Implementation of Leader Axis measures by Jean-Michel Courades AGRI-F3
2 Lessons from Leader Community Initiative (Leader II ex post evaluation ) The most crucial innovation was that project application and quality assessment was given to LAG. The consideration of legality was done by the authorities;The LAGs had real power to plan and implement strategies but no formal decision rights.
3 Administrative implementation aspects -Implementation bodies -Implementation steps -Decision making process -Cooperation
4 Bodies involved in administrative implementation Managing authority Selection committee for the LAG selection Monitoring Committee Accredited Paying Agency Local action groups (Lag secretariat + Lag partnership)
5 Implementation bodies Role of LAGs Animation –Information and meetings with potential beneficiaries Elaboration and Implementation of local strategy –Technical assistance for project development –Local calls for proposals (reception and eligibility assessment of proposals) –Selection of projects by the private-public partnership (selection committee) –Monitoring and evaluation –Possible control and payment tasks
6 Leader axis implementation steps Acquisition of skills for new Lags and existing Lags Selection of local developement strategy Grant agreements with Lags Implementation of local development strategy and cooperation
8 Implementation steps : eligible costs under acquisition of skills promotional events and the training of leaders the training of staff involved in the preparation and implementation of a local development strategy; studies of the area concerned (territorial diagnostic, development strategy) measures to provide information about the area and the local development strategy;
9 Implementation steps: Acquisition of skills Under Axis 3 (code 341) if used as a pre-Leader measure and as a prior Axis 4 step Under Axis 4 if focused exclusively on Leader approach and related to the LAG selection; Possible application before and after LAG selection for the local leaders, LAG manager and employees and LAG partners
10 Implementation steps Selection of local development strategy Selection procedure ensuring competition between Lags (several calls if opened to new lags) Calls no later than 2 years after approval of programs Detailed LAG selection criteria approved after consultation of the Monitoring Committee
11 Implementation steps: Grant agreements with Lags (current administrative practices) With LAG if own legal entity With intermediate body (legal public entity designated by the Lag to administer the permanent structure) Can be tri-partite agreement with MA/PA
12 Implementation steps : LAG running costs only for selected Lags from the starting date of the eligibility period (derogation for Bulgaria and Romania where running costs are eligible for all participating LAGs)
13 Implementation steps Local strategy implementation ensuring innovation any operation within the scope of the 3 axis objectives is eligible and respecting the delimitation with other EU funds it means that operation do not necessarily correspond to one of the 37 measures If project enters into the scope of application of one of the measures eligibility conditions of the measure apply.
14 Implementation steps : Possible eligible projects Local development Strategy Project A within the scope of a measure Project B within the scope of several measures Project C outside the scope of a measure
15 Implementation steps Operation outside a measure The operation corresponds to the axis objectives and is selected under the Local Development Strategy selection criteria for well identified beneficiaries (definition of operation Article 2 of Regulation 1698/2005)
16 Implementation steps: Operations outside the measure catalogue conditions proposed by Member States in programmes : –List of eligible actions –List of eligible beneficiaries –Axis 4 sub-measure 41 –Maximum eligible costs –Maximum public support
17 Implementation steps: Exemple of grant agreement for individual operation (MA/PA/LAG and recipient of payment) Subject Duration maximum possible funding detailed description of action general conditions (applicable law, information obligations…) detailed of eligible costs estimated overall budget responsibility of the beneficiary/recipient of payment reporting and payments obligations
18 Implementation steps Financial circuits Payment to the final beneficiary (e.g. commune or local enterprise) –by the Paying Agency –by the LAG After payment the LAG can ask the reimbursement of EU contribution to the Paying Agency LAG Financial management should respect conditions approved with Paying Agency Paying Agency having paid the EU contribution to the LAG should ensure that all eligibility rules and conditions have been respected,
19 Implementation steps : The global grant approach The Global Grant approach gives local action groups the most autonomy Local action groups will be delegated the responsibility for notifying grant authorization and paying grant claims The nominated LAG accountable body is responsible for the appraisal and approval of projects, and claims for payment, from final beneficiaries.
20 Decision making process Bottom up principle to respect : Individual projects/operations selected by local action groups (assessment of project relevance toward local strategy) Eligibility checks (legal control) made by the Managing Authority/Paying Agency in the majority of MS
21 Decision making process Adoption of projects LAG : –Local calls for proposals (transparency and equal treatment with objective selection criteria) –Selection of projects among list of submitted projects (quality assessment – project relevance and added value for the local development strategy) MA/PA –Ex- ante eligibility checks –Formal approval by MA/PA Notification to project owner/grant agrement (MA/PA or LAG)
22 Cooperation Eligibility rules Eligible costs : project development and implementation of a joint action including coordination costs for all areas Coordinating role of Lead LAG At least one partner selected under the Leader Axis
23 Cooperation procedures Can be integrated in local development strategy –quicker procedure since local action groups select the projects (Art.62.4) and submit project for approval to MA/PA like any other project; –Permanent access to cooperation during the implementation of the local developement strategy
24 Cooperation procedures If not integrated in local strategy, calls for proposals organized by the managing authority (submission possible until ). Coordination mechanism at EU level to exchange information on transnational project approvals
26 Transitional period New selectedLAG/territory –Commitment with Lags from New type of operations –Commitment with Lags from Old LAG selected under Leader Axis –Committments with Lags from if no further commitment under previous programmes