Sacide Günel Gpc 355
Outline Definition of dyslexia Causes of dyslexia Symptoms of dyslexia The education of dyslexic children The role of teachers and parents
What is dyslexia ? Dyslexia causes people to have trouble recognizing or processing letters and the sounds associated with them. For this reason, someone with dyslexia will have trouble with reading and writing tasks or assignments. Dyslexia seen mostly in males. ➢ People with dyslexia find phonological processing much more difficult than other people, because their brains function in a different way. px
Causes of dyslexia ➔ Dyslexia has been linked to certain genes that control how the brain develops. It seems to be an inherited condition. ➔ These inherited traits appear to affect parts of the brain concerned with language. ●(problems in the occipito-temporal cortex)
Symptoms of dyslexia Slow at learning letters, letter sounds, alphabet, colours, days of week, months of year, multiplication tables Difficulty with distinguishing left from right Letters appear to blur and move around and get in the wrong order Figures, or letters, the wrong way round e.g. 15 for 51, 6 for 9, b for d,'was' for 'saw'. Mispronounces familiar words; persistent "baby talk". Doesn't hear fine differences in words; e.g., writes "pin" for "pen". Answers questions well orally but has great difficulty writing down the answer. Poor concentration span for reading and writing
Education of dyslexic Dyslexia is lifelong but amenable to educational intervention. However, brains with atypical language and sensory systems are at a disadvantage in a traditional educational environment, because there are fast-paced and linguistically loaded instruction prevails. Dyslexic children can suffer a lot of anguish and trauma when they may feel mentally abused by their peers within the school environment, because they have a learning difficulty. Schools can provide academic modifications to help dyslexic students succeed.
Role of teachers and parents ➔ Teachers can give taped tests or allow dyslexic students to use alternative means of assessment. Students can benefit from listening to books-on-tape and from writing on computers. ➔ Seat the child fairly near the class teacher so that the teacher is available to help if necessary, or he can be supported by a well-motivated and sympathetic classmate. ➔ Teachers and parents should reward effort. For the dyslexic, grades should be less important than progress. ➔ When confronting unacceptable behavior, adults must not inadvertently discourage the dyslexic child. Words like “lazy”, “troublemaker”, or “incorrigible” can damage the child’s self-image. children
Famous people with dyslexia Dyslexic people are not mentally retarded and some of them have special abilities. ❏ Agatha Christie– Writer ❏ Leonardo da Vinci – Artist ❏ Walt Disney – Film producer ❏ Thomas Edison – Inventor ❏ Albert Einstein - Scientist ❏ Bill Gates - Microsoft Chairman ❏ John Lennon – Musician
Movie Suggestion ★ Like stars on earth (2007) ★ Ishaan is an eight year old boy is thought to be lazy and a troublemaker, until the new art teacher discover the real problem behind his struggles in school. ★ Ishaan is a dyslexic child and the movie tells his world.
The End :)