So You Think You Can Dance? Physical Science Science Fair 2011 Shauna Rocha Mary Kate Martin
Statement of the Problem Does the position of arms affect the way a person will do a dance turn?
Project Overview This project was to discover the most effective arm position when doing a jazz turn. A jazz turn is shown in the video below.
Research Book- Dance Imagery for Technique and Performance. This book helped with the way to do a proper jazz turn. Magazine- “Dance Star Magazine” This magazine helped with the preparation of a jazz turn Interview- Mrs. Gia Waxman. This interview helped us understand the basic information of turning. Website- tutorial.htm> tutorial.htm This was one of the many websites that helped us understand pirouettes and other dance related topics.
Variables Independent variable: The position of arms. Dependent variable: The number of complete turns. Constants Variables: One ponytail in the back of the head. Same footwear on foot (left sock) Preparation of the jazz turn (fourth position) Plié. Turn to right. Knee in front of body. Repetition of the experiment in each position. Control group: Arms in the center position is the control group. This is because it is the normal position used for turning and it gives more momentum than the other positions.
Hypothesis The positions of arms at the center of the body will be more effective than the other position because it will have the greatest number of turns in the outcome.
Materials (1) Sock (5) Data Tables (One for Each Test Subject ) (1) Pen (5) Test Subjects (1) Recorder (1) Photographer (1) Camera
Procedure Step 1: Gather all materials. Step 2: Begin each test in fourth position. (Fourth position is where there is one foot in front and one in the back, about a shoulder-width apart. The back leg will come up to knee height. More weight should be on the front foot because it is necessary to push off with back leg. Also, to measure each turn, the subject will begin facing forward. Each time the subject faces front after one turn, it is one complete turn.) Step 3: Turn as many turns as possible with arms center on one foot.
Procedure (Continued) Step 4: Record in notebook. Step 5: Repeat with the arms center two more times. Step 6: Record in notebook. Step 7: Repeat steps 2-6 with the arms in fourth position, fifth position, and with hands on the hips. Step 8: Create a data table. Step 9: Analyze and graph the results. Compare the results.
Different Positions Center Fourth Fifth Hands on Hips
Photos of Project
Data Tables (1)Trial 1 Trail 2 Trail 3 Total Center2237 Fifth3227 Fourth2226 Hips2327 (2)Trial 1 Trail 2 Trail 3 Total Center3328 Fifth2226 Fourth2226 Hips2327 (5)Trial 1 Trail 2 Trail 3 Total Center1113 Fifth1124 Fourth1113 Hips1113 (4)Trial 1 Trail 2 Trail 3 Total Center1113 Fifth1113 Fourth1113 Hips1113 (3)Trial 1 Trail 2 Trail 3 Total Center2215 Fifth1113 Fourth1113 Hips1113
Qualitative Data The center position had arms in front of body forming a circle. The Fifth position had arms above head, forming a circle above the body. The Forth position had one arm above head and one arm in front of body, combining fifth and center. The hip position had one hand on each hip. Quantitative Data Turning with arms in Center position had a total of 26 complete turns. Turning with arms in Fifth position had a total of 23 complete turns. Turning with arms in Fourth position had a total of 21 complete turns. Turning with arms on hips had a total of 23 compete turns.
Conclusion It was discovered that a person can do the most amount of turns when the arms are in a center position. This proves the hypothesis of “The position of arms at the center of the body will be more effective than the other positions because it will have the greatest number of turns in the outcome” because the total amount of turns in the center position was 26. This number was the greatest result.
Possible Experimental Errors One possible error was the difference in height, age, and experience. This height and age may have had an effect on the experiment because of the differences in the test subjects. All test subjects should be about the same height, age., weight. Also, two of our subjects had prior dance experience. This may have affected the results because they have had more ability in turning. We tried to avoid these errors, but three of our test subjects had prior engagements for the day we had scheduled the experiment.
Applications and Recommendations Applications Dancers use this in everyday life. They need to know the most effective way to turn so they can do the most amount of rotations in their ability. Recommendations For a future experiment, it would be recommended to use test subjects with the same height, weight, age, and experience. Using similar test subject would ensure proper results.
Works Cited "Dance.", LLC. Web. 14 Dec This helped with the understanding of what dance is. "Dance Lesson: Spins & Turns." Welcome to! Web. 14 Dec This gave the understanding of basic turns and other topics on ballet. Franklin, Eric N. "Phases of a Turn/ Pirouette." Dance Imagery for Technique and Performance. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, Print. This book show the step-by-step of doing a turn. Lewis, Kristin. "The Truth About Turnout." Dance Spirit Magazine. Macfadden Performing Arts Media LLC, 1 Oct Web. 14 Dec This magazine helped with the understanding of a turnout and what it does. "Pirouettes - How to Do a Pirouette." Kids Website - Dance, Gymnastics, Games, Cheerleading and Holiday Fun. Web. 15 Dec This website showed a video of a ballerina doing a proper turn. Waxman, Gia. "Does the Position of Arms Affect the Way a Person Will Turn?" Personal interview. 13 Dec This interview gave the basics of dance, including techniques and turning.