Grade 6 Science – 3D Engagement Project St. Thomas Aquinas Middle School – Cathy Bouchard
The GOAL: “The students will become accustomed to searching information and using technology, especially in the area of Sky Science. Students will use ’apps’ to enhance their learning about Sky Science. Using this technology is more engaging to the students than showing videos or using a Smart Lesson. With the technology in their own hands, they can see and manipulate the device to learn even more.”
Most useful apps: Moon Planet Facts Stars New, Sun Scale lite The Planets I Learn Solar System Star & Planet Finder 8 Planets Solar Sizer Quick Sky Pocket Sundial NASA SkyView NOTES preloaded on iPod
Processes: -Consistent iPod checked out to a specific student -Use ‘Notes’ app to record learning (Can be ed to teacher) -Use apps, Internet for an Open-book quiz -iPod used for specific objectives
Digital Citizenship: -Responsible for equipment -Responsible for internet sites visited -Responsible for time-use -Choose and compare apps that worked best for them -Internet research skills improved -Students teaching each other, collaborate and discuss -Use Personal Electronic Devices or Division owned devices
Higher Level Learning: -student’s interaction with each other. -technology is a closer sync with the way today’s students learn; with electronics, with up-to-date visuals and sound, with short pieces of information interconnecting information. -technology enhanced the student’s learning -teacher is needed to guide and focus this exploration and learning.
Teacher Best Practises and Learning: -guided students into finding information from other sources -able to allow busy noise and movement in class because the student were working and learning. -reviewing a unit of study and finding technological additions to assist and support in teaching the unit -no longer had to be the ‘sage’ at the front of the room.
Teacher Best Practises and learning: -learning along with the students as a life-long learner. I was at the same level of discovery as my students in some areas. -Learning Coach supported me throughout this project. -Sharing teacher’s devices – iPhone, IPad, iPod
Challenges: -bringing PEDs to every class and not ready to begin -The physical set up of the ‘kit’ –cannot lock and charge at the same time -weight of the kit -loading apps onto each iPod.
TIPS: -Clear expectations on iPod use – when, for what activities -Use a sign-out sheet throughout the project. -Determine which apps are most useful with which specific objective. -Apps and technology should not be used at all times for all types of learners -Have students reflect on what they have learned and how the technology has assisted them.
Legacy: Star Gazing night; - an evening where grade 6 students, their siblings and parents came to school in the evening to take advantage of the darkness to actually view the night sky. With the use of telescopes and supported by apps we were able to observe and learn much more than we would using apps in our classroom time. Students were able to guide parents in using specific apps. Some of the students want to come back to assist the Grade 9s on a similar event in their Sky Science unit.
Surprise: I was surprised and pleased how the use of this technology levelled the playing field for students between those who have their own iPods and those who do not, between those who have a stronger grasp of science concepts and those who need more assistance.
Future Use: - extend use of this kind of technology to the Religion classroom using a graphic story bible for example in religion class. I would share the multitude of religious and Catholic apps available. - continue and incorporate the use of iPods/ iPads in specific units of the Grade 6 Science program.
Finally: … technology is a very helpful tool for students but should be used for specific purposes in class. It is an instrument that supports the learning process in a remarkable way that makes learning fun and engaging. The students and I unanimously agree that a class kit should be available for every grade team. It is excellent way to support learning in specific units within the curriculum.