Emergency Ultrasound Mary Ann Edens, M.D. Assistant Professor, Dept. of EM Director of Emergency Ultrasound
Physics Sound waves with frequencies greater than 20 kHz are called ultrasound Medical ultrasound waves have frequencies between 1 – 20 MHz Sound waves are mechanical waves Created in the transducer by back and forth displacement
Physics and Knobology
Physics Ultrasound transducers send out sound waves and then “listen” for returning echoes Most transducers at this time send out waves only approximately 1% of the time
Physics Acoustic impedance determines the amount of sound waves transmitted and reflected by tissues Reflection occurs when the ultrasound beam hits two tissues (areas) having different acoustic impedance Large differences in impedances inhibit useful information
Terms Hyperechoic Structure reflects most sound waves Structure appears white on screen
Terms Anechoic Structure allows most sound waves through Structure appears black on screen
Terms Echogenic Tissues in between Allow some sound waves through and reflect others Structures appear in various shades of gray depending on amount of reflection
Terms Homogeneous Tissue has uniform texture
Terms Heterogeneous Various degrees of echogenicity present
Terms Isoechoic Two tissues with same amt of echogenicity
Transducers The higher the frequency, the better the resolution The better the resolution, the better you can distinguish objects from each other
Transducers Lower frequency
Transducers Higher frequency
Transducers Linear Gives rectangular image Generally has higher frequency Good for looking at a smaller area and for gauging depth Gives more of a one dimensional view Sometimes referred to as the vascular probe
Transducers Linear
From Heller & Jehle. Ultrasound in Emergency Medicine. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders, 1995, p. 202.
Transducers Curvilinear Uses same linear orientation but arranged on a curved surface Generally lower frequency Gives a wider angle of view
Transducers Curvilinear
Transducers The footprint refers to the portion of the transducer that contacts the patient Curvilinear transducers come with different footprints for different purposes
Transducers Transducers have a marker that corresponds to a mark on the screen Helps with spatial orientation
Knobology Power Controls the strength or intensity of the sound wave Use ALARA principle As low as reasonably acheivable
Knobology Gain Degree of amplification of the returning sound Increasing the gain, increases the strength of the returning echoes and results in a lighter image Decreasing the gain, does the opposite
Knobology Too much gain
Knobology Too little gain
Knobology Optimal gain
Knobology Time gain compensation Used to equalize the stronger echoes in the near field with the weaker echoes in the far field Should be a gentle curve
Knobology Focal zone Where the narrowest portion of the beam is Gives the optimal resolution
Knobology Focal zone off Focal zone right
Knobology Depth Each frequency has a range of depth of penetration Decrease the depth to visualize superficial structures May need to increase the depth of penetration to visualize larger organs
Knobology Zoom Can place zoom box on a portion of a frozen image to enlarge that portion of the image May lose some resolution because pixels are enlarged
Basic OB/Gyn Ultrasound
Goals To perform a focused examination on patients with complicated first trimester pregnancies To rule in an intrauterine pregnancy (not to rule out an ectopic)
Scanning Techniques Transabdominal Supine position A full bladder will provide sonographic window 3.5 MHz curvilinear transducer Place transducer in the sagittal plane just above the pubic bone
Scanning Techniques Transabdominal Locate the long-axis of uterus and sweep from side to side Turn transducer 90 degrees counter-clockwise
Scanning Techniques Transabdominal Locate the short-axis of the uterus and angle cephalad and caudad Goal is to see the entire uterus
Scanning Techniques Transvaginal Supine lithotomy position 5.0-7.5 MHz intracavitary transducer Need to apply gel to the transducer and transducer cover Have assistant to chaperone
Scanning Techniques Transvaginal With locator anterior, scan the long-axis of the uterus Transducer does not need to be inserted all the way to the cervix
Scanning Techniques Transvaginal Turn transducer 90 degrees counter-clockwise to scan the short-axis of the uterus Goal is to see the entire uterus
