1 WIA YOUTH PROGRAM Outreach, Recruitment, Intake, Registration, and Eligibility Requirements
2 Outreach & Recruitment (Planning Components) X Develop Marketing Plan X Identify Organizations Providing Services To Youth X Outline Referral Procedure X Staff Involvement
3 Outreach & Recruitment (Questions) X Where do you find youth? X Where do youth “hang out”? X How do you recruit youth? X How do youth workers, counselors & others identify & refer youth? X Where, to whom, do referrals go? X What materials to you use to recruit youth?
4 Outreach & Recruitment (Marketing Continued) X Use radio, television, & newspaper ads X Involve youth in recruiting process X Use “infomercials) X Contacts schools X Hold orientation events that have food & prizes X Involve community leaders
5 Outreach & Recruitment (Marketing Continued) X Provide information about WIA youth program X Emphasize appeal & value of WIA youth services X Focus on positives of participation X Participants will be equal partners X Benefits of participation
6 Outreach & Recruitment (Referral Organizations) X Faith-Based X Schools X Social Service Agencies X Non-Profit X Juvenile Institutions X Homeless Shelters X Self referral
7 Outreach & Recruitment (Partners) X Court systems X Law enforcement agencies X Public housing authorities X Education agencies X Job Corp representatives X Public & private organizations
8 Registration (Requirements) X Register all youth X Collect documentation to support eligibility X Collect core identification & demographic information X Collect equal employment opportunity data
9 Registration ( Identification & Demographics Information) X Name, including, first, middle & last X Address X Telephone number X Social Security number X School status X Veteran status (older youth)
10 Registration (Identification & Demographic Information continued) X Labor force status X Date of registration X Selective service registration X Citizenship
11 Registration ( Equal Employment Opportunity Date) X Race X Ethnicity X Gender X Date of birth X Disability
12 Intake & Registration (Information) X Provide overview for youth of WIA youth program X Discuss youth responsibilities X Expectations of youth X Youth Eligibility requirements X Expected results & outcomes of youth’s participation
13 Eligibility Requirements X Not less than 14 years old & not more than 21 years old at registration X Low-income s Possess one or more of the following X Basic skills deficient X School Dropout X Homeless, runaway, or foster child
14 Eligibility Requirements (continued) X Pregnant or parenting X An offender X Individual, (including youth with disabilities) who requires additional assistance to complete an educational program or secure & retain a job
15 Eligibility Documentation X Eligibility documentation for youth program services must be verified. Documentation requirements may be established at the local level. Self-certification for youth ages is acceptable. For youth ages , a parent or legal guardian may certify eligibility information for the minor. Self-certification means an individual’s sign attestation that the information they submit to demonstrate eligibility for a program under Title I of WIA is true & accurate.
16 Enrollment (Participant) X The term “participant” means an individual who has been determined to be eligible to participate in and who is receiving services (except for follow-up services authorized under Title I). Participation shall be deemed to commence on the first day, following determination of eligibility, on which the individual began receiving subsidized employment, training, or other services provided by WIA Title I.
17 Non - Eligible Individuals X If the individual is not eligible or would not benefit from the WIA youth program local boards must ensure that these youth are referred for further assessment, as necessary, and to appropriate training & educational programs that have the capacity to serve them on a sequential or concurrent basis.