Secrets of taking a successful listening comprehension test Robert Märcz Foreign Language Centre University of Pécs EAS Conference - Miskolc, June 15, 2012
Outline -Questions of listening comprehension -Influencing factors -Context, participants and instruments -Results -Conclusions EAS Conference - Miskolc, June 15, 2012
Particular Features of Listening Comprehension 50% of our communication time Complex process (top-down / bottom-up) Various use of different strategies Cannot be observed directly EAS Conference - Miskolc, June 15, 2012
What influences Objective factors: Task characteristics Text characteristics Situation-specific factors: quality of the input actual circumstances EAS Conference - Miskolc, June 15, 2012
What influences Subjective factors: L2 proficiency (in general) L2 listening ability (in particular) Memory and attention Background knowledge Experiences – exposure Interest and motivation Use of strategies EAS Conference - Miskolc, June 15, 2012
Context and participants ECL International Language Examination System Level – B2 Listening comprehension test Two tasks:multiple choice (three options) (Eve’s Life) short answer (Judy Bloom) Online questionnaire Cc 500 answers within the first two week (cc 30%) EAS Conference - Miskolc, June 15, 2012
The Questionnaire Three parts: 1.Background data (7 items) 2.Statements concerning the factors that influence listening comprehension (Influencing factors = motivation, aptitude, memory, confidence, preparation and exposure to L2) (30 items) 3.Statements concerning strategies (cognitive and meta-cognitive)(16 items) /Likert scale: 1 -4 / not anonym - EAS Conference - Miskolc, June 15, 2012
Procedure Concentrate only on influencing factors (2nd part) Data on the performance of the test-takers and the questionnaire compared Quantitative analysis: simple frequencies, percentages and standard deviation calculated EAS Conference - Miskolc, June 15, 2012
Results and analysis I need the language exam – 3.83 A language exam may always come in useful – 3.81 I regularly listen to music in English – 3.71 I like the English language – 3.59 I like the sound of English – 3.48 I can learn easily – 3.11 I regularly watch films in English with subtitles /standard deviation / Commonalities: motivation, aptitude and exposure EAS Conference - Miskolc, June 15, 2012
Results and analysis Correlations between test performance and influencing factors Concentrating only on significant correlation (i) intrinsic motivation (ii) confidence (iii) preparation (iv) exposure to L2. EAS Conference - Miskolc, June 15, 2012
Results and analysis Three steps: test performance influencing factor 1.bivariate correlation: test performance and influencing factor (consisting of several items) test performance statements 2. bivariate correlation: between test performance and each of the statements (constituting a particular influencing factor) separately Cross tabulation 3. Cross tabulation (batch correlations) EAS Conference - Miskolc, June 15, 2012
Results and analysis Intrinsic motivation Significant and weak, correlation (0.195) I like the English language (0.261) I like the sound of English (0.180) (I like the American culture / I am interested in British culture) EAS Conference - Miskolc, June 15, 2012
Results and analysis EAS Conference - Miskolc, June 15, 2012 Int. Motivaton Total LowHIgh Performance 0 – 59% Count % within LPC_categories51,9%48,1%100,0% % within Mot_int_50_5052,7%37,5%44,1% % of Total22,9%21,2%44,1% % Count % within LPC_categories40,6%59,4%100,0% % within Mot_int_50_5027,3%30,7%29,2% % of Total11,9%17,4%29,2% 80 – 100% Count % within LPC_categories32,5%67,5%100,0% % within Mot_int_50_5020,0%31,8%26,7% % of Total8,7%18,0%26,7%
Results and analysis Confidence Significant and almost moderate correlation (0.358) I am good at listening comprehension (0.379) I can understand English films well (0.336) Other items (0.218 – 0.273) EAS Conference - Miskolc, June 15, 2012
Results and analysis Table 7/ LPC_categories * Confidence50_50 Crosstabulation Confidence Total LowHigh Performance 0 – 59% Count % within LPC_categories67,3%32,7%100,0% % within Confidence50_50 55,8%30,8%44,1% % of Total29,7%14,4%44,1% % Count % within LPC_categories48,6%51,4%100,0% % within Confidence50_50 26,7%32,1%29,2% % of Total14,2%15,0%29,2% 80 – 100% Count % within LPC_categories34,9%65,1%100,0% % within Confidence50_50 17,5%37,1%26,7% % of Total9,3%17,4%26,7% EAS Conference - Miskolc, June 15, 2012
Results and analysis Preparation No significant correlation with this influencing factor BUT significant and weak correlation with one statement: I came well prepared for the listening comprehension test (0.152) Others: I practiced listening comprehension exercises We completed many LP exercises with my teacher EAS Conference - Miskolc, June 15, 2012
Results and analysis Exposure to L2 Significant and weak, correlation (0.280) Correlations: (0.129 – 0.299) EAS Conference - Miskolc, June 15, 2012
Results and analysis Exposure to L2 Total Low High Performance 0 – 59% Count % within LPC_categories64,4%35,6%100,0% % within Exposure50_5054,3%32,9%44,1% % of Total28,4%15,7%44,1% % Count % within LPC_categories47,8%52,2%100,0% % within Exposure50_5026,7%32,0%29,2% % of Total14,0%15,3%29,2% 80 – 100% Count % within LPC_categories37,3%62,7%100,0% % within Exposure50_5019,0%35,1%26,7% % of Total10,0%16,7%26,7% EAS Conference - Miskolc, June 15, 2012
Conclusions There is significant though mainly weak correlation between test performance and confidence confidence (0.358) exposureto L2 exposure to L2 (0.280) intrinsic motivation intrinsic motivation (0.195) preparation preparation (0.152) EAS Conference - Miskolc, June 15, 2012
Conclusions As the construct of any language tests is the language knowledge itself the results mean that: -the test is not biased -it measures the construct -there are some factors that do provide advantages EAS Conference - Miskolc, June 15, 2012
Thank you for your attention! EAS Conference - Miskolc, June 15, 2012