Sonographic Findings Nonpregnant Uterus May see endometrial stripe
Sonographic Findings Normal Intrauterine Pregnancy Gestational sac First indication of pregnancy but not a reliable sign of an IUP Transabdominal scanning 5.5 – 6 weeks gestation B-HCG of 6500
Sonographic Findings Normal Intrauterine Pregnancy Gestational sac Transvaginal scanning 4.5 – 5 weeks gestation B-HCG of 1000-2000
Sonographic Findings Normal Intrauterine Pregnancy Gestational sac Features of normal sac Round or oval in shape Central position in uterus Smooth contour
Sonographic Findings Normal Intrauterine Pregnancy Yolk sac First reliable sign of an intrauterine pregnancy Should be seen by 5 – 6 weeks gestation
Sonographic Findings Normal Intrauterine Pregnancy Fetal pole Should be seen by TV when mean gestational sac diameter is > 16 mm Cardiac activity usually detected by TV by 6 weeks gestation Use M-mode to confirm activity
Sonographic Findings Ectopic Pregnancy Detection of ectopic pregnancy outside uterus < 20% Suggestive findings No IUP with high B-HCG Pseudogestational sac Complex adnexal mass Free fluid in cul-de-sac
Basic Trauma Ultrasound The FAST Scan
Goals Bedside screening test for the detection of hemopericardium and hemoperitoneum Not a formal study to detect pathology
Scanning Techniques Four standard views 3.5 MHz curvilinear transducer Pericardial Subxiphoid (parasternal if cannot obtain subxiphoid view) Perihepatic Perisplenic Pelvic 3.5 MHz curvilinear transducer
Scanning Techniques Pericardial views Subxiphoid view Place transducer in midline and aim towards the patient’s left shoulder
Scanning Techniques Pericardial views Parasternal view Place transducer oriented between ribs on the patient’s left
Scanning Techniques Perihepatic view Place the transducer on the patient’s right in the midaxillary line between the 8th and 11th intercostal spaces
Scanning Techniques Perisplenic view Place the transducer on the patient’s left in the midaxillary line between the 8th and 11th intercostal spaces
Scanning Techniques Pelvic view Place the transducer in midline just above the pubic symphysis
Sonographic Findings Pericardial Views Subxiphoid view Four chamber view The visceral and parietal pericardium are adherent
Sonographic Findings Pericardial Views Subxiphoid view Pericardial fluid will show as a dark layer in between the visceral and parietal pericardial layers Tamponade is diagnosed by circumferential fluid collection with diastolic collapse of the right atrium or ventricle
Sonographic Findings Perihepatic View Normal view The kidney and liver will be adjacent to each other Morrison’s pouch will not be visible Morrison’s pouch is the space between the liver and the right kidney
Sonographic Findings Perihepatic View Abnormal view Intraperitoneal fluid will appear as anechoic area in Morrison’s pouch Be careful not to misinterpret a fluid filled structure (i.e. gallbladder, colon, duodenum) as free fluid
Sonographic Findings Perisplenic View Normal view The left kidney and spleen are normally adjacent to each other
Sonographic Findings Perisplenic View Abnormal view Intraperitoneal fluid will appear as anechoic area in the subphrenic space or splenorenal fossa Be careful not to misinterpret a fluid filled structure (i.e. stomach, colon) as free fluid
Sonographic Findings Pelvic View In female patients, intraperitoneal fluid will appear in the pouch of Douglas just posterior to the uterus In male patients, intraperitoneal fluid will appear in the retrovesicular pouch or cephalad to the bladder
Interpretation of FAST Positive pericardial view Patient should go to the OR Positive perihepatic, perisplenic or pelvic view The stable patient should go to CT to further define injuries The unstable patient should go to the OR
Basic Abdominal Ultrasound
Gallbladder Goals Evaluation of RUQ abdominal pain for diagnosis of Cholelithiasis Cholecystitis
Gallbladder Scanning Technique Supine or left lateral decubitus position Ideally patient should be NPO for 4-6 hours 3.5-5.0 MHz curvilinear transducer Start with transducer in sagittal plane in the midclavicular line at the lower costal margin
Gallbladder Scanning Technique Slide and angle through liver to find gallbladder Look for main lobar fissure to lead to the gallbladder Having patient take a deep breath may help Once gallbladder is visualized, turn transducer slightly to find long-axis of the gallbladder
