or doctoral degree – some taught in English – at a German university ►German language ability should be commensurate with needs ►Around 20 awarded annually
Grad Students: Research Grants ►1 to 10 months (with possibility of one-year extension) ►For graduate students, PhD candidates and postdocs ►Around 30 short term (< 6 mo.) and 90 long-term awarded annually ►Must have well-defined research project ►TIP: Invitation by host institution essential
Grad Students: Language Courses ►Learn German for 8 weeks at top language institutes in Germany ►Any field except English, German, or other modern language or literature ►Must have 3 semesters of college German
Grads/Undergrads: Summer Courses ►Summer courses at German universities in hundreds of topics ►Combine coursework with language learning ►Scholarships only for courses taught in German – 2 years minimum language requirement
Undergraduate Scholarships ►Funding for study abroad, internships, or senior thesis research ►Open to students in all fields ►Previous knowledge of German not required, but advantageous ►4-10 months during the German academic year ►Around 60 awarded annually from over 400 applicants
Also for Undergrads: RISE ►“Research Internships in Science and Engineering” ►6-12 weeks in summer ►No German required and scholarships and housing assistance are provided ►100 interns placed in 2005 – more for 2006
Partner Grants ►DAAD-Leibniz Scholarship: basic and applied research, interdisciplinary ►DAAD-AICGS Summer Research Fellowship: contemporary German Studies ►Leo Baeck Institute-DAAD Grant: history and culture of German-speaking Jewry ►Helmholtz-DAAD Grant: earth and environment, health, key technologies, structure of matter, transportation, and space
For more information… ►Visit our website: ►Write us: ►Other web resources:
Vielen Dank We hope to see you in Germany soon!