Copyright 2002 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd. PPTs t/a Consumer Behaviour: Implications for Marketing Strategy 3e by Neal, Quester and Hawkins 1 Group Influence and Communication Chapter 14 Manner of group function; classification of groups Impact of reference groups on the consumption process Marketing strategies based on group influence Importance of roles of group members to marketing strategies Nature of word-of-mouth communication and its implications Group communication—an important marketing factor Importance of opinion leaders in shaping behaviour of others Market mavens—information disseminators Diffusion of innovation Adopter groups and their characteristics
Copyright 2002 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd. PPTs t/a Consumer Behaviour: Implications for Marketing Strategy 3e by Neal, Quester and Hawkins 2 Groups and their Definitions Group: ô‘Two or more individuals who share a set of norms, values, or beliefs, and have certain implicitly or explicitly defined relationships which make their behaviour interdependent’ Reference group: ô‘A group whose presumed perspectives or values are being used by an individual as the basis for his or her current behaviour’
Copyright 2002 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd. PPTs t/a Consumer Behaviour: Implications for Marketing Strategy 3e by Neal, Quester and Hawkins 3 Types of Groups Membership ô either yes or no Degree of contact ôlarger groups generally have less contact ôprimary groups generally have frequent interpersonal contact ôsecondary groups generally have limited interpersonal contact Attraction ôdesirability of being member ôeither positive or negative
Copyright 2002 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd. PPTs t/a Consumer Behaviour: Implications for Marketing Strategy 3e by Neal, Quester and Hawkins 4 Types of Groups (cont.) Aspirational reference groups ônon-membership groups ôpositive attraction ôexert a strong influence from some products
Copyright 2002 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd. PPTs t/a Consumer Behaviour: Implications for Marketing Strategy 3e by Neal, Quester and Hawkins 5 Conformity Conformity is the tendency to want to be like relevant and significant others Conformity generally makes life more pleasant Norms: ôgeneral expectations about behaviours that are deemed appropriate for all persons in a social context, regardless of the position they hold ôoften communicated non-verbally
Copyright 2002 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd. PPTs t/a Consumer Behaviour: Implications for Marketing Strategy 3e by Neal, Quester and Hawkins 6 The Nature of Reference- group Influence Conformity is not a uni-dimensional concept Information influence ôbehaviours and opinions of reference groups are used as potentially useful pieces of information Normative influence (utilitarian influence) ôwhen an individual fulfils group expectations to gain a direct reward or avoid a sanction Identification influence (value-expressive influence) ôwhen an individual uses perceived-group norms and values as a guide for their own attitudes or values
Copyright 2002 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd. PPTs t/a Consumer Behaviour: Implications for Marketing Strategy 3e by Neal, Quester and Hawkins 7 Determinants of the Degree of Reference-group Influence Group influence is strongest when use of the product or brand is visible to the group ôe.g. product category, product type and brand are all visible Reference-group influence typically affects aspects of the product that are visible to the group Reference-group influence increases as the degree of necessity of an item decreases In general, the more commitment an individual feels to a group, the higher the level of conformity to group norms
Copyright 2002 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd. PPTs t/a Consumer Behaviour: Implications for Marketing Strategy 3e by Neal, Quester and Hawkins 8 Marketing Strategies based on Reference-group Influences Personal sales strategies ôAsch phenomenon Advertising strategies ôall three types of reference groups are used by advertisers
Copyright 2002 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd. PPTs t/a Consumer Behaviour: Implications for Marketing Strategy 3e by Neal, Quester and Hawkins 9 Roles A role is: ôa prescribed pattern of behaviour expected of a person in a given situation by virtue of the person’s position in that situation Role parameter: ôrange of behaviour acceptable within a given role Role overload: ôoccurs when an individual attempts to fill more roles than the available time, energy or money allows Role conflict: ôincompatible role demands
Copyright 2002 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd. PPTs t/a Consumer Behaviour: Implications for Marketing Strategy 3e by Neal, Quester and Hawkins 10 Applications of Role Theory in Marketing Practice Role-related product cluster Evolving roles Role conflict and role overload Role acquisition and transition
Copyright 2002 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd. PPTs t/a Consumer Behaviour: Implications for Marketing Strategy 3e by Neal, Quester and Hawkins 11 Communication within Groups The power of word-of-mouth communication People learn about new products from friends and reference groups by: ôobserving or participating with them as they use the product, or ôby seeking and receiving advice or information from them
Copyright 2002 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd. PPTs t/a Consumer Behaviour: Implications for Marketing Strategy 3e by Neal, Quester and Hawkins 12 Opinion Leadership Opinion leaders filter, interpret or provide information for individuals within groups. Situations in which opinion leadership occurs ôone individual exchanges information with another ôone individual volunteers information ôas a by-product of normal group interaction
Copyright 2002 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd. PPTs t/a Consumer Behaviour: Implications for Marketing Strategy 3e by Neal, Quester and Hawkins 13 Opinion leaders have enduring involvement with product category Function primarily through interpersonal communications and observation Similar demographic characteristics to the group Public individuation High level of exposure to media Motivation of dissatisfied customers to tell others of their negative message The market maven Characteristics of Opinion Leaders
Copyright 2002 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd. PPTs t/a Consumer Behaviour: Implications for Marketing Strategy 3e by Neal, Quester and Hawkins 14 Marketing Strategy and Opinion Leaders Identifying opinion leader Targeting for marketing research Product sampling Retailing/personal selling Advertising attempts to encourage and simulate opinion leadership
Copyright 2002 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd. PPTs t/a Consumer Behaviour: Implications for Marketing Strategy 3e by Neal, Quester and Hawkins 15 Diffusion of Innovations Nature of the innovation ô new as perceived by individuals or group Categories of innovations ôcontinuous innovation ôdynamically continuous innovation ôdiscontinuous innovation