Pet Abuse Definition of Pet Abuse: Pet abuse is when someone intentionally harms their pet. People might hurt, kill, or others might rape the animal. It is disgusting and wrong. A Case of Pet Abuse: On Sunday November 8, 2009, more than 30 dogs were left on the side of the road to die. Most of the dogs were Jack Russells, some small terrier mixes, including a few puppies, and one dog was already dead. "When I got there, as far as the eye could see, were dogs," said an animal control officer for Concord, Carol Robinson. She rounded up 29 dogs with the help of others. Some dogs are still on the loose. Many of the dogs were pregnant, as they have been used for breeding before they were dumped at the side of the road. Robinson says,” I believe these are puppy mill dogs," then continues, “These are the type of dogs that the puppy mills churn out... “ About 15 dogs wanted to be held and others were petrified and seemed afraid of the outdoors. Robinson believes that it was a person who lived in the area, knew to dump the dogs on the road because nobody lived around there.
Wild Animal Abuse Definition of Wild Animal Abuse: Animal abuse is when someone intentionally harms an animal. People might hurt, kill, or others might rape the animal. It is disgusting and wrong. A Case of Wild Animal Abuse: "The Canadian government insists that the seal hunt is an animal production industry like any other. They say that it might not be pretty, but basically it is just like any abattoir except on the ice. But we found obvious levels of suffering which would not be tolerated in any other animal industry in the world,” says Ian Robinson, a British Veterinarian. Two different veterinary reports showed that in the study of the 2001 seal hunt, that one was commissioned by the Canadian Government, showed many cases that the seals were shot or clubbed when the seals were not rendered immediately unconscious. Both of the reports, together documented that a number of the seals were dragged across the ice, while still being conscious. Some seals are still alive when they reach the sealing vessel decks.
Forms of Animal Cruelty Here is a list of some of the forms of animal cruelty. 1.Animal testing 2.Abandonment 3.Slaughter Houses 4.Enclosed space (keeping the animal in a cage) 5. Puppy Mills 6. Baby Seal Slaughter 7.Leg Holding Traps 8.The hunting of confided animals 9.The use of animals in circus practices 10. Shelters using inhumane ways of killing the animals 11. Inhumane treatment of fur bearing animals in the fur industry 12.Owners who are neglectful, don’t take their animals outside, And tie their dogs up for their lifetime. Did you know that pets test pet food, Household items, and Tobacco? Huh.
Gas Chambers Did you know that at some animal shelters, they use gas chambers as well as euthanasia, to kill the animals. They use chambers so that they can kill more animals at a time. They also don’t have to look at the animals faces when they are dying.
People abuse Animals at any age, and this graph shows Approximately how Old they are when They abuse animals.
1.Get the animal help, as in give it food, water, or shelter if it needs it. Tell an adult you trust, tell the police or call your humane society. Don’t try to help the animal because you might get hurt. 2.Write down the facts. Write down where it happened, what kind of cruelty it was, time, date, and who you think is responsible for causing the animal pain. 3.Help get the word out. Tell your friends, family, classmates, teachers that human violence is Sometimes the cause of animal cruelty. Also tell them how they can help. 4.Be a good role model, by being nice and caring for animals. Tell people that hurting animals is wrong, and they can speak up for the animals, considering that they don’t have a voice and we do. 5.Be a responsible pet owner, by not letting your pets roam around outside. Cats especially should not go outside because they tend to run off and don’t come back for a while. If you are to go out side with your dog, take them on a leash so they don’t run away. 6.Make the internet work. If you ever come across a website that promotes animal abuse or animal cruelty, recommend to the service provider that hosts the website, that they should take down the promotion to animal abuse. If you don’t know who the provider is, than go to the following website to find out who it is. 7.Keep lookout for stray our hurt animals. If you find one, than contact your humane society. 8.Teach younger children in your community about animal cruelty. 9.Create a club in your school, that helps stop animal cruelty. 10.Volunteer at your local humane society.
Why You Should Stop Animal Cruelty You should stop animal cruelty because animals are getting hurt and killed every day because of human actions. Take Action! Step Up to Animal Cruelty!
MLA “Puppy mill - 30 dogs abandoned a roadside Concord, NY (US)” Web. 18, Nov, Sarah Theophilus. “Famous Pet & Animal Quotes” Pets in Pastels. Web. 18, Oct, “Seal Hunt Facts Canada Doesn’t Want You to Know” IFAW Canada (International Fund for Animal Welfare) Web. 18, Nov, nt/seal_hunt_facts_canada_doesn't_want_you_to_know/index.php. nt/seal_hunt_facts_canada_doesn't_want_you_to_know/index.php “10 Things Teens Can Do to Help Stop Animal Cruelty” The Humane Society of the United States. Web. 18, Nov, an_violence/teens_fight_animal_cruelty/10_things_teens_can_do_to_help_stop_animal_cruelt y.html. an_violence/teens_fight_animal_cruelty/10_things_teens_can_do_to_help_stop_animal_cruelt y.html “Animal Cruelty Takes Many Forms” Best Friends Network Social Networking to Save Lives. Web. 18, Nov,
So What Are YOU Going to Do? Are you going to open your eyes and put a stop to animal cruelty, or are you going to sit there and watch all those helpless animals get killed? The choice is yours. Pick. Did you know that April is Stop Animal Cruelty month? Huh.
Song: Open Your Eyes by Snow Patrol CREDITS