Provided assistance and knowledge to early English settlers Provided a market for European goods Helped Europeans in the fur trade
Get diseases from the English Sell land to the English, get pushed off land Indians become more divided, some ally with English and convert to Christianity Alcohol becomes an issue Indians are viewed as “heathens” and “savages”
Connecticut, Plymouth, and Mass. Bay v. The Pequot Indians Cause: Competition over trade with the Dutch Trigger: The death of trader John Oldham
The English allied with the Narragansett Indians and planned an attack Captain John Mason led an attack against a Pequot fort and set it on fire killing Pequots (mostly women, children, and older men) Destroyed Pequots and nearly eliminated entire tribe, opened up New England for settlement
King Philip or Metacomet was the Chief of the Wampanoags King Philip and the Wampanoags were angry at losing their land “praying Indians” converting to Christianity
A “Praying Indian” named John Sassamone told Plymouth that King Philip was organizing an attack Sassamone was murdered the next and 3 Wampanoags were arrested, tried, and executed
The Wampanoags attack the settlers and the war consists of a series of bloody raids The New England Confederation is too strong for the Indians The Mohawks provided key help to the English
King Philips is shot, killed, and decapitated by Mohawks (tell gruesome story to class- earmuffs if you don’t want to hear) Impact: destroyed colonial settlements, destroyed Native Americans in New England