IPMA Diversitydtg.com Diversity & Inclusion Today What You Don’t Know You Don’t Know For: IPMA-HR Eastern Region Conference By: Mauricio Velásquez, MBA President, CEO The Diversity Training Group Diversitydtg.com
IPMA Diversitydtg.com Meet Mauricio Velásquez, MBA Mauricio Velásquez is the President and CEO of The Diversity Training Group (DTG) in Herndon, VA. Mauricio serves as a diversity strategy consultant, diversity and inclusion trainer, sexual harassment prevention trainer, executive coach, mentoring trainer, and expert witness. DTG’s clients include small and large organizations and public and private entities. SSA, OMB, NIST, NTIA, USCIS, HHS, and USPS are just some of our current federal clients. White House, DOI, USIA, USDA, DHS, US Navy, US Coast Guard are some of our past clients. Mauricio has trained over a half million participants in every state but North Dakota and his work and life have taken him to more than seventy countries. Mauricio holds a BA from UVA and an MBA from GWU. Married to Kelly with 3 kids.
IPMA Diversitydtg.com Mauricio’s Mission Provoke Thought Facilitate Discussion & Learning Surprise You Entertain You Add Value Provide Subject Matter Expertise Have Fun -Triple Investment-
IPMA Diversitydtg.com A Workshop on…. Treatment, Respect Professionalism, Trust Engagement to Higher Performance Current Events Management, Supervision, Leadership Parenting
IPMA Diversitydtg.com Opening Remark What You Don’t Know You Don’t Know (DKDK) What You Don’t Know (DK) What You Know (K)
IPMA Diversitydtg.com Intent vs. Impact Intent (what you meant) vs. Impact (what you actually said)
IPMA Diversitydtg.com Is there a relationship? Being Inclusive (Welcoming) Valuing Diversity (Valuing difference of opinion, background) Being Respectful (Treated with Respect, Dignity) Engagement Perform at Higher Level
IPMA Diversitydtg.com Diversity When you hear this term what “pops” into your head? What are all of the differences (and similarities) in our workplace? In our ranks, our peers, colleagues, travelers. What is Inclusion? What does it mean to be inclusive?
IPMA Diversitydtg.com Dimensions of Diversity Individual Group Organizational Affiliation Military Experience Religion Income Work Experience Geographic Location Language Education Work Style Family Status Communication Style AgeGender Ethnic Heritage Race Mental/ Physical Abilities Sexual Orientation Operational Role and Level
IPMA Diversitydtg.com Dimensions of Diversity Military Experience Religion Income Work Experience Geographic Location Language Education Work Style Family Status Communication Style AgeGender Ethnic Heritage Race Mental/ Physical Abilities Sexual Orientation Operational Role and Level
IPMA Diversitydtg.com Dimensions of Diversity Indivi dual Organizational Affiliation Group Individual
IPMA Diversitydtg.com Are you Inclusive?
IPMA Diversitydtg.com The Lunch Date Adam Davidson Screen Writer/Director This was his thesis to get his degree in film from AFI – American Film Institute, New York City Won many awards Filmed in 1990 On You Tube – if you can’t find it, ask your kids to find it
IPMA Diversitydtg.com To be an Inclusive Change Agent Understand the Myths of D & I Understand what a D & I is - so when you come across it – you act Address present D & I issues and proactively anticipate emerging D & I issues Hold people accountable (peers, direct reports) “We all have a shared responsibility to each other – we are all in this together!”
IPMA Diversitydtg.com Major Myths of Diversity & I 1.Diversity is a problem. No, it is an opportunity. 2.Diversity is HR’s responsibility. No, it is my responsibility, on all of us. 3.Diversity is just about race and gender. No, it is much broader than that. 4.Diversity is about minorities and women in the workplace. No, diversity is about your (employees) internal and external (prospective clients) customers. 5.Diversity is about exclusivity. No, it is about inclusivity. It is about retaining your employees and clients. 6.Diversity is just another fad. Have you seen the numbers? 7.Diversity is another version of EEO/AA. Wrong! EEO/AA is government mandated. Diversity is workplace driven.
IPMA Diversitydtg.com A Diversity Issue Exists… When an issue (policy or business practice — formal, informal, internal, or external) has a different impact on a particular group (i.e., impact on men vs. women, black vs. white, American vs. foreigner, urban vs. rural background) When it happens more frequently to a particular group (i.e., different groups have dramatically different “ numbers ”— turnover, terminations, promotions, few or no role models) When it is more difficult for one group to overcome (upward mobility for a particular group within an organization, i.e., “ glass ceilings ” ) Page 14 in your workbook – out of order in PPT for emphasis
IPMA Diversitydtg.com A Diversity Issue Can’t Be Ignored A diversity issue exists where the policy or business practice has an impact exclusive of difference (not inclusive of difference). Is there a trend or pattern (intentional or unintentional)? Having a diversity issue is not necessarily a bad thing. Doing nothing about it given you have knowledge of the issue is where organizations go wrong (negligence). Being in denial about these issues do not make them go away. Ignorance is not bliss inside or outside the courtroom. The question is why do we have this issue and how can we take action to correct it or improve the situation. Study or investigate, identify root cause(s) and identify solutions and execute! Don’t ignore the issues or be in denial about their existence.
