Improving Water Quality Purification of Drinking Water General process: Collected from reservoir or ground water.
Improving Water Quality Purification of Drinking Water General process: Water treated YouTube - The water treatment process
Improving Water Quality Purification of Drinking Water Water treatment includes: 1.Treatment with a coagulant 2.Filtration 3.Activated carbon 4.Disinfection 5.fluoridation
Improving Water Quality Water Treatment Plant
Improving Water Quality Purification of Drinking Water Disinfection can be one of the following: 1.Chlorine 2.Ozone 3.UV-light
Improving Water Quality Purification of Drinking Water General process: Distributed to customers Wastewater collected as sewage
Improving Water Quality Purification of Drinking Water General process: Sewage treated
Improving Water Quality Videos: YouTube - "where does it go?" THE MOVIE YouTube - What happens when you flush? YouTube - Waste Water Treatment Made Simple... YouTube - California plant turning raw sewage into drinking water
Improving Water Quality Municipal Sewage Treatment Primary treatment – removal of suspended and floating particles by mechanical processes such as screening and gravitational settling.
Improving Water Quality Municipal Sewage Treatment Secondary Treatment – Biological decomposition of suspended organic matter Tertiary Treatment - Variety of biological, chemical, and physical processes used to remove minerals, heavy metals, viruses, organic compounds, nitrogen, phosphorus, etc.
Improving Water Quality Municipal Sewage Treatment Primary and Secondary Sewage Treatment
Improving Water Quality Municipal Sewage Treatment Effectiveness of primary, secondary, and tertiary sewage treatment
Improving Water Quality Municipal Sewage Treatment Major problem associated with wastewater treatment is disposal of sludge Can be used as fertilizer, but there may be health risks (e.g., heavy metal poisoning) Used to be dumped in ocean. That is now banned Currently, most is dumped in landfills
Improving Water Quality Individual Septic Systems Septic tank
Improving Water Quality Individual Septic Systems Drain field