Quality in Vocational Training in relation to the SCIH project Basic Quality Measures Hargašová Oľga, Ing. SSOŠ SD Jednota Šamorín
Quality and Training for Employment Quality Evaluation Plan Objectives Inform on the levels of quality attained by the training system (measure its efficacy, efficiency, impact and results). A dopt general initiatives for its improvement. V erify the level of attainment of the objectives of the training actions developed. by Training Organizations by Participate in the activities
Quality in Vocational Training Quality Evaluation Plan Composition Based on objective quality criteria and indicators. Gather information on the control and monitoring of training actions, evaluations made by the imparting centres and evaluations made by the participants in the activities.
Q uality in T raining C enters What does the management of Quality in Training Centres consist of? Diagnostic and evaluation tool Implementation of a Quality Management Model
Q uality in T raining C enters Systematic and continuous analysis of the Center's and the project’s progress. Detection of areas to by improved. Definition of action plans. Objective, reliable, relevant information on the processes and results of training actions developed. Valuation of the quality of the overall Vocational Training System. Periodically Evaluate the Center's operation Submit to external quality controls
Q uality in Training C enters Which quality evaluation criteria are employed? Quality Generate mutual trust, credibility and social recognition Parameters /Criteria
Q uality in Training C enters Planning of training actions Student Access Teaching Staff Training Programs Didactics Installations, Equipment, Endowments and Resources Results of the Training Period Evaluation of the Training Professional Insertion Satisfaction
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