GIS for Asset Management at United Arab Emirates University Dr. M. M. Yagoub and Mohsin A. Abbasi Department of Geography Faculty of Humanities & Social Science, UAE University. E-Mail:,
Introduction About Asset Management. What is GIS? Application of GIS in Asset Management. Some practical examples of GIS use in Asset Management. Proposed GIS for UAEU. Present system at the UAEU. Methodology Benefits and Limitations Conclusions
Introduction Use of GIS technology for managing assets at Campus Development Department (CDD) in United Arab Emirates University (UAEU). It gives some examples of GIS being used for asset management technology in different parts of the world. It discusses the key application of GIS in asset management. It reviews the present system of managing assets at UAEU. Proposes methods for integrating GIS with asset management for its use in the university.
What is Asset Management? Its is collection, processing, analysis and maintenance of extensive information about various types of assets such as equipment, facilities and other resources. To plan work to be executed to maintain these assets at an operational level in the most cost-effective fashion possible.
What is Geographic Information Systems (GIS)? A computer-based data storage and analysis tool that combines previously unrelated information into a comprehensive picture. GIS can easily display map-based information graphically on a computer. GIS can view and analyze data geographically. The System also contains descriptive information tied to features with a database. GIS makes decision-makers the power to make better decisions. GIS gives you the power to do things that were simply impossible before.
People Software Data GIS Procedures Hardware
GIS Layers Land Ownership Flood Zones Transportation Wetlands Aerial Imagery Elevation Geodetic Control Boundaries Surface Waters Transportation Land Ownership Soils Sewer Lines Water Lines Landcover Wetlands Flood Zones
Applications of GIS in Asset Management Data Collection Data Storage Data Mapping
GIS has been widely used around the globe for Asset Management, for example: Greensboro "North Carolina" simplifies access to city services with GIS and new one-call system. Maximizing GIS Investments through Optimal Enterprise Asset Management Integration. Integrating GIS and Asset Management at Greater Cincinnati Water Works. Asset Management Using GIS for Sewerage System of Mumbai. Integrating GIS, Computerized Maintenance Managements Systems (CMMS), and Asset Management. Integrated Approach to Asset and Work Management Using GIS. Fort Worth’s Asset Management Solution, Maintenance Management Integration with GIS.
Proposed GIS for Asset Management at UAEU To design, develop and implement GIS application at UAEU Data can be easily accessed by maintenance engineers and staff for Asset Management. Priority will be for data collection. This starts with organizing the present AutoCAD in the university. A pilot study can be done by selecting a campus in the university such as Maqam.
UAE University- Al Maqam Campus Figure shows the Maqam Area of UAEU with some utilities and buildings with their details. Once the data is added in the GIS system then it can be used to integrate with other software to make work order system.
Proposed GIS System continued.. The GIS system can be made by using ArcGIS software or other GIS system. The data, both spatial and attribute; can be stored in Oracle with ESRI ArcSDE as the middle ware. The data can be viewed by Campus Development Department staff by using Internet GIS software such as, ArcIMS and integrating it with Datastream 7i software for work order management. ArcIMS can be used for both internet and intranet purpose. This integration of assets with GIS for Campus Development Department can provide a customized browser based view of all the data required for the maintenance.
Present Work Order System
Proposed Work Order System
Methodology To start a GIS work data collection and its organization should be given the priority. Palm computer with Global Positioning System (GPS) will also be used for data collection. All infrastructure drawings in AutoCAD format will be converted to shapefile format of ESRI. If the drawings are not available in AutoCAD then those drawings will be scanned and digitized to make a vector data. Attributes will be added to the features where they are required. This can be done by adding data directly to the attribute table of ArcMap or by integrating with ArcSDE and data to be kept in the server in Oracle.
Methodology Continued… A GIS data will be made in ArcGIS and the same data can be integrated with ArcIMS to make it work online. Work order request can also be integrated with the GIS system to take work order online. This can be done by using software such as Datastream7i.
Methodology continued.. Once the GIS system is ready with its integration with work order system then, a simple maintenance complain to the CDD can be worked on in the following order. A work order will begin when a person calls at CDD and CDD representative listens to the concern-pothole’s location, for example. The CDD representative requests street location information (street address or location), geocodes and zooms the map display to the pothole’s location. He then, adds comments, a problem code and the complainant’s name and phone number for the follow-up. After the work order is created, it is automatically written to the asset management system using a web service call. Next, the work order is automatically e-mailed to the supervisor’s inbox, which shows new work order and existing work in progress. The supervisor selects the new map, views the map to identify a problem location within service district and assigns a crew. After work is performed, paper work is returned, hours and materials are recorded and a job is closed.
Benefits of GIS System Coordination and exchange of information. Proper management of university’s resources. Avoiding duplication of efforts in terms of buying data, hardware and software This will lead to cost reduction. This system can be used to monitor maintenance, renovation, or rehabilitation program. To retrieve detailed information like tables, graphs and maps about any facility in the campus. It will provide a customized browser based view of all the data needed to assist a complaint. Help in creating a better image for the organization by improving the communication between it and customers. Greater safety and reduce the organization’s exposure to liability and criticism.
Limitations of the GIS System This system may be both expensive and technically challenging. Another major hurdle may be the cost of collecting and inputting the spatial and descriptive data These costs may be very high depending on the types of assets that are being mapped. The time taken to input data may also extend to many years. This may lead to a possible loss of funding as benefits are not immediately realized by the organization.
Conclusions Asset management is systematic process of maintaining, upgrading and operating physical assets. It helps in logical decision making process, time minimization, labor reduction, accuracy improvement, increases efficiency, improves customer services and is of high cost/benefit ratio. It enhances the knowledge of engineers of various assets and their details.
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