Preparing for Careers related to Drafting
Successful Career Planning is a Five Step Process: Self Assessment Career Exploration Goal Setting Take Action Evaluation
Self-Assessment Look at yourself honestly Determine your talents, interests, skills, values, and personality Who am I? What do I like to do? What skills and talents do I possess? Ask friends and family to help with your assessment.
What your friends enjoy Look for areas with lots of job openings What’s Best for You? What your friends enjoy Look for the money Look for areas with lots of job openings Father’s current job Parents’ desires
Career Exploration Investigate all the career choices, options, and opportunities available to you Take a variety of courses Participate in job shadowing Talk to people
Goal Setting If you set a number of short-term goals, you are more likely to reach your long-term goals Short-term goals should be realistic and obtainable Goals should be based upon your strengths and weaknesses Goal One Goal Three Goal Four Goal Two
Take Action Develop a Personal Action Plan (Career Plan) that will allow you to reach your short-term goals Register for the right courses Maintain the grades
Evaluation As you gain knowledge and experience, you may decide to alter your original plan It is never too late to move in another direction Things become clear with time
Occupational Classifications People who work with: People: Teachers, Social Workers, Police Officers, Salespersons, Childcare Workers Data: Accountants, Computer Programmers, Researchers, Clerks Things: Drafters, Air Traffic Controllers, Electronics Technicians, Cooks Ideas: Artists, Writers, Musicians
Drafting/Technical Drawing “Things” category Accurate and neat Attentive to details Logical and Systematic Likes computers Able to organize work Able to communicate Likes to draw/create Reasonable math skills Education HS + On-the-job 1 or 2 years in a technical college program 4 year college degree in Technology (ECU, NC A&T, Appalachian, UNCC) or Technology Education (NC State, Graphics Minor)
Careers Related to Technical Drawing Almost everything that is built or constructed starts with a plan (a drawing) Architecture Computer Graphics/Animation Construction Engineering Interior/Industrial/Fashion Design Manufacturing Surveying
Architectural Drafting
Civil Engineering Technology
Mechanical Engineering Tech
Engineering Aerospace Chemical Civil Electrical Industrial Mechanical Metallurgical Nuclear Petroleum At least 4 years of college (often 5) Lots of math and science (important) Engineering graphics In North Carolina NC A&T NC State UNC Charlotte Duke
The Engineering Design Team Various people in a corporation working together to design and create new products Marketing and Sales Research and Development Engineering Production Finance
Filling Out the Application Read the instructions carefully Print neatly using black ink (take a pen) Fill in all of the blanks (N/A, - ) Have the following information: (1) address and telephone where you can be contacted, (2) driver’s license, (3) names, addresses, and telephone number of references, (4) school information to include address, telephone number, and special skills Never, ever lie
Resumes A selected summary of significant facts about you Resumes do not get jobs, they get interviews (three piles, yes, no, maybe) Resumes save the employer time Because you are not there, your resume has to answer the questions that employers ask Good resumes speak to the needs of the person doing the hiring Need to know which facts are significant to a perspective employer
Cover Letters Sent with resume Links your resume to the job that you want Do not concentrate on your needs, rather what you can do for them Salutation: gender if you know, if you don’t know call and ask or skip altogether First paragraph: Why Second paragraph: What (you have to offer) Third paragraph: How (to reach you) (are you going to proceed Closing: nothing cute
The Interview Find out the name and position of the person you will be meeting with (pronunciation) Be there approximately 5 minutes early May fill out application form Avoid dress that calls attention. Clean, neat.
Interview Do’s and Don’ts give a good handshake take samples of your work show letters of recommendation arrange your qualifications in your mind leave promptly after thanking, write thank-you Don’t: criticize past employers try too hard, be yourself plead how much you need a job discuss salary or benefits until the close