Reality and future Lifelong guidance for learning Romanian National Guidance Forum CEDEFOP, Thessaloniki 4-5 June 2008 Romania Institute of Educational Sciences - Euroguidance Mihai Jigau
System of Information, Counselling and Guidance Two main networks: Education (Psycho-Pedagogical Assistance Centres and Inter-School Psycho-Pedagogical Assistance Offices; Information and Guidance Centres; Complex Expertise Commissions) Labour (Information and Vocational Counselling Centres) Others: Youth (Information and Consultancy Centres for Youth) Health (Educational and Vocational Guidance Medical Commissions and Prophylactic Medicine Centres; Information and Consultancy Pilot Centres for Families) Internal services Private initiatives
Assessment (1) Strengths: National Association Curricular area Guidance and Counselling Training for guidance counsellors Code of Ethics and Quality standards Research in career counselling Master in Career Guidance Online services for career guidance and counselling Expert equipment and tools Protocol between Ministries of Education and Labour Counselling Centres and accredited Private providers Counselling units for special target groups
Weaknesses: Number of counselling officers Data base, statistics and studies Quality of services Formal legal support Synchronicity and continuity Assessment (2)
Social dialogue is a recent experience Share responsibility Trade unions involved in privatisations Annual training plan and career counselling Lack of policy for the continuing training and counselling Trade unions focus on wage claims Involvement in career counselling is inconsistent and occasional Role of social partners
Policy makers Research institutes and universities Specialised services in schools Specialised services in labour Social partner Communitarian Professional associations Organisations and agency National authorities Members of the Forum
Policies planning Monitoring Quality and Ethic of the Services Access of clients at decisions, institution and services Stimulation of the initiative and cooperation Capability for social inclusion European dimension in counselling Scientific research Professional association NLGF Objectives
Systematic exchange of information Counsellors accreditation Promotion of the right of counsellors Evaluation of the impact of the services Using ICT in dissemination of professional tools Promoting occupational and geographical mobility Activities
Networking Mobility LLL / training Common projects Exchange of information Grants for specific projects Coordination group Electronic platform Proposals
Positive: Increase the visibility and efficiency Synchronising content of offers Developing European dimension Negative: Centralisation Abandon of the national tradition Propose commune politics Evaluation of the LLGF