Fairfax, Arlington & Alexandria 4-H Junior Camp Orientation I’m Going to 4-H Camp
Where is 4-H Camp? About 1 hour from Fairfax. 1.5 hours from Arlington.
Camp Check-In Camp Counselors and Adult Volunteers will help campers find their lodges and unload their luggage. Every child has to be signed- in by his/her parents. Medications are turned in at this time. Campers will also receive a nametag with their room, counselor, pack, and class assignments for the week. Camp Backpacks can also be purchased for $6. Conference Center where Check-in is held
Lodges Robinson LodgeRector Lodge Peters Lodge
Snapshots from a 4-H Lodge
Welcome to Camp! At the opening assembly everyone will get a chance to meet the 4-H Center Staff and all the adult volunteers who will be helping during the week. The NOVA 4-H Center Staff— Do they look excited about camp?
Pack Meetings BobcatsCrowsDeerEaglesFoxesHawksOwlsRattlesnakesAnd… The Skunk Pack
Flag Raising and Lowering We begin and end each day at camp with flag lowering and raising. Different packs are assigned to help with this job each day.
Meal Times At the 4-H Center, all meals are eaten family style. You and your friends will sit with a teen counselor and you will pass food around the table instead of going through a cafeteria line. This will be a great way to learn what your friends are doing during the day in their other classes. Campers with special dietary needs (allergies or vegetarian diets) will be given additional food options to accommodate their needs as food is taken to tables. Please communicate these dietary needs to your 4-H Extension Agent on the Health History Form.
Evening Programs Each night we do a fun program. These photos show programs from previous camps. Campers loved the camp olympics and camp dance!
Night-time Snack Each night before campfire, we have our night-time snack. Some of the snacks we had last year were popcorn, watermelon, and ice cream.
Campfire Each night we end the day with a campfire that our Great Bear presides over. Different packs lead songs or chants in hopes of gaining “bear claws” for their pack. The Keeper of the Fire helps the Great Bear keep the campfire going. The Keeper of the Bear Claws keeps up with which pack has the most Bear Claws.
After a Good Night’s Sleep… It’s Time to Go to Classes! Arts & Crafts Class Low Ropes and High Ropes
Time to Go to Classes! Outdoor Cooking ClassDance Class
Time to Go to Classes! Canoeing Class T-Shirt Art Class
Time to Go to Classes! Outdoor Sports ClassSwimming
Time to Go to Classes! Woodworking Class Horsemanship Class
Time to Go to Classes! Fishing Class Robotics Class
Afternoon Programs Each day after lunch, we have an educational program. This year all afternoon programs will be about healthy living and learning where your food comes from.
Recreation & Swim Time Every afternoons we go to afternoon recreation--where the game gau-gau is a big hit—and to the swimming pool. At the swimming pool campers can choose snacks at the snack bar.
Camp Check-Out Before going home make sure you sign-out your child and pick up any medications you may have sent to camp. If you find that your child has left something behind at camp, please call the Fairfax Extension Office at (703) to check the Lost and Found items. Before camper pick-up, we have a closing ceremony and campers have some time to pack and say goodbye to their new friends.
Hope to See You Next Year! All these fun experiences have tired out all of our campers, counselors, and adult volunteers. We hope to see you again next year!
The End