Introduction to Lesson Study This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0207259
Traveler, there is no road. The road is created as we walk it together. Antonio Machado
Professional Development TRADITIONAL RESEARCH LESSONS Begins with answer Driven by expert Communication trainer -> teachers Relationships hierarchical Research informs practice Begins with question Driven by participants Communication among teachers Relationship reciprocal Practice is research By Lynn Liptak, Paterson School #2, New Jersey.
Teachers’ Activities to Improve Instruction Choose curriculum, write curriculum, align curriculum, write local standards Plan lessons individually Plan lessons collaboratively Watch and discuss each other’s classroom lessons U.S. JAPAN
What is a Research Lesson? Actual classroom lesson with students, watched by other teachers Planned collaboratively Brings to life a goal or vision of education Recorded: video, audio, hand written, and through student work Discussed by faculty and sometimes outside commentators
Plan Lessons(s) that Foster Long-Term Goals and Lesson/Unit Goals Figure 1 Lesson Study Planning Phase Research Lesson Post-Lesson Activities Discussion of Lesson Discuss research lesson. Focus on evidence of whether the lesson promoted the long-term goals and lesson/unit goals Discuss Long Term Goals for Students’ Academic, Social and Ethical Development RESEARCH LESSON Actual classroom lesson; attending teachers study student thinking, learning, engagement, behavior, etc. Choose Content Area and Unit Discuss Learning Goals for Content Area, Unit and Lesson Consolidate Learning Write report that includes lesson plan, data, and summary of discussion. Refine and re-teach the lesson if desired. Or select a new focus of study. Plan Lessons(s) that Foster Long-Term Goals and Lesson/Unit Goals
Lesson Study Provides Opportunities to Think Deeply About Long-term Goals for Students Carefully Consider the Goals of a Particular Content Area, Unit, and Lesson Study the Best Available Lessons Plan Lessons that Bring to Life both Short-term and Long-term goals Deepen Subject Matter Knowledge Develop Instructional Knowledge Build Capacity for Collegial Learning Develop the “Eyes to See Students”
Data Collected During Lesson Study Academic Learning How did images of heated air change? Did students shift from simple counting to more flexible method? Did dramatic role-play spark higher quality and quantity of writing? In their journals, what did students write as their learnings? Motivation Percent of children who raised hands Body language, “aha” comments, shining eyes Social Behavior How many times do students refer to and build on classmates’ comments? How often do the five quietist students speak up? Are students friendly and respectful? Student Attitudes Toward Lesson What did you like and dislike about the lesson?
Lesson Study Collaborative planning Study available units & lessons Phase Collaborative planning Discuss goals for students & content Study available units & lessons Build from an existing lesson
Lesson Study 1 teacher teaches; others observe/ collect data Planning Phase Research Lesson 1 teacher teaches; others observe/ collect data Designed to bring to life a particular goal/ vision of education Record lesson - video, audio, student work, observation notes The heart of LS is the research lesson, which is about observation and data collection
Lesson Study Formally debrief lesson Share data Planning Phase Research Lesson Post-Lesson Activities Formally debrief lesson Share data Draw implications for lesson and teaching-learning more broadly Revise and re-teach if desired Show seats; collect model 1. Ask them to fill out model 2. Important to focus on left and center as well as right. Frame: look for evaluation items. Stop tape and have them share out what they added to model.
Lesson Study 1. STUDY 2. PLAN 4. REFLECT 3. DO RESEARCH LESSON Consider long term goals for student learning and development Study curriculum and standards 2. PLAN Select or revise research lesson Do task Anticipate student responses Plan data collection and lesson 4. REFLECT Share data What was learned about students learning, lesson design, this content? What are implications for this lesson and instruction more broadly? 3. DO RESEARCH LESSON Conduct research lesson Collect data
? How does lesson study improve instruction? Visible Features of Lesson Study Consider Goals Study Curriculum and Standards Plan and Conduct Research Lesson Collect Data Debrief Lesson Use Debrief to Inform Instruction ? Instructional Improvement Have them work on model 1, post on chart and under headings of central box How many have had experience of promising innovation discarded Superficial implementation, poor understanding of underlying principles can be why
Visible Features of Lesson Study A Common Early Conception of Lesson Study Visible Features of Lesson Study Plan Teach Observe Discuss Etc. Key Pathway ·Lesson Plans Improve Instructional Improvement Watch SEATS, take notes on time 2 model, stop to check in occasionally
Current View: How Does Lesson Study Improve Instruction? Cause Changes In: Teachers Knowledge of subject matter and its teaching General knowledge of instruction Ability to observe students Connection of daily instruction to long-term goals Motivation/willingness to improve Capacity to learn together, collegial networks Curriculum Better lessons Choice of better curricula System Changes in policy Changes in learning structures Visible Features of Lesson Study Consider Goals Study Curriculum and Standards Plan and Conduct Research Lesson Collect Data Debrief Lesson Use Debrief to Inform Instruction What Else? Result in Changes in Teaching-Learning Specific Examples: Teaching -Offer high-level task Learning -Student journals reveal thinking re: proportional reasoning Show seats video Watch SEATS, take notes on time 2 model, stop to check in occasionally
Lesson Study in the US: What Have We learned? U.S. educators Can Find Lesson Study Useful Successful and Unsuccessful Adaptations Occur The Idea of Lesson Study is Simple But the Practice Is Not Qualities of Successful Sites A learning stance Teacher leadership Hands-on experiences, such as work with Japanese practitioners