Ariana Fonnesbeck Joseph Vang Is music merely the presence or absence of sound?
Hitting Pots and Pans - 4’33” - Sounds of a City -
-Gregorian Chant: specific, notated tones -250 years later: polyphony (2+ melodic lines) -Renaissance: harmonized melody -Baroque: strict musical form -Classical: instrumentation -Romantic: stresses emotional value -20th Century: stray from traditional -Modern: music at all?...
MUST CONTAIN: - Pitch - Rhythm - Instrumentation - Form that can be notated (ie: transcribed to a staff) - Not the presence of unorganized sound - Typically is not spontaneous - Conveys an emotion or theme
* Rebecca Black “Friday” m30s
* Rap without instrumentation: ’s -Teenagers on the Streets of South Bronx -Told Stories and shared their messages -Poor and couldn’t afford instruments
* literary work in which special intensity is given to the expression of feelings and ideas by the use of distinctive style and rhythm