How long have you been involved with Special Olympics Wyoming? Who or what inspired you to become involved with Special Olympics Wyoming?
Why are you here this weekend? To learn about the youth leadership initiatives and your role on the Youth Activation Committee (YAC) To learn about how your role on the YAC will benefit Special Olympics Wyoming’s efforts to bring Project UNIFY to all schools in Wyoming.
I am going to tell you about Youth Activation Committee (YAC). As I am telling you, every time you hear me say “Special Olympics (Wyoming)” Pass the prize to the left “Project UNIFY” Pass the prize to the right “Youth Activation Committee (YAC)” Pass the prize across When I am done telling you about YAC the person holding the prize gets to keep it.
Special Olympics is an International Organization reaching 180 countries and over 1 million athletes around the world. Special Olympics first started in 1963 by Ms. Eunice Kennedy Shriver when she created a day camp for Children with Intellectual disabilities Special Olympics Inc. has been in existence for 44 years with the first summer games held in 1968 at Soldier Field in Chicago for 1000 athletes.
Special Olympics Wyoming held their first summer games in 1972 in Casper at Natrona County High School with 210 athletes competing We currently service over 1300 athletes! We offer training and competition in 16 sports at 5 statewide events as well as regional and local competitions leading up to the state level events.
1300+ athletes More than 1400 coordinators, coaches, games Volunteers, fundraising volunteers, and committee members Year-round sports training and competition: Winter Games Summer Games Fall Tournament
FROMTO One Country’s MovementA global movement PityEmpowerment “Nice” thing to doImportant for society An occasional eventA part of everyday life A charityA Global Marketing Partner About “those special people”About all of “us”
State YAC is a group of youth comprised of members with and without intellectual disabilities from across the state. They will work together through out the year to educate, motivate and activate youth to become agents of change in their communities and advocate for the respect, inclusion, and acceptance of all people, regardless of abilities. The goal of YAC is to reach out to other youth to help carry out social justice for all people. The YAC supports SOWY’s Project UNIFY efforts by offering youth perspectives.
Example: The mission of Special Olympics Wyoming is to provide year round sports training and competition in a variety of Olympics-type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities, giving them continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy, and participate in a sharing of gifts, skills and friendship with their families, other Special Olympics athletes and the community.
Example: Mission of LEGOS (Out of Colorado) Remove Stereotypes and build friendships; by encouraging youth to become leaders and proivde opportunities to empower growth and success in schools and in the community. Describe what YAC does. Describe how YAC does it. Why does YAC do it. Put it all together. Now lets talk about mission statements and write one for YAC.
Make Special Olympics more relevant to more people Attract new volunteers and Special Olympics participants, especially youth Motivate greater financial participation from individual donors and corporate sponsors Change attitudes about people with intellectual disabilities Engage the community to create commitments to the movement Work towards social inclusion in school communities through Project UNIFY iniatives.
As an athlete As a coach As a partner What is your most important responsibilities as a representative for Special Olympics Wyoming? Educate and promote Special Olympics Wyoming in a convincing manner Know the facts about Special Olympics Wyoming Be able to relate them to the YAC
Be attentive during workshops Understand Special Olympics Lean ways to provide information Maintain contact with your mentor and Special Olympics Wyoming Staff Represent Special Olympics Wyoming Professionally Voice your opinions, so that people know what you are thinking.
Know the athlete Understand Special Olympics Provide support as needed Commit to working with the athlete or peer Allow the YAC member to express themselves Provide constructive feedback Stay in touch with Special Olympics Wyoming Staff Represent Special Olympics Wyoming Professionally Understand this is a YOUTH lead program
Ideally the State YAC would meet more than once a year, but since this is our first year implementing YAC we’ll have a “mach” YAC today to find out what your opinions are about Project UNIFY. To create more of an impact because each committee can focus on their individual goals. Program Development Sub-Committee Outreach Sub-Committee Communications Sub-Committee
Develop and promote new inclusive program ideas. Example: “Fans in the Stands” Make sure all previous programs are being implemented at highest quality. Make recommendations for improvement (for this conference). T-shirt colors and designs Ideas for “Spread the word to end the word” goodies. Main Goal: To assemble and conduct meetings to increase YAC members knowledge and skills
Actively promote Special Olympics/Project UNIFY involvement Educate Schools and Community groups by providing Project UNIFY and Special Olympics Wyoming materials and information. Create a flyer for a P.U. initiative to be distributed in schools and communities How do we best reach out to other schools and students? Main Goal: Research and recruit new potential Project UNIFY schools and YAC members by promoting public awareness, educational opportunities, event sponsors/volunteers, and collaboration partner.
Communicate the purpose and impact of project UNIFY. Utilize various media methods (social networking, radio, websites, videos, etc.) Create a communication tool for SOWY to use for Project UNIFY outreach. Main Goal: Gathering stories, creating press releases and maintaining web presence on FaceBook, fan community and special Olympics Wyoming websites.
The ABC’s of Goal Setting A = Achievable B = Believable C = Conceivable S.M.A.R.T. Goal Setting S = Sensible M = Measurable A = Achievable R = Realistic T = Timeline/Timely
What are some ways that you can think of to demonstrate courage? Why do you think that demonstrating courage could cause you to experience joy?
What are some ways to share gifts within the community? Meaning what are things that you can do to help out your community and get them more involved with Special Olympics?
AS A YOUTH ACTIVATION COMMITTEE (YAC) MEMBER, YOU MUST COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDUCT GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES, NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE OR WHAT YOU ARE DOING. WHEN YOU ARE ON YAC, YOU REPRESENT THEM AT ALL TIMES, NOT JUST WHEN YOU ARE AT THE EVENTS: Dress and act in a responsible manner that positively represents Special Olympics and the YAC. Profanity, taunting, and other forms of poor sportsmanship; uncooperative behavior; and inappropriate pictures or posts online are subject to disciplinary measures. Respect all residential sites, meeting sites, dining facilities, competition venues, and other activity areas. Treat other Project UNIFY Youth Activation Committee Members, all activity participants, athletes, coaches, staff, officials and volunteers with respect and communicate in a courteous manner.
Do not drink or use alcoholic beverages, tobacco, and/or non- prescription drugs. Agree not to engage in any inappropriate contact or relations with Special Olympics athletes, partners, chaperones, staff, officials, or volunteers. Ensure that you are at the designated meetings, sessions, scheduled events, meals, and other activities on time. Be certain to wear proper credentials when provided and appropriate clothing suitable for the weather. Follow the directions of your chaperone while traveling and all the time you are attending the YAC events. HAVE FUN!!!!!!!