The Industry Resource Center «Space Vehicles and Systems» FSBEI of HPE «Siberian State Aerospace University named after academician M.F. Reshetnev» Krasnoyarsk Semafornaya St., 433/1 RESOURCE CENTER «SPACE VEHICLES AND SYSTEMS» SIBSAU
Krasnoyarsk Semafornaya St., 433/1 WORKSHOP manufacturing (processing) of solids of revolution with a diameter up to 200 mm and a length up to 700 mm on lathe tools; manufacturing (processing) of devices with a size of up to 800х360х300 mm on milling machines using programmed turning table (4 coordinate positions); development of control software on the base of models designed in CAD/CAM systems for lathe tools and milling machines.
Krasnoyarsk Semafornaya St., 433/1 WORKSHOP water jet cutting of various materials; preparing of components for assembly; testing of assembly steps; assembly, engineering development; preparing of a blank for further processing; assembly of products after mechanical processing identification, manufacture of product packaging; transportation and product delivery to a customer.
Krasnoyarsk Semafornaya St., 433/1 COMPOSITE MATERIALS LABORATORY analysis of actual properties of polymer composites and creation of database of composite materials actual properties; creation of information infrastructure for the research findings application; development of technical processes for the manufacture of complicated constructions made from polymer composite materials; development of technical operations in the process of precision products manufacture; development of contemporary remote-sensing methods of control for the polymerization process.
Krasnoyarsk Semafornaya St., 433/1 OUTPUT SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL PRODUCTS Press mold Gear wheel Mass-size evaluation model
Krasnoyarsk Semafornaya St., 433/1 Radome Evaluating measuring transmission loss of super-high frequency energy on a frequency of 8-15 GHz 0,15 dB Height600 mm Diameter1345 mm Reflector made from carbon composite, fiberglass plastic and aramid materials Weight Is % lighter than aluminum AccuracyMaximum mean square deviation is 0, 05 mm OUTPUT SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL PRODUCTS
Krasnoyarsk Semafornaya St., 433/1 Transport basket of space vehicle «Cosmos-CX» Canting device for transport basket Tire jack for space vehicle «Cosmos-CX» OUTPUT SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL PRODUCTS
Krasnoyarsk Semafornaya St., 433/1 Manufacture of mass-size evaluation models of the base station Manufacture of a bushing plate Mass-size evaluation models for space vehicle «Express-AM5» OUTPUT SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL PRODUCTS
Krasnoyarsk Semafornaya St., 433/1 Manufacture of tools for the assembly of a skirt for the device «KБK» and manufacture of a press mold for a basecoat component OUTPUT SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL PRODUCTS
Krasnoyarsk Semafornaya St., 433/1 Mobile transformable parabolic antenna designed for operation in satellite communication terminal Ku band (VSAT - Very Small Aperture Terminal) NameValue Aperture diameter1,3 m Navigation range Azimuth ±180°; Elevation angle 0…90° Polarization twisting±95° Setup time10 min max Number of packages for transportation 1 piece Package size800 mm х 500 mm х 200 mm Maximum wind forceWind speed up to 20 m/s Environment temperaturefrom ˗ 45 to +60 °C Antenna mass~ 16 kg Operating bandReceptionTransmission Design factor of multiplication ~ 41,2 dB~ 42,9 dB Signal polarization linear, orthogonal polarization to transit channel linear, orthogonal polarization to reception channel Electrical characteristics Technical characteristics
Krasnoyarsk Semafornaya St., 433/1 Model of the platform of space vehicle «Express-AM5» for experimental development of the onboard cable systems assembly OUTPUT SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL PRODUCTS 03-КИ Model «Express-AM5»
Krasnoyarsk Semafornaya St., 433/1 Large magnetic set designed for testing electronic devices under the effect of constant uniform magnetic fields Small magnetic set designed for measuring the magnetic behavior of magnetic thin film OUTPUT SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL PRODUCTS
Address: , Krasnoyarsk, Semafornaya St., 433/1 Telephone: 8 (391) Site: