The Magic of Excellent Teaching Steve Barkley March 2015
What similarities do you see?
What Frames or Metaphors? One of the fundamental findings of cognitive science is that people think in terms of frames and metaphors... The frames are in the synapses of our brains, physically present in the form of neural circuitry. When the facts don't fit the frames, the frames are kept and facts ignored... Frames once entrenched are hard to dispel. —George Lakoff
What Frames Shape Teaching? Teaching is performing A Performing Art
Other Frames for Teaching? ‘teaching as performing’ highlights several important elements of teaching but is also limiting Dennis Sparks Leading Through Learning Phi Delta Kappa 10/08
Other Frames for Teaching? teachers as leaders of knowledge; workers and inventors of knowledge work teaching is teamwork teaching is learning teaching is relationships with students and colleagues ‘teaching as performing’ highlights several important elements of teaching but is also limiting Dennis Sparks Leading Through Learning Phi Delta Kappa 10/08
George Couros ComplianceEngagementEmpowerment
George Couros So if we want to get to this idea of ‘empowering’ our students, we are not going to have to be the ‘sage on the stage’ or the ‘guide at the side’, but ‘architects of meaningful learning opportunities’. Understanding our students, their interests, abilities, and strengths, will help us better design learning that gets them to, as Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi describes, a state of “flow“.
School Change Source: Model developed by Stephen Barkley 9 Change in Teaching Behavior Change in Student Behavior
Teacher Skills Used Across the Metaphors Verbal Nonverbal Questioning Motivation/Discipline Instructional Options
The Art of Teaching
Verbal Skills Verbal Nonverbal Questioning Motivation/Discipline Instructional Options Agenda– uncover and know Supportive- positive, empathy, support, approval Problem Solving- keep, share, and give decision making
Teacher Talk.. Positively Phrased Growth Oriented
Non Verbals Verbal Nonverbal Questioning Motivation/Discipline Instructional Options Knowing the Message you are Sending Congruent
Questioning Verbal Nonverbal Questioning Motivation/Discipline Instructional Options Sparking Thinking and Learning with Questions Teaching Students to Question/Think
INSIGHT Insights Parallel Inference Pattern Realization Infer Overlapping Connection Relationship IDEA Ideas Goals Options Changes Ways Possibilities Opportunities ANALYSIS List Sequence Outline Categorize Classify Analyze Reasons Factors Parts Procedures Sort Mind map Define Steps SAME/DIFFERENT Compare Contrast Differentiate Same Different Alike Similar APPRAISAL WeighGrade RatePrioritize Appraise Rank (by value) best-to-worst most-to-least SUMMARY Main ideaCondense Main pointReduce SummarySum up FocusIn a nutshell Summarize EVALUATION BeliefJudge ViewpointDecide OpinionEvaluate BelieveCritique PREDICTION Predict Forecast Hypothesize Consequences Affect Effect Happen ACTION ApplyBuildDo UseWriteGraph PlanMakeDesign CombineDraftCompose ConstructDrawRole play InterviewReportProduce SimulateComputeCreate Questions for Life Cue Words PERCEPTION Observe Hear Notice Touch Detect Feel Picture Taste See Smell INDUCTION Qualities Rule Pattern Generalization On the whole Common elements Common characteristics
ANALYSIS List Sequence Outline Categorize Classify Analyze Reasons Factors Parts Procedures Sort Mind map Define Steps SAME/DIFFERENT Compare Contrast Differentiate Same Different Alike Similar Questions for Life PERCEPTION Observe Hear Notice Touch Detect Feel Picture Taste See Smell INDUCTION Qualities Rule Pattern Generalization On the whole Common elements Common characteristics Row 1: Gathering Information
INSIGHT Insights Parallel Inference Pattern Realization Infer Overlapping Connection Relationship APPRAISAL WeighGrade RatePrioritize Appraise Rank (by value) best-to-worst most-to-least SUMMARY Main ideaCondense Main pointReduce SummarySum up FocusIn a nutshell Summarize EVALUATION BeliefJudge ViewpointDecide OpinionEvaluate BelieveCritique Questions for Life Row 2: Working with Information
IDEA Ideas Goals Options Changes Ways Possibilities Opportunities PREDICTION Predict Forecast Hypothesize Consequences Affect Effect Happen ACTION ApplyBuildDo UseWriteGraph PlanMakeDesign CombineDraftCompose ConstructDrawRole play InterviewReportProduce SimulateComputeCreate Questions for Life Row 3: Taking Action
Scaffolding Questions to Teach Questioning Skills to Students Helping students to learn the questions behind the question.
Most Independent Compare the current economic problems in the United States to the problems faced during the Great Depression.
Some Support List the sequence of events that lead up to and initiated the Great Depression. Label those that match today’s economic problems. What is different in the current crisis? Compare the current economic problems in the United States to the problems faced during the Great Depression.
Most Support List the sequence of events that lead up to and initiated the great depression. What happened on wall street? What happened in cities and on farms? Here is a list of events from the last 18 months. Label those that match the great depression. What is different in the current crisis? Compare the current economic problems in the United States to the problems faced during the Great Depression.
Most Independent Select two characters from our reading of Antigone and Julius Caesar and discuss their loyalty. Present your opinion of which was more loyal and why. Use quotes to illustrate your points.
Some Support List key characters from Antigone and from Julius Caesar. Rank the Antigone characters from most to least loyal and the Julius Caesar characters from most to least loyal. Select two characters from our reading of Antigone and Julius Caesar and discuss their loyalty. Present you opinion of which was more loyal and why? Use quotes to illustrate your point.
Most Support Select two characters from our reading of Antigone and Julius Caesar and discuss their loyalty. Present you opinion of which was more loyal and why? Use quotes to illustrate your point. List friends/family you’d describe as loyal. When have you been loyal? Define loyalty. List key characters from Antigone and from Julius Cesar. Rank the Antigone characters from most to least loyal and the Julius Caesar characters from most to least loyal.
Motivation/Discipline Verbal Nonverbal Questioning Motivation/Discipline Instructional Options Tapping Student Effort Options Individualizing Doing What it Takes
Effort x Ability Manageable Task = Success
Providing Pictures of Success Future Plans Updraft/Downdraft Goal Setting
Teaching Effort Time Persistence---Practice Patience Repetition of Success
Differentiation to Create Manageable Tasks Students need to trust teacher …… effort will pay off Totally Safe Safety Net Push Off Cliff
Instructional Options Verbal Nonverbal Questioning Motivation/Discipline Instructional Options ComplianceEngagementEmpowerment George Couros
Student Behaviors Active – Students are actively engaged in educational activities where technology is a transparent tool used to generate and accomplish objectives and learning. Collaborative – Students use technology tools to collaborate with others. Constructive – Students use technology to understand content and add meaning to their learning.
Student Behaviors Authentic – Students use technology tools to solve real- world problems meaningful to them, such as digital citizenship. Goal-Directed – Students use technology tools to research data, set goals, plan activities, monitor progress, and evaluate results.
Dan Meyer Not Bored Don’t know-don’t care. Not Confused Want to know the answer; don't believe they are capable.
Dan Meyer Perplexed Don’t’ know the answer. Want to know and believe they are capable of figuring it out.
Conscious Practice Verbal Nonverbal Questioning Motivation/Discipline Instructional Options
The Dual Role of Teaching Expert implementer of best practice Innovator of learning
Make the Magic (Learning) Happen Consciously Practice the Skills of Teaching