IPMA Diversitydtg.com Addressing Diversity Issues – 1 a time StepActionExample Identify and agree on the problem (consensus) Ask the right questions. Ask for the facts Verify the information Decide what else you need to know “Help me understand exactly” “Let me make sure this is recorded correctly” “I will be able to help you better if I know…” Conduct problem- cause analysis to identify a specific problem and its cause Restate the problem in simple terms Get agreement on the problem and its importance/impact “So, the basic issue is…” “It seems we agree it is important to fix this because…” Identify solutions/alternative s Ask what can be done to solve the problem Suggest other options for consideration Tell them what you can do “What ideas do you have on how this can be fixed?” “In similar situations we have..” “I really wish we could do exactly what you suggested. However, according to…, we must…” ?
IPMA Diversitydtg.com Addressing Diversity Issues – 1 a time StepActionExample Implement solutions/take action with the help of the customer Ask for their cooperation Tell them what you will do Suggest how they can help, now and the next time “I’ll need your help to…” “Here is what I can do…” “To get this resolved quickly, I’ll need you to…, and if this should happen again, please…” End with an agreement and a thank you. Monitor and follow up on the situation Summarize what will be done, and by whom Thank the customer for cooperation and help Promise to follow up to ensure the solution really worked “Can I assume that we agree on…?” “Thank you for being so cooperative in helping us to solve this problem.” “I will call you in a week to be sure the situation is resolved.”
IPMA Diversitydtg.com What do you think? Is your biggest diversity and inclusion issue or challenge or obstacle? What is the root cause(s) behind this issue? How can you address it? What are potential solutions and prioritize them? “Let’s look at some best practices. You don’t have to recreate the wheel – just take someone else’s tire and put a white wall on it!”- MV
IPMA Diversitydtg.com Nationwide Best Practices Sources: American Express Benchmark Study Business Week Special Sessions The Conference Board Best Practices Publications Fortune’s Best Practices Lists/Articles Towers-Perrin North-American Diversity Best Practices Study US Department of Labor and other US Government Studies
IPMA Diversitydtg.com What is working – critical success factors STRATEGIC I.Visible, supportive and fully-committed senior leadership II.Diversity strategy/plan developed & aligned with organization’s strategic plan III.Internal and external communications improved IV.Employee involvement and assessment V.Recruitment and retention activities improved VI.Measurement, metrics and follow through emphasized VII.Constant benchmarking and continuous improvement of diversity strategy and plan All of this is of greater importance with President Obama’s executive order!!
IPMA Diversitydtg.com DTG solutions or successes NIST Training agency personnel on Diversity and Inclusion Offering complimentary and more specific training, Sexual Harassment Prevention Training, Toxic Employee-Workplace Conducting agency-wide assessments or “spot audits” or investigations Executive Coaching OMB, SSA Ensuring Diversity Council is effective and has high impact (stood up first meeting in response to Obama Executive Order) Weaving Diversity and Inclusion into the “Fabric of Agency” Diversity and Inclusion Training as part of On-boarding, new hire orientation – short module on Diversity and Inclusion Designing and developing video based modules to show to all employees (100,000 plus) Did Age Diversity Training (OMB) and strategy and Stood Up first Diversity Committee Meeting (in response to Obama Executive Order)
IPMA Diversitydtg.com More successes USCIS Making sure Diversity and Inclusion is in Supervisory, Management and Leadership Training Curriculum Making Diversity and Inclusion part of Core Values – linking conversation to core vales USPS Conducting high level Diversity and Inclusion Leadership Training (weaving D & I into all of their training and development) – should not be “set apart and by itself” Political appointees, SESers NTIA Training all agency personnel on Diversity and Inclusion (mandatory) Working with Diversity Committee (collaborate and partner with them) - mentoring US Navy (SG, JAG) Diversity and Inclusion Training worldwide – from Guantanamo Bay, Cuba to Guam to Italy, Spain and all US Navy bases (hostile or difficult audiences)
IPMA Diversitydtg.com Why? Is this topic, this session so important? Because “Status Quo” is not working! - Doing the same things you have always done with your human resources, your talent, and expecting better results is organizational suicide!
IPMA Diversitydtg.com Action Plan How can I create an inclusive work environment? How can I use what I have learned in this session in my organization and beyond?
IPMA Diversitydtg.com In Closing…. Thank you for your time, consideration and participation today! If you love the class – tell everybody about it, if you hated it, please keep it to yourself (but put your comments in the evaluation) Comments, feedback, input – put in evaluation please!!!!
IPMA Diversitydtg.com What can I do? Knowledge – Action = Nothing Don’t act – nothing happens! There is no such thing as “innocent bystanders.”
IPMA Diversitydtg.com For more information… CONTACT: The Diversity Training Group 692 Pine Street Herndon, VA Tel Fax Mauricio Velásquez, MBA - President