A.Richards | Student Systems | SARS Student View
Students log on to the system by using their Student Id as their Username and date of birth as their Password.
Once the student is logged on the Appointment Menu will give the follow options; - Make an appointment - View or Cancel Appointments - View Appt. History - Logout Select Make an Appointment
Select the Campus and click Continue. In this example I’ve selected Strathfield
Students are able to enter in as much or as little information as they like when searching for an appointment. They have the option of narrowing the fields down to a specific Day, Time and Adviser. Leaving the search fields as is (shown in this screen shot) will bring up all available appointments for the advisers listed.
My appointment details; Day: All Start Time: 8:00 am End Time: 5:00 pm Adviser: Adele Richards Once the appointment details are selected click Find Appointments.
My selection criteria has given me the following available appointments. Students are able to book an appointment up to two weeks into the future. Only AVAIL appointments in your GRID will appear in this list. I’ve selected an appointment for Friday, 9 April at 3pm by clicking in the ‘Select’ box. Select your Equity and Disability Unit appointment
Students must select a reason code to book an appointment. The ACU address will automatically fill, the student must confirm their address before they can continue. Once the student clicks ‘Continue’ a Confirmation of the appointment is automatically sent to the students ACU account.
Once the appointment is confirmed the details are listed for the student to view. The Location of the appointment is sent to the student in the confirmation . Once the student has confirmed the appointment the appointment details will appear in your GRID as BOOKED. The ‘Go Back’ option is self explanatory - the student will be taken back to the previous screen.
Hello, This is a confirmation of your appointment with the Disability Service. The details of your appointment are shown below. Adviser: Adele Richards Campus: Student Systems, E Block. Strathfield Campus Date: Friday, 9 April 2010 Duration: 60 minutes If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, please return to the online appointment booking system: No show/cancellation policy As a courtesy to the Equity and Disability staff and other students, please give 24 hours notice when cancelling an appointment. Students who do not give adequate notice of a cancelled appointment, or who fail to attend without notice, may not be allowed to make further bookings, at the discretion of the Equity and Disability Advisers. Australian Catholic University Limited ABN CRICOS: 00004G, 00112C, 00873F, 00885B Confirmation from the Equity and Disability Unit;
Select to View or Cancel Appointments
The Day, Time and Adviser are listed in the Current Appointments screen. The Location of the appointment has been sent to the student in the confirmation . If a student wishes to cancel this appointment simply click on the button in the Cancel column.
Students must provide a cancellation reason, select the cancellation reason then continue. Once a student cancels an appointment your GRID will be updated from BOOKED to DROPIN (DROPIN is the default option). Once the cancellation is confirmed the student will be redirected to the Main Menu
Select to View Appointment History
The Appointment History will show all booked and cancelled appointments the student has made.