Web 2.0: Technology Integration for the 21 st Century Teacher October 6 and 7, 2011 SCCS Staff Development Rebecca Battistoni, Librarian
Why integrate technology? Total immersion into the content areas Deepens and enhances the learning process Prepares students with skills needed for today’s work environment Four key components of learning Active engagement by all students Participation in groups to foster teamwork Frequent interaction and feedback from teacher and peers Connection to real-world situations, problems and experts Effective integration is achieved when use of technology is Routine Transparent Supports curricular goals
The 21st Century Teacher’s Toolbox 21 st Century Teachers Engage with technology in their own lives Are more likely to value technological tools in their teaching Use technology with students Tools (often free!) Promote and extend student learning Should happen on a daily basis Web 1.0 tools text based; Web 2.0 tools interactive Challenge Finding ways to use technology as routine part of class Helping students use technology to extend their learning Trying to add too much, too fast
Audio Tools for Any Content Area Collaborative, multimedia slide show that holds images, documents, and videos and allows people to navigate slides and leave comments in 5 ways - using voice (with a microphone or telephone), text, audio file, or video (via a webcam) Classroom Applications Real time discussion with scientists, authors, experts, etc! Collaboration with others world wide Free computer to computer connection
Learning Tools for Any Content Area Creative interactive posters for any assignment Combines text, images, video, music Use as an alternative to Power Point Six subject categories: Languages (French and Spanish), Geography, Math, Humanities, Chemistry, and English UN World Food Program Playing donates rice to help end world hunger
Social Networking Tools for Any Content Area Classroom Applications Bulletin boards Instant messaging Connects students to students Ability to post videos and pictures Collaborate within the system
Social Networking Tools, cont.
Content Area: Science Experiments, games and activities Huge site with hundreds of things to explore! MS/HS visual, interactive science simulations Mostly ES games/activities from Canadian site Publish writing as an “EcoReporter”
Content Area: Math Both sites create graphs to save, share and print
Content Area: Math Interactive, web-based manipulatives for K-12
Content Area: Humanities and Research Multimedia site with diverse, creative visuals Enhances our understanding of war and its history Create interactive timelines Annotated links to 1,200 + history web sites Links to hundreds of quality K-12 lesson plans, teacher guides, activities, games, quizzes, and more Recommended by Chronicle of Higher Education, National Council for the Social Studies, New York Public Library, the BBC, Princeton University, and many others
Content Area: Humanities and Research, cont. Huge selection of student interactive graphic organizers, diagrams, and other tools
Content Area: English and Writing Blogs (web logs) started as personal journals, often with highly political overtones; a blog is a website that is updated on a regular basis, displays the content in reverse chronological order (newest entries first), and allows, even invites, reader response Blogging classroom applications “Blogger of the day” – allow one student a day to blog on the class blog Student journal; ideas include reading logs, exercise/food logs for PE/Health, science fair reflections Create “Top 10” lists of important information from that day/week/unit Embed websites on the blog that you want the students to read and respond to Create a question chain: teacher posts a question, one student answers it and post another question, and so on; no question can be repeated; good way to start book discussions or review for tests Group problem solving: post a school related issue and get feedback from the students Add a photo a day and have students write comments/stories/poems about the photo Sponsor out-of-class contests Extra-credit assignments Keep absent students up-to-date Communication with parents about classroom climate
Content Area: English and Writing, cont. Choose any text or series of words, and paste them into a box at the Web site to create a graphic display of the words, with the size of each individual word being determined by its frequency in the original word set Classroom Applications Display classroom rules uniquely Display grade level content expectations Create unique book reports or notes Analyze student writing for overused words Add to projects or posters to enhance presentations
Content Area: Reading home.asp New program purchased by the school 30 day free trial until program is installed Password: sccs2011; Login: login Over 300+ eBooks; access at school and home Share book recommendations, rate books, write book reviews, and create own virtual bookshelf Set up a private group with just students
Content Areas: Music, Art and PE Database of 3,000+ songs for classroom use Song lyrics reference guide Activities, curriculum, and resources for K – 12 teachers Great section on how to incorporate Web 2.0 into art classes Art museums from around the world Great ideas on using photos in new, creative ways Create an online fitness journal Track personal statistics and goals
Teacher Timesaver Tools Free resources from US government agencies Lots of links to lesson plans, activities, games and more
Teacher Timesaver Tools, cont. Teacher resources for all subjects Create worksheets for extra practice Create grading rubrics Create different types of puzzles
Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy
Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy, cont.
Where are you on the digital ladder?
Where can I learn more? HUGE list of resources for technology integration Digital tools section is place to start Tutorials on different applications SCCS Public Folder Presentation found in Library Media Center Folder Found within both the ES folder and Secondary folder Just click on a blue link to start exploring Ask for help; this is just a beginning! Technology Department Other teachers Your students School Year 2011/2012 Goal Try to add at least one digital tool this year!