Common Cents Investment Group Welcome!
Mission Statement “Common Cents Investment Group is an organization open to all students who are interested in learning about investments. The focus of the club is to increase the knowledge of our members through the discussion of investing strategies and ideas. We talk about all aspects of investing, including mutual funds, stock market, options, and many other scenarios, and teach our members the fundamentals of investing. There is something to be learned at every meeting for both beginners and sophisticated investors.”
Officers President: Max Layman Vice President: Rex Powers VP or Membership: Austin Gibson VP of Public Relations: Andrew Dow VP or Events/Fundraising: Devyani Bajaj Treasurer: Albert Liong Webmaster: Shenyuan Chen
What to Expect this Year Weekly market updates Investing educational presentations Guest speakers Investopedia simulator competition Stock pitches Fundraising events Pizza at EVERY meeting
Presentations this Semester How to place a trade Fundamental analysis Technical analysis Mutual funds vs. ETF’s Taxes Commodities Industry specifics Accounting
Member Dues $30 per year ◦ Pizza each week ◦ Stock simulator (prize for top performers) If you pay today, you get a free CCIG t-shirt!
Investopedia Simulator CCIG OSU 2013 ◦ Long stocks ◦ Short stocks ◦ Options trading Use this to test out new strategies! Website is very educational too! Competition ends in March
Today in the Market
What is Investing? “The act of committing money or capital to an endeavor with the expectation of obtaining an additional income or profit.” – Investopedia Long term activity used to meet financial goals Ex: Buying stocks ◦ Use analysis in hopes that share price will rise ◦ Capital gains and dividends
Basic Investing Lingo Bull – positive outlook ◦ Long – think an equity will go up Bear – negative outlook ◦ Short – think a equity will go down Market order – buy/sell at current price
2 Main Methods FundamentalTechnical Financial Statements Performance ratios Charts Indicators Trends Fundamental vs. Technical
Why Invest Young? Interest adds up! Start investing young ◦ Invest $2,000 a year starting at age 20 ◦ How much will you have by age 65 at 7% interest? ◦ Total invested: $90,000 Total value: $570,000 Time is on your side Take advantage of IRA’s
Risk & Diversification
Developing a Strategy Don’t just copy someone Find one that fits YOU Don’t allow rumors to sway you Primary sources: ◦ Fundamental ◦ Technical ◦ Articles
GREED Nobody buys at very bottom then sells at very top Remove emotion from trading “When the gods of Wall Street give you a gift, you take it.” –Dan Fitzpatrick
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