First results from the Loss of the Night app Christopher Kyba, Annette Krop-Benesch, Franz Hölker Freie Universität Berlin / IGB 13 th European Symposium 2013 Pamplona, Spain September 14, 2013
Background: GLOBE at Night
NELM Kyba et al. Sci Rep (2013)
Problems with GaN Can’t identify constellations in the city Δ m is fairly large for individual observations (~1.2 mag) Atmospheric correction?
Solution: Verlust der Nacht app! Part of BMBF Wissen- schafts Jahr 2012 Programmed by Cosalux Based upon Google Sky program Lots of information about artificial light at night inside app
Star selection From 10 o to 45 o from zenith Mag<5.2 Only ~1000 stars already in Google app
Star selection: Stage 1 Is star found? Start: Identify brightest star in sky (m new ) Assign user new star with m new Identify new star in range m+0.5<m new <m+1 Identify new star in range m+0.5<m new <m+1 Yes Proceed to Stage 2 Proceed to Stage 2 No
Star selection: Stage 2 New star: 10% brighter 70% slightly fainter 20% much fainter New star: 10% brighter 70% slightly fainter 20% much fainter Yes No Identify much brighter star m-1.5<m new <m-0.5 Identify much brighter star m-1.5<m new <m-0.5 Assign user star with m new Is star found? New star: 50% much brighter 40% slightly brighter 10% slightly fainter New star: 50% much brighter 40% slightly brighter 10% slightly fainter Unsure
Example Data Stellar magnitude Time (minutes) 0
Dresden observations Stellar magnitude Time (minutes) not visible 0
Dresden observations Stellar magnitude Time (minutes) not visible not sure 0 Cinzano ~4.66 Fit ~4.0 (0.9)
Global app usage
Data submission over time April June August
Data submission over time April June August Good observation %
Faintest stars in app have mag ~5 App is only designed for urban astronomy! Problem: Not enough urban data
Cinzano pop>9b n –Germany: 25% –Greece: 47% –Japan: 63% –Spain: 57% –USA: 62% –EU: 38% Cinzano pop>27b n –Germany: 0% –Greece: 17% –Japan: 27% –Spain: 25% –USA: 30% –EU: 8% NELM<4NELM<4.8 App users: 21% GaN: 32% App users: 2% GaN: 6%
Which stars are best? Megrez (HR 4660) –mag 3.31 –20 seconds –Found 91% –Unsure 3% –Easier star Edasich (HR 5744) –mag 3.29 –31 seconds –Found 66% –Unsure 18% –Harder star Big Dipper Draco
Need more urban users! Expansion to 10 languages Loss of the Night blog: Search for additional funding Going forward
Acknowledgements Title illustration: Light pollution It’s not pretty: Jeremy Stanley (Wikimedia Commons) The app and our project is funded through: Verlust der Nacht German Ministry of Education and Research BMBF-033L038A Thanks to Google for making Sky Map source code available, to GLOBE at Night for consulting in the app development, and to app testers!
Urban park in Berlin Stellar magnitude Time (minutes) not visible not sure
Maximum likelihood fit Probability NELM 1 0
Maximum likelihood fit Probability NELM 1 0
Citizen Science Works! Observed sky brightness Sternenhimmel 100x Sternenhimmel Sky brightness