NUOVE On-line Educational Advice and Career Counselling (ESF) 2008-2013 Educational advice, Career guidance, Research.


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Presentation transcript:

NUOVE On-line Educational Advice and Career Counselling (ESF) Educational advice, Career guidance, Research

ORGANIZATION OF THE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME Representatives from the Ministry of Employment and the Economy, the Ministry of Education, State Provincial Offices, Trade Unions, Employer Organisation, other stakeholders NATIONAL STEERING GROUP SUB WORKGROUP FOR NATIONAL STEARING GROUP COORDINATION PROJECT (STEARING GROUP) NUOVE PROJECT (STEEARING GROUP) REGIONAL AND TRAINING PROJECTS EVALUATION OF THE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME Research and evaluation of advice and counselling services Developing On-line educational advice and career guidance

BACKGROUND OF THE PROJECT NUOVE project is part of The National Development Programme 2007–2013: Targeted and need-based information, advice and counselling services for adults National project Responsible orgainzation is Ministry of Employment and the Economy Budget of the project is about 5,9 milj.

PARTNERS Ministry of Education, The Finnish National Board of Education, Helsinki University/ Palmenia Center for Continuing Education (On-line educational advice service, Cimo,Center for international mobility Regional professionals of educational advice and career councelling

Projektin tavoitteet ja kohderyhmä THE MAIN OBJECTIVE Develop easy-to-use on-line information, advice and counselling services for adult people utilising multiple channels. IMMEDIATE TARGET GROUP Professionals from Employment and the Economy Offices ( educational advice and career guidance) SECOND TARGET GROUPS Educational advice and career counselling professionals in different organizations Citizens

Activities of the project Working in networks Development groups for educational advicers and career guidance ( psychologists) and partners Planning and piloting new on –line services Communicative actions Seminars and workshops Research

OUTCOMES OF THE PROJECT The availability of information, advice and counselling on-line services have improved Employment and the Economy Offices have utilised consept in educational advice and career guidance on-line services Permanent National network for advice and counselling services

Products of the project Educational advice and career councelling website for citizen National Career councelling call-line services New platform for suporting on –line working in educational advicers and career guidance in their daily work Clients appointment system for career guidance

Planning status of NUOVE project's Service Products

Product draft 1. Educational advice and career counselling web service (entry page on the Internet) The purpose of the website is to help citizens find reliable educational advice and career counselling information and opportunities, as clearly and quickly as possible National and public advice/counselling service (website/portal) related to citizens' professional development, for the use of citizens and experts Information on educational possibilities and professions and on working life, plus information on public educational advice and career counselling services (via links) for the use of professionals, too The website features an efficient information search service (index terms/semantic web), designed from the customer's perspective

Product draft 1. Educational advice and career counselling web service (entry page on the Internet) On this website, customers can easily find issues typically related to their personal situation in life, and consider future plans (lifecycle/various transitional stages, own situation – identification with different customer types/groups) via 'paths' The website offers tools for assessing one's own need for counselling services, and decision-making skills. Also, via links, the possibility to assess one's own abilities, values, interests, skills and career preferences in relation to training and working life (cooperation: career planning service reform project, TEM/HAP/Harry Pulliainen) Customer guided to locating the most suitable information, advice and counselling services within a partnership network (links and presentations) The website also provides transaction services: Customers can obtain advice and counselling (contact the Service Desk) and book, if necessary, an appointment for advice and counselling (possible connection to electronic appointment booking system) The customer can access peer support: Web groups (= Guided peer groups on the Internet) on various topics The customer has the possibility to save self-assessments for further purposes, e.g. advice and counselling within the employment & economic administration Matters related to various situations in life are easy to find: e.g. FAQ (=Frequently Asked Questions) Study financing calculator?

Product draft 2; Web platform for professional use (alias Service Desk, HelpDesk) Information system related to the management of customers' electronic transactions in educational advice and career counselling, jointly used by the Finnish National Board of Education, CIMO, employment and economic administration and Opintoluotsi (Study pilot). The aim is to enhance flexibility and high quality in educational advice and career counselling customer service, and in network cooperation Information system facilitating reception of questions, replies, classification, utilisation of former replies, data collection, organisation of replies to queries (the person with the correct competence replies to questions, regional and network perspectives possible) Information system includes a so-called toolkit for employees, including advice and counselling procedures for customer service, and the possibility for professionals to exchange information and enhance their competencies Also features customer data management Different rights and views for different user groups

Product draft 3; Career counselling helpline 'Career Line' The Career Line is a nationwide telephone service forming part of the Call Center services of the employment and economic administration The Career Line offers customers services for helping them choose a profession, and career counselling, provided by a trained occupational guidance psychologist/career counsellor The Career Line service is coordinated on a centralised basis and implemented through a distributed service model Customer information registered, but where? Anonymous customers at the Service Desk, identified customers in URA within the employment and economic administration? Operational principle remains to be resolved: On-call number and/or based on appointments

Product draft 4; Career counselling appointment system Distinct need for career counselling appointment system, including in educational advice (and the entire employment and economic administration) Implementation method still undecided In the ideal case (?) a customer could make an appointment him/herself with occupational and career guidance, e.g. on the Internet, and book a suitable service time and channel (e.g. by phone, via video image, a chat discussion time) Many positive aspects: + customer oriented + quicker access for customers to guidance service + more equal for citizens, who do not have a psychologist or educational counsellor at their local Employment and Economic Development Office + more efficient service etc.? Challenges in implementation: From the customer's viewpoint, an appointment for counselling at Employment and Economic Development Offices should be possible via the same channel, vs. psychologists satisfied with the present appointment booking system at the Offices; contacts to various systems (electronic calendar and customer information in employment & economic administration)

Problems to be resolved in service products Internet website and electronic platform: Should a semantic web or index terms 'only' be used? What features are necessary on the website? Counselling need assessment indicator ? Study financing calculator? Web groups? How will the partnership network contribute to the planning and piloting and use of service products? – links on Internet sites, utilisation of Service Desk? What kind of concrete cooperation with employers, trade unions, special unions,.. ? Service provision on an anonymous or identified basis? Could the customer decide him/herself? If firm identification only -> would this eliminate users, e.g. young people? If firm identification -> connection to the URA system? (Basic principle: information in one location only, customer friendly: the customer is not asked the same things many times)

Problems to be resolved in service products Career Line: Method of implementation: On-call number (will resources suffice?) or on appointment basis (different from other current national telephone services of the employment & economic administration) In connection with the Education Line or as a separate telephone line? Where will customer information be entered? In Service Desk and/or URA? Appointment system: Extent and method of implementation? Multi-channel real-time counselling service (telephone, video, chat). But also face-to- face vocational counselling at Employment and Economic Development Offices Also for educational advice? Who can make an appointment? Alternatives include centralised vocational counselling appointments on the Career Line, or the customer could book him/herself e.g. via the Internet?

NUOVE On-line educational advice and career counselling (ESF) Contact information Project Manager Seija Pohjanoksa, Project Planner Minna Maksniemi (career guidance) located in Kajaani, Project Planner Jaana Puuronen (educational advice), Project Assistant Sirpa Lindroos, Address : Ministry of Employment and The Economy, Ratakatu 3, Helsinki