21 Chapter
21-2 Multinational corporations Effect of exchange rates on profitability and cash-flow Hedging and reduction of foreign exchange risk Evaluating political risk in foreign investment decisions Financing international operations
21-3 Integrates capital markets World events such as currency crisis, government defaults, terrorism can cause stock and bond markets to suffer emotional declines well beyond the expected economic impact of a major event Currency markets Impact on trade between nations affecting sales and earnings of international companies The advent of the Euro Sever impact on earnings of U.S. companies doing significant business in Europe
21-6 A firm carrying out its business activities (often 30% or more) outside its national borders Can take several forms : Exporter Licensing agreement Joint venture Fully owned foreign subsidiary
21-7 Exporter: Least risky method Reaping the benefits of foreign demand No long-term investment commitment Licensing agreement: License granted to a local manufacturer in foreign land to use firm’s technology Effectively exporting technology Collects licensing fee or royalty Joint venture: Established with a local firm in foreign land Most preferred by business firms and foreign governments Least amount of political risk
21-8 Fully owned foreign subsidiary ▪ Higher risks and complexities of operation ▪ Often more profitable than domestic firms ▪ Lowers combined portfolio risk of the parent corporation ▪ Decisive factor in shaping the pattern of trade, investment, and the flow of technology ▪ Exert significant impact on host country’s economic growth, employment, trade, and balance of payments
21-10 The following figure shows the amount of foreign currency for one U.S. dollar
21-11 Inflation: A parity between the purchasing power of two currencies establishes the rate of exchange between the two currencies Example: it takes $1.00 to buy one apple in New York and 1.25 euros to buy apple in Germany. Then the rate of exchange between the USD and the Euro is €1.25/$1.00 or $.80/euro
21-12 Purchasing power parity theory states that: ▪ Currency exchange rates vary inversely with their respective purchasing powers ▪ Exchange rates between two countries adjust to inflation differential between the two countries
21-13 Interest rates: Short-term capital movements from low-yield to high-yield markets Interest rate parity theory: ▪ The interplay between interest rate differentials and exchange rates ▪ Interest rates and exchange rates adjust until the foreign exchange market and the money market reach equilibrium
21-14 Balance of payments: A system of government accounts that catalog flow of economic transactions between the residents of one country and that of others ▪ Trade surplus or deficit determines strength of currency
21-15 Government policies: Direct or indirect intervention in the foreign exchange market ▪ For maintenance of the undervalued currency Currency values set by government Restriction on inflow and outflow of funds Monetary and fiscal policies ▪ Result in inflation and change in value of currency ▪ Expansionary monetary policies ▪ Excessive government spending
21-16 Other factors: Extended stock market rally ▪ Higher capital inflow and increase in currency value Significant drop in demand for a nation’s principal exports globally ▪ Lower investment potential and decrease in value of currency Political turmoil in a country ▪ Capital shift to more stable countries and decrease in value of currency Widespread labor strikes
21-17 Spot rate Exchange rate at which the currency is traded for immediate delivery Forward rates Trading of currencies for future delivery Reflects the expectations regarding the future value of a currency Forward Discount or premium: Expressed as an annualized percentage deviation from the spot rate
21-18 Not all currencies are actively traded Value for such currencies determined through a cross rate Example : Three currencies $, € and ¥ $ and € are actively traded $ is € and € is ¥ Thus $ = × ¥ = ¥
21-20 Foreign exchange risk Possibility of a drop in revenue or an increase in cost in an international transaction due to changes in foreign exchange rates Shift from fixed exchange rate regime to freely-floating rate regime Exchange risk of a multinational company: Accounting or translation exposure Transaction exposure
21-21 Consolidated figures of the parent include value of foreign assets and liabilities converted and expressed in home currency Treatment of such gains and losses depend on the accounting rules established by the government of parent company. Note: unrealized accounting gains and losses should only be hedged if you are sure it is going to influence the corporate cash flows! Do a value at risk (VaR) analysis.
21-22 SFAS 52 says: All foreign currency-denominated assets and liabilities to be converted at the rate of exchange on date of balance sheet preparation Unrealized gain or loss to be held in equity reserve account and realized gain or loss incorporated in the consolidated income statement of the parent company
21-23 Foreign exchange gains or losses resulting from international transactions (from the time of agreement to time of payment) Volatility of reported earnings per share increases Strategies to minimize transaction exposure: ▪ Forward exchange market hedge ▪ Money market hedge ▪ Currency futures market hedge
21-25 MNCs have developed foreign asset management programs, involving strategies: Switching cash and other assets into strong currencies Piling up debt and other liabilities in depreciating currencies Quick collection of bills in weak currencies by offering sizable discounts, while extending credit in strong currencies
21-26 Factors encouraging foreign affiliates: Avoid trade barriers Lower production costs overseas Superior technology enabled easy access to resources in developing countries Tax advantage Motivated by strategic considerations in an oligopolistic industry Diversification of risks internationally
21-28 Government interference by imposition of unfriendly foreign exchange restrictions Limitation of foreign ownership to a small percentage Blocking repatriation of a subsidiary’s profit to the parent firm Expropriation of foreign subsidiary’s assets by the host government
21-29 Establish a joint venture with a local entrepreneur (not totally risk free!) Establish a joint venture with firms from other countries Insurance against perceived political-risk level can be obtained Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) and other private insurance companies sell insurance policies ▪ Coverage is expensive in troubled countries
21-30 Credit sales are influenced by: Relationship of the parties involved Political stability of countries involved Letter of credit issued by importer’s bank reduces risk of nonpayment Credit risk to exporter is absorbed by the importer’s bank ▪ Importer’s bank in a good position to evaluate the creditworthiness of the importing firm
21-31 Alternatives to avoid risk of loss of business: Obtaining export credit insurance ▪ The Foreign Credit Insurance Association (FCIA) provides this kind of insurance ▪ A private association of 60 U.S. insurance firms
21-32 Eximbank (Export-Import Bank) Direct loan program Discount program Loans from parent company or sister affiliate Parallel loans Fronting loans Eurodollar loans US dollars deposited in foreign banks Lending rates based on London Interbank Offer Rate (LIBOR)
21-33 Eurobond market Issues are sold in several national capital markets Widely used currency – U.S. dollar International equity markets Companies are listed on major stock exchanges Issue American Depository Receipts (ADRs) The International Finance Corporation (IFC) Approached by companies facing issues with raising equity capital in a foreign country
21-34 Nature of financial decisions for an MNC are complex: Access to more sources of financing than a purely domestic corporation ▪ Decision regarding level of leverage in the foreign affiliate ▪ Dividend policy decisions influenced by foreign government regulations Differences in interest rates and market conditions between domestic and foreign markets Differences in corporate financial practices