Gallbladder Scanning Technique Sweep from side to side to evaluate for stones Turn the transducer 90 degrees counterclockwise to find short-axis of the gallbladder Angle the transducer to evaluate the entire gallbladder
Gallbladder Sonographic Findings Normal gallbladder Anechoic Wall thickness < 3 mm Transverse diameter < 4 cm May see folds or valves within the gallbladder
Gallbladder Sonographic Findings Abnormal gallbladder - cholelithiasis Stones > 3mm in size will cause shadowing Smaller stones and “sludge” will not May see wall-echo sign in a gallbladder full of stones Evaluate neck of gallbladder carefully for an impacted stone
Gallbladder Sonographic Findings Abnormal gallbladder - cholecystitis Wall thickening > 3 mm Gallbladder enlargement Pericholecystic fluid Sonographic Murphy’s sign Pressing with transducer directly over the gallbladder elicits pain
Renal Goals Detection of obstructive uropathy (i.e. hydronephrosis) in patients with Suspected renal colic Acute renal failure
Renal Scanning Techniques Left lateral decubitus or right lateral decubitus for each respective kidney 3.5–5.0 MHz curvilinear transducer Use intercostal oblique technique described for the FAST scan May also use subcostal approach in the sagittal plane at the midclavicular line
Renal Scanning Techniques Once kidney is found turn transducer slightly to find long-axis Scan through entire kidney Then turn transducer 90 degrees counterclockwise to find the short-axis
Renal Sonographic Findings Normal kidney The renal pelvis appears echogenic The surrounding renal cortex is hypoechoic The size is ~ 9-13 cm in length
Renal Sonographic Findings Abnormal kidney - hydronephrosis Appears as anechoic dilatation of the renal pelvis Marked thinning of the cortex implies long- standing hydronephrosis The degree of hydronephrosis does not correspond with the degree of obstruction May be present uni- or bilaterally
Renal Sonographic Findings Abnormal kidney – renal cysts Appears as anechoic areas within the cortex with a normal renal pelvis
Aorta Goals Evaluation of abdominal or back pain to rule out AAA
Aorta Scanning Technique Supine position 2.5-5.0 MHz curvilinear transducer Start with transducer in sagittal plane in the midline just below the xiphoid process Angle the transducer slightly to the patient’s left to locate the aorta
Aorta Scanning Technique Slide and rock the transducer caudally down the abdomen to follow the aorta all the way to the bifurcation Then move the transducer back to the subxiphoid space and relocate the aorta Turn the transducer 90 degrees counterclockwise to visualize the short-axis of the aorta (transverse view)
Aorta Scanning Technique Again slide the transducer caudally down the abdomen to follow the aorta all the way to the bifurcation Any measurements of the aorta should be taken in this transverse view Pressure may be placed to distinguish the aorta from the IVC The IVC will collapse, the aorta will not
Aorta Sonographic Findings Normal aorta Diameter no greater than 3 cm at any point Be careful not to measure obliquely Should taper distally Lumen should appear anechoic
Aorta Sonographic Findings Abnormal aorta - aneurysm Diameter greater than 3 cm at any point Be careful not to measure obliquely Most aneurysms are found infrarenally Mural thrombus may be seen as areas of low to medium echogenicity within the wall
Aorta Sonographic Findings Abnormal aorta - dissection Aorta may be greater than 3 cm, but not always Diagnosed when an intimal flap is visualized within the vessel lumen
Ascites Goals Evaluation of the patient with liver failure May be helpful in deciding the most appropriate needle placement for paracentesis
Ascites Scanning Techniques Same general technique as described with FAST scan
Ascites Sonographic Findings Same general findings as described with FAST scan
Basic Cardiac Ultrasound
Goals To evaluate the patient with cardiac failure for Pericardial fluid/tamponade Cardiac activity
Scanning Technique Same general technique as described with FAST scan Best way to document the presence of cardiac activity is with the M-mode
Sonographic Findings Pericardial fluid as described with FAST scan M-mode shows good movement with normal cardiac activity
Sonographic Findings In cardiac arrest, four-chamber view may be difficult to see M-mode shows no movement in area of heart
Central Line Placement US can be used for placement Easiest line to use for is IJ Place patient in Trendelenberg position if able Place linear probe